To prevent this Palestinian State
that Europeans seem determined to push down our throats, many people
are discussing a "Palestinian Spring" revolution. They simply do not
know what else to do to protect ourselves from these "Goodists" of
Do they honestly think we will have better lives in a "Palestinian State"?
What we talk about is how the Europeans and their
diplomats are paying our leaders to kill the Jews for them -- with their
money but with our lives -- so that they can finish the job without
getting their hands dirty and still keep on feeling good about
ISIS operatives are already in Egypt, ready to take over
the Sinai Peninsula, and with their eyes set on Libya. Is this what the
Europeans really want?
Listening, in both English and Arabic, to the latest speeches of
Palestinian Authority [PA] President Mahmoud Abbas and his fellow Fatah
Central Committee members, we get the uncomfortable feeling that the
Palestinian State, now being promoted in Europe, will not only be a
threat to the stability of the entire region, but to us who have to keep
living here, as well to those countries in Europe who promote it.
As Palestinians discuss among themselves -- far from the diplomats in
their five-star hotels -- rather than accept this "gift" that Europe
seems determined to push down our throats, many people increasingly see
no choice but to launch a "Palestinian Spring" revolution. It would not
be, as you might think, to rid them of Israel but finally to rid us of
our wretched leadership and corrupt system of government -- and to stop
the European counties that are imposing this brutal system on us by
financing it.
We have been fortunate enough to see from Israel how a democracy
works. So although a Palestinian Spring revolution might cause chaos in
the region and elsewhere for a while, its chances of success are far
more assured than in the other places in the Middle East, where it has
been tried but has not always succeeded.
We do not want to do this, of course, but if we are forced by Europe
to have this corrupt dictatorship called Palestine, terrorist groups
such as Hamas, Al-Qaeda, Islamic Jihad, and ISIS will flood the West
Bank in less than week, and our lives will be even worse than what we
have now. We simply do not know what else to do to defend ourselves from
these "Goodists" of Europe.
The Palestinian leadership, which represses people rather than
confers with them, would of course deny all this to the European
diplomats. The Palestinian leaders just want to keep the funds coming
and keep their jobs. And of course, the European diplomats do not talk
to us, the man on the street, the frustrated rest of us. They only talk
to each other, their "counterparts," as they call them, in their
air-conditioned meeting rooms and hotels.
What we talk about is how the Europeans and their
diplomats are paying our leaders to kill the Jews for them -- with their
money but with our lives -- so that they can finish the job without
getting their hands dirty and still keep on feeling good about
And they evidently think that we cannot see through this plan. And to
thank us they will to trap us under another corrupt Arab dictatorship?
It is not the fault of the Israelis. In a weird way, the Israelis are
just the other victims whom the Europeans -- in collusion with our
leaders -- are manipulating us to hate. The Europeans pay our leaders to
shape how we think. It is a brainwashing that never lets up.
The Europeans put their own people on trial for "hate speech" when
they have said nothing but the truth; and yet they pour millions into
non-stop propaganda and bloodthirsty hate-speech on our
government-controlled TV -- the only kind we have here. They fund any
baseless sewage our leaders can think up.
The usual claim is "occupation," but the Israelis are only
"occupying" the West Bank because we -- in the form of Jordan --
occupied land promised to them, and then repeatedly attacked them.
A more recent claim is "settlements," but the Palestine Liberation
Organization [PLO] was formed in 1964, before there were any
"settlements," so what exactly was it planning to "liberate"? If you
look at any Palestinian map to this day, it encompasses the entire
country of Israel. To the Palestinian Authority and many Arabs and
Muslims, all of Israel is one big "settlement." Last week, Fatah Central
Committee member
Tawfiq Tirawi said,
"Haifa, Jaffa, Acre and Nazareth are Palestinian, despite the Americans
and the Israelis." Next week it will be some other pretext.
What is becoming more and more clear is that just about everything
going wrong here can be laid at the feet of Europe, at the feet of the
leaders there who fund and cheer on the corruption and lawlessness which
they would not tolerate in their own countries for a minute, but which
they expect us to.
Palestine is here, exactly where it always was. It has been lived in
for 4000 years, by Arabs, Christians, Jews and anyone else who showed
up. The Roman Emperor Augustus called it Iudaea. Later, in 135 CE, the
Romans renamed it Syria Palaestina in an attempt to sever all connection
to it by the Jews.
