
This is a blog dedicated to a personal interpretation of political news of the day. I attempt to be as knowledgeable as possible before commenting and committing my thoughts to a day's communication.

Sunday, July 28, 2024

Malicious Advice by Antisemitism-Embracing Progressives

"[Israel must] ensure accountability for ongoing acts of violence against Palestinians by extremist settlers, reverse the record expansion of settlements in the West Bank which are illegal under international law, and work towards a two-state solution." 
"Israel must listen to the concerns of the international community."
"The protection of civilians is paramount and a requirement under international humanitarian law. Palestinian civilians cannot be made to pay the price of defeating Hamas. It must end."
"We call on parties to the conflict to agree to the [proposed Biden] deal. Any delay will only see more lives lost."
Joint statement from Canada, Australia, New Zealand

"The Jewish people are not conquerors in their own land -- not in our eternal capital Jerusalem and not in the land of our ancestors in Judea and Samaria."
"No false decision in The Hague will distort this historical truth and likewise the legality of Israeli settlement in all the territories of our homeland cannot be contested."
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
Protesters holding a banner "From the river to the sea" at European March organized by a coalition of organizations including the ABP to demand an immediate ceasefire in Gaza, Brussels, Belgium, May 19, 2024. (Photo: Sophie HUGON / Hans Lucas)

The more often and more horrendously Israel is attacked by those whom the international community view as entitled, despite their inhumane, sadistic and savage atrocities, to 'share' geographic space with the very state those attacks target the more isolated Israel becomes. Needless to say, those in the forefront of encouraging Israel to restrain its response to barbaric onslaughts on its civilian population, have never themselves been forced by circumstances beyond their control to confront the reality of a savage neighbour for whom slaughter of innocents is viewed as a right by 'oppressed' people.
Oppressed simply as a result of the neighbour endlessly targeted for bloodshed, forced by those circumstances to maintain a military vigil to apprehend terrorist attacks in a never-ending effort to protect its population. A neighbour whose leaders have never missed an opportunity to spurn opportunities to have a state of their own which would call upon them to recognize the legitimacy of the Jewish state and an obligation to put a halt to assaulting it in efforts to pry the state loose from its geography.
For four thousand years evidence links Judaean life with the ancestral lands that have become a controversial international concern. The plan for Partition allotted both Jews and Arabs their own particular portions on what was traditionally Jewish geographic territory. Jewish leaders were willing to surrender their quest for the greater proportion of the land that represented their heritage, while the Arabs who took on the mantle of 'Palestinians' (nomenclature dating from the Roman Era to identify land dedicated to ancestral Jewish land) spurned the opportunity to accept their portion.
They have spurned it ever since. The West speaks of the solution inherent in the 'two-state' condition of Partition, as a fair division of land enabling two states to live side-by-side. Palestinians speaking to the West agree, while conspiring among themselves, adhere to a 'one-state' solution; envisioning Israel absent the land that would revert in its totality to their sponsorship as 'Palestine' engulfing both areas, with a Jewish state no longer a reality.
Yet the prime minister of Canada and his Australian and New Zealand counterparts feel justified in pressing Israel to agree to a 'compromise' reflecting their idea of a solution. In reality what they impress upon Israel is their agenda that the Jewish State set aside the horrors of October 7 in favour of supporting an official, internationally approved Palestinian State to be established as a neighbour, one which will inevitably return to its 'resistance' mode against the presence of Israel to fulfill its larger scheme of the one-state solution.
The International Court of Justice non-binding opinion representing condemnation of Israel's supervision of lands captured 57 years ago, handily neglects to consider that this was accomplished in defending the state from a series of  neighbourly military attacks to unseat it from the region, and all failed. In no other part of the world, by no other country, would it be seen as 'illegal' internationally when a country in defending itself from military aggression takes possession of disputed land; borders historically have seen alterations and have never been internationally challenged.

