National Socialism : The Fascist Left
"I would go to conferences on Nazi medicine and find the scholars always talking about the Big Four -- sterilization, the Nuremberg laws, the euthanasia program and the Final Solution."
"But the irony is that in this murderous regime, you also find the world’s most progressive anti-cancer policy. This has been totally ignored."
Robert N. Proctor, Professor, History of Science, Stanford University
"[The violent, left-wing antiwar demonstration in the 1960s he witnessed reminded him] of the storm troopers that marched through my childhood."
"[Student protesters adopted from fascists] their anti-intellectualism, their anger, their street theatre, their glorification of youth, or their mysticism."
"[There was as well their] mob psychology [and] the militant antireason impervious to argument."
Peter Berger, conservative sociologist, Austrian-born survivor of fascism
"At the CPAC conference, there was a dust-up concerning certain persons claiming to be the 'alt-right'. One of the organizers of the conference said the people claiming to be the alt-right were not conservatives, but were 'left-wing fascists'. He also said they had appropriated the term alt-right. The term 'alt-right' emerged to represent a form of journalism in some ways evocative of the late Hunter S. Thompson, with right-of-center views and relying on non-traditional platforms. But, the term has come to mean extreme right-wing. My focus is on the term 'left-wing fascism'."
"In real time, Benito Mussolini and his movement – fascism or national socialism – was of the left. Mussolini was a great admirer of Karl Marx and Marx’s principle of revolutionary socialism. By 'revolutionary socialism', I mean to distinguish Marxist socialism from the democratic socialists and labor unions that were emerging in Europe."
"Mussolini, like Marx and Lenin, saw the party as the vanguard of the working class, a force from without the system that would usher in change. Mussolini was in fact a member of the socialist party of Italy, although he broke with the party on the issue of neutrality during World War I. It was later that Mussolini thought to combine socialism with nationalism, and form a new party. He called the combination 'fascism'. A fasces is a bundle of rods, each individually weak while the bundle is strong. Mussolini’s counterpart in Germany called the combination 'national socialism'. In Germany, where they like long words, this became 'Nationalsozialistische'. In America, where we like short words, this became 'Nazi'."
Clifford F. Thies, Professor of Economics and Finance, Shenandoah University
Neo Nazis, Alt-Right, and White Supremacists encircle counter protesters at the base of a statue of Thomas Jefferson after marching through the University of Virginia campus with torches in Charlottesville, Va., USA on August 11, 2017. (Photo by Zach D Roberts/NurPhoto via Getty Images) |
"Ideologically, the distinction between the 'Sozis' [Socialists] and Commies on the one hand and Nazis on the other, was probably only the internationalism of the Marxists and the nationalism of the Nazis."Leftist 'progressives' have a good deal in common with Adolf Hitler; for he too was interested in all manner of socially progressive issues from healthful eating, to avoidance of drugs and alcohol and tobacco. He wanted the perfect society where people would be responsible for themselves and to society, where people would be law-abiding, and where science would solve all of the world's ills. That he was also a raving psychopath and felt obligated to rid the world of the presence of imperfect physical and mental human specimens, gypsies, gays, critics and Jews was a more infamous facet.
"In every other respect they agreed on the evils of capitalism. [The connecting of Jews with capitalism fuelled the anti-Semitism of the Nazis]."
H. Pierre Secher, biographer, Bruno Kreisky Austrian socialist
Nazis, fascists worked hard at delegitimizing those whom they considered their enemies. And their enemies were any who failed to appreciate how vital it was to the future of the world to support their fascist agenda of extreme nationalism, of conquest, of transforming the world in their image. Any who disagreed with them would be victimized by a slickly organized slander machine which derided and accused, deprived them of dignity and rights, reducing them to vulnerable elements within the larger society which became complicit in isolating them socially, then destroying them physically.
This is a tactic used almost exclusively now by the 'progressive' left whose agenda is to selectively support and defend those whom they identify as victims, while they victimize themselves any who view their programs of sanctimonious righteousness as hypocrisy. The left has made a defensive religion of climate and environment, of haven seekers, of defense of Islamists as being misunderstood and any who view them with suspicion as "Islamophobes", labelling and censoring their critics. They share, in fact, some of the rationale involved in Communism.
Universities and trade unions are now suffused with a leadership that glorifies the radical left, allowing them to fracture social cohesion and interrupt the normal flow of conversation between people with differing opinions. It is what totalitarian governments do; the only agenda feasible is their own. The anti-fascist (Antifa) movement on university campuses represents extremism in lock-step with that of white supremacists, as they adopt the same confrontational, libelous and violent mechanisms for control of public opinion.

The Antifa movement whose name is derived from 'anti-fascist' doesn't hesitate to use the very same public disruption tactics as those they say they're struggling against. They are the 'hard left' expressing an ideology that claims to support populations that are oppressed and any population where the infamous one percent representing great wealth and opportunities leaving a huge gap between the wealthy and the poor is by their definition of capitalism, oppressed; the wealth of corporations and elites impoverishing ordinary working people.
According to Antifa activists they are motivated by peace and inclusivity; government and capitalism fail both. The U.S. government's tightening of immigration is viewed as racism and rejected by Antifa. This is basically a millennial movement, a movement embraced by those who live on the fringes of society, including undocumented immigrants, transgendered, low-wage workers and individualists, a movement that has huge appeal on university campuses. Antifa leaders waste no breath in denying their willingness to use violence in response to violence or racism; their goal is to eradicate hatred while practising it themselves.
Those who balk at accepting greater numbers of immigrants overwhelming society and culture, who refuse to continue to look the other way at the presence of millions of illegal migrants present in an underground economy, who decry the anti-fossil-fuel movement, manipulate situations by demonizing the nay-sayers; in the case of the environment, all those who fail to commit to eradicating carbon emissions, the very source of life itself, become 'climate change deniers', just as those criticizing Islamist jihadis become 'Islamophobes'.
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Labels: Antifa, Fascism, Ideology, Manipulation, Socialism