It was part of the Ottoman Empire until its dissolution in 1918, then
called Palestine again under the British Mandate. After Israel's war of
Independence in 1948, it was and still is called Israel.
There never has been a Palestinian state. Ever. The West Bank was
Jordanian, the Golan Heights were Syrian and the Gaza Strip was
The truth is that PA President Mahmoud Abbas has been trying to turn
the State of Israel into the State of Palestine. He has been trying to
create confusion in Europe and at the UN -- evidently, unfortunately,
with some success. He has been falsely accusing Israel of committing
"genocide" in the Gaza Strip. Regardless of the fabricated numbers
issued by Hamas, more than half of the 2,000 Gazans killed over the
summer were Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad terrorist operatives,
not "innocent civilians." It was Hamas that ordered its own people onto
the roofs of apartment buildings in Gaza while Gazans were firing
rockets, mortars and missiles into Israel. It was Hamas that used its
own people as human shields to prevent Israel from being able to defend
itself, or, when it did, so there would be more Palestinian "dead
babies" to show to the
intimidated television crews, to make Israelis look villainous.
It is Hamas that expresses in both its charter and daily statements
the intention of committing genocide on the Jews -- not the Israelis,
the Jews.
Article 7 of the
Hamas charter
openly calls for the genocide of the Jews, an act "legitimized" by
Islam, as part of the religious legacy of Muhammad's oral tradition (the
Abbas has also been calling for a "peaceful popular resistance"
against the Israelis, by "using all available means" within
"international law" -- courtesy of Europe. "The Palestinian resistance,"
evokes brave Frenchmen daring to attack Nazis, not Palestinian
terrorists driving cars into people, emerging from tunnels to kill and
kidnap kindergarteners, or slaughtering old men while they are praying.
The truth is that Mahmoud Abbas' appeals to world leaders are to help
him circumvent the Israeli government, peace negotiations and legally
binding peace agreements, all in order to achieve a Palestinian state
unilaterally -- without having to recognize Israel as the homeland of
the Jewish people and without reaching a final status agreement with it.
If I were Israeli, I would understand that when Mahmoud Abbas says he
wants a safe passage between the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, as well
as full control of air and sea lanes, he means he wants to receive arms
from Iran without interference.
So, are we actually accusing the Jews of "genocide" while it is we
who are striving kill all of them and drive them "into the sea"? Are the
Europeans actually buying this nonsense? We all ask ourselves: If
Europeans like to feel so righteous about themselves, then why are they
acting as the accomplices and accessories to criminals? Does that not
make them criminals, too?
It is Abbas, who, instead of distancing himself from Hamas's
ISIS-like dreams of establishing an Islamic Emirate on the ruins of
Israel, has yoked himself to the same Islamist terrorist ideology. He
and his close associates are not only trying to sidestep negotiations to
which both sides committed themselves in the 1995 Oslo II Accords, but
they daily keep
whipping up violence.
He also clearly seems to be to be hoping that European countries and
the United Nations will recognize Palestine as a state even before it
promises to end the daily violence, which now will be funded even more
lavishly, thanks to the new Palestinian rapprochement with the major
funders of terror,
Qatar and

President Mahmoud Abbas (r) meets with the Hamas political bureau chief
Khaled Mashaal in Qatar, July 20, 2014. (Image source: Handout from the
Palestinian Authority President's Office/Thaer Ghanem)
It is clear that Abbas, despite constant tensions, instead of siding
with Muslims who genuinely believe in peace, and who condemn terrorist
organizations such as Hamas and ISIS, actually sides with Hamas. Hamas
is his partner in the "Unity Government" between the Palestinian
Authority and Hamas. Both Palestinian governments commit war crimes and
distort the true meaning of Islam.
Furthermore, the Palestinian Authority, Fatah and Hamas continue to
promote violence. The government-controlled PA TV calls for
attacking Israelis, and daily honors terrorists and calls for
funds to be given to their families.
Much of these funds are supplied by the European Union, with
no transparency
or accountability despite years of efforts to have the amounts of this
funding made public, as is required by law in the EU's own mandate.
Therefore, we have no choice but sadly to conclude that the EU is just
as cynical and corrupt as the sclerotic dictatorship to which it is
trying to consign us.