All three Western countries are adamant in their renewed calls for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza. So in that event, Hamas can reconstitute itself, rearm, recruit, and repeat -- as it promised was its intention -- the Satanic acts of unrestrained inhumanity that it demonstrated on October 7, 2023 it was so capable of, and revelling in, an extent of bloodletting that was never sufficiently repugnant to satiate the terrorists' appetite for torture, mutilation, excruciating pain and ghoulish acts of sexual depravity before murdering their victims.

These three lily-livered leaders of once-credible countries outperform themselves in the depths of their concern for humanity expressed toward a nation whose dedication to human rights far exceeds their own, whose system of justice is more than fully capable of punishing miscreants of its own in the event of their civilly-unapproved actions, and whose military has done more to protect civilian lives than any other nation's military in history. 
"Israel will continue to defend itself against hostile attacks on seven fronts, all directed by Iran through its proxies in the region."
"We call upon Canada, as a nation that values international law and institutions that uphold it, to do all it can to prevent those who try to disrupt global order from achieving their goals."
Israeli Ambassador to Canada, Iddo Moed

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Saturday, July 27, 2024

Canada's Venerated Waffen SS Heroes

"The purpose of this monument is solely to remember our homeland and those that died in battles to defend Estonia's freedom from 1941 to 1945."
"Some concerns were recently expressed within our own community about displaying names, so all names of individuals were removed with no objections."
"It [monument] was designed, erected and paid for by Estonian War Veterans in the early 1970s, during a period of time when Estonia was still under occupation by the Soviet Union and with no access to any historical records."
Lia Hess, head, board of directors, Estonian Summer Camp Society Inc.
An Estonian Waffen SS veteran, Harald Nugiseks, whose name was engraved on the Swords Monument at Seedrioru, a camp for Estonia-Canadian children and teens in Elora, Ontario, not far from Toronto celebrates "Estonian heroic freedom fighters". Mr. Nugiseks was one of those heroic fighters. He died in 2014, buried with full military honours in Estonia. He had volunteered for the Waffen SS, he said in a 1993 interview, to support Nazi Germany in Europe and he rejected as errant nonsense claims that Estonians or SS soldiers rounded up and executed Jews.

"What happened to most Jews was brought on by their actions", he remarked; those who died were enemies of Estonia. While not himself holding personal animosity toward Jews, they were known to be involved in supporting the Soviets. "I only saw the Germans being very kind to those they were removing, not like what is shown on TV today", he explained. Alfons Rebane, another name on the Swords Monument was a commander of a unit in the Estonian Home Guard that took part in the roundup of 200 Roma and 950 Jews
The name of Estonian Waffen SS veteran Harald Nugiseks had been engraved on a monument at a children’s camp in Elora, Ont., but it and three other names were recently removed. Photo by Government of Germany /Handout
The memorial at Seedrioru was engraved with the names of four men who had served with the Waffen SS, collaborating with the genocidal regime of Adolf Hitler. Young campers and camp staff laid wreaths at the monument. Now, Friends of Simon Wiesenthal, a Holocaust education organization, are denouncing the monument and its use in 'educating' young Estonian-Canadian children in the glories of WWII Estonian heroism.

Jaime Kirzner-Roberts of the Friends of Simon Wiesenthal pointed out that those four men whose names appeared on the monument as heroes held roles during the Holocaust in the murder of Jews. They had also served in an Estonian Waffen SS division and Nazi German's highest military award was awarded to them for exemplary service.
"We are very disturbed to learn that, for decades, children attending this summer camp have been commemorating a monument for Nazi collaborators and war criminals."
"It is sickening to think that right here in our province [Ontario], children have been indoctrinated into worshiping Nazi leaders involved in committing such heinous atrocities."
Jaime Kirzner-Roberts, Friends of Simon Wiesenthal
Holocaust scholars validate that the Estonian SS divisions soldiers had been involved in executing up to 2,000 prisoners at the Klooga concentration camp, located in Estonia. A Canadian Heritage official in 2021 wrote: "Estonia has received significant international criticism for allowing ex-SS veterans to march in parades. More recently, it was criticized for erecting a plaque that commemorates Alfons Rebane, an SS officer and Nazi collaborator who fought the Soviets."