Mahmoud Abbas and his associates in the Fatah Central Committee have
been continually escalating their anti-Israeli rhetoric -- the result of
his surrender to the might of Hamas in the Gaza Strip and the West
Bank. Instead of trying to beat Hamas, which is clearly beyond his
capabilities, he has joined Hamas -- the coward's way out ever since
Hamas threw him out of the Gaza Strip in disgrace in 2007, when he
barely escaped with his life.
Hamas has continued to
try to kill Abbas,
as he found out to his shock last summer. But apparently, Abbas keeps
on hoping. As the proverb says: a Muslim doesn't let himself get bitten
by the same snake twice.
Hamas follows the Muslim Brotherhood's murderous ideology, which
seeks only to impose itself on the entire world, in direct contravention
of the Qur'an, which states that people are not to be converted to
Islam by compulsion (Qur'an 2:256). Even Jordan's King Abdullah II, in
the United Nation on September 24, 2014, said that there was a civil war
in the Islamic world between the terrorist extremists and genuine
If European leaders really cared about us, instead of sending money
to us to help rid them of the Jews, they would help us find a better
leadership -- a leadership that would care about the daily lives and
well-being of its people instead of just taking more and more free money
from Europe. It is now a big business for the Palestinian leaders, and
comes with no conditions; why should they stop? Even now, after the
crushing defeat of Hamas, no one in Europe has even suggested that Hamas
should be disarmed and the Gaza Strip demilitarized as a condition
before funding its rebuilding.
Do European leaders honestly think we will have better lives in a
"Palestinian State"? At least now we do not have Hamas occupying more
land and exchanging the abuses we suffer now for religious fanatics'
abuses that would be even worse.
If we are going to be honest with ourselves, as we here can see here
every day on the ground, Israel has never called for the destruction of
the Palestinians; and research strongly suggests that they have never
tried to "destroy the Palestinians" or any other ethnic group -- not
Christians, Muslims, Kurds, Yazidis or Copts.
Israel has never said or done anything that indicated any plan to
destroy the Palestinian people. On the contrary, Israel, while
protecting itself, has done its utmost not to harm Palestinian
civilians, even though it could inflict untold damage if it wished. We
laugh about how fortunate we are to have Israel as our "enemy;" that
everyone should have an enemy like that. Can you imagine what a massacre
of the Jews -- and Christians and others -- would be like if Iran or
ISIS had the weapons Israel has?
On the contrary, it is we, the Palestinians, who for decades have
been calling for the destruction of the "Zionist entity" and for driving
the Jews into the sea. Some of us still act to achieve that aim.
The current leadership here, of course, has, as usual, been seeking
to turn these feelings of rising anger and frustration against Israel.
But increasingly the people here see through that and keep talking about
the literally hundreds of millions of euros a year the Europeans are
giving to the leadership and politicized so-called "human rights
charities" to keep it that way.
Here, people are now saying that the real problem is not Israel and,
certainly -- laughably -- not the lack of a peace accord, as much as the
Americans, like Neville Chamberlain 1938, might like to have one to
wave at gullible viewers.
Israel is tough, yes, but has largely been fair -- more than one can
say for other countries in the region. Israel, so long as it is not
provoked, has been a remarkably decent neighbor. Not everything is
perfect by far -- there are problems and have been unspeakably savage
revenge attacks by a few Israelis here and there. But those have always
been exceptions, and have always been severely condemned and punished by
the Israelis, not celebrated and glorified, as with the Palestinian
It is to this Palestinian leadership whom these European leaders
would like to abandon us: a government that not one of them would want
to live under for a day.
ISIS operatives are already in the Sinai Peninsula, planning how to take over Egypt, and with their eyes set on Libya.
Is this really what the Europeans want?
Bassam Tawil is a scholar based in the Middle East.
[1] H.H. Ben-Sasson,
A History of the Jewish People,
Harvard University Press, 1976, page 246. "When Archelaus was deposed
from the ethnarchy in 6 CE, Judea proper, Samaria and Idumea were
converted into a Roman province under the name Iudaea."
[2] Terror Tunnels: The Case for Hamas's Just War against Hamas by Alan M. Dershowitz. Rosetta Books, 2014.
Abu Huraira reported Allah's Messenger (saas) as saying " The last hour
would not come unless the Muslims fight the Jews. The Jews. The Jews
would hide themselves behind a stone or a tree and a stone or a tree
would say, 'Muslim, or the servant of Allah, there is a Jew behind me;
come and kill him.'" AbdallaSahih Muslim, Kitab al-Fitan wa Ashrat
as-Sa'ah, Book 41, 6985.