Research by her organization, noted Kirzner-Roberts, indicated that 15 Waffen SS members were involved in the creation and operation of the Seedrioru summer camp. "We have no knowledge of this alleged research or the alleged identities of 15 individuals", denied Lia Hess. 


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Friday, July 26, 2024

Canada -- Take Note -- Others Have

"On May 27, 2024, the Government of Canada announced its intent to increase the number of Gazans who will be allowed into their country under temporary special measures."
"We are deeply concerned and request heightened scrutiny by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security should any of them attempt to enter the United States at ports of entry as well as between ports of entry."
"After arriving in Canada and being issued this travel document, Palestinians can then travel outside Canada since the Refugee Travel Document becomes a valid form of identification, which is recognized in 146 countries for the purposes of filling out paperwork and applying for visas."
"However, with little to no reliable records or background checks of these individuals from the Palestinian territories, these policies unlock opportunities for individuals with ties to terrorist groups to enter Canada, receive new forms of identification, and then try to enter the U.S. along the porous north border."
Letter to U.S. Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas
Palestinians wait at the Rafah border crossing in Egypt after being evacuated from the Gaza Strip. (AFP)

U.S. Senator Marco Rubio has focused on the alarm felt by authorities in full awareness of the prospective threats emanating from potential entrance to Canada of terrorist entities from the Gaza Strip, in the wake of the Liberal government of Canada's recent steps to welcome to Canada on special visas. Palestinians wishing to escape the Gaza conflict can be sponsored by family members already in Canada.  At a time when the overwhelming presence of Islamists in Canada have created chaos and civil unrest in the wake of the October 7 terrorist slaughter of Israelis by Hamas operatives what Canada does not need is more fuel for its current growing Muslim societal dysfunction.
In response to the alarm expressed by Senator Rubio, along with other Republican Senators -- Tom Cotton, Ted Cruz, Mike Braun, Joni Ernst and Josh Hawley -- a representative of Immigration, Refugee and Citizenship Canada -- Matthew Krupovich -- stated: "Only applicants who pass full biometric, security and admissibility screening will be allowed to travel onward to Canada." The Canadian government developed what they claim is a "multi-stage security screening" for Gaza Palestinians who apply to a temporary visa program. This government's record on identifying Islamist threats to Canada is anything but reassuring.

In the event that this screening blocks the entry of identifiable terrorists from entering Canada and by implication earning a visa that will gain them entry to the United States, the reality of Canadian society currently infused with Islamists with no known relations to terrorist groups has seen Canadian streets crawling with mobs wearing keffiyahs, shouting 'final solution', 'intifada', and 'from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free'; the inherent message of Israel's destruction. Adding to the mob does nothing to restore civil relations and curtail a growing incident of viral antisemitism in Canada.

The risk to the United States adding to its already-prevalent Islamist terrorism-supporting contingent in its own population is real and it is high, that individuals with links to terrorist groups will find ready access to the United States, once they've been welcomed into Canada. And this, precisely, is what the U.S. Senators so strenuously object to. In Canada, a month ago, Immigration Minister Marc Miller made the announcement of a five-fold increase the Liberal government is prepared to welcome into Canada, increasing the number of Gazan refugees to 5,000 from the originally-stated 1,000.

Their numbers will augment those already in the country who find it fit and reasonable to slander Jews and Israel, to threaten and to commit criminal offences against Jewish institutions; synagogues, community centres, parochial schools by firing bullets and incendiary devices at them. The anti-Israel, pro-Hamas demonstrations at municipal offices, universities, shopping centres, and hospitals have roiled society and threatened the security of Canadian Jews who are mystified and alarmed that the federal government is unconcerned and adding to their plight.

Once in Canada, the Palestinian refugees can apply for work and study permits, free of charge. They can also and no doubt will, add to the hate groups now expressing their venom against Jews and Israel, throughout Canada in every venue they plot to target. That they also express threats against elected members of Parliament is an issue that seems not quite troubling to this administration, which continues to court the approval of what they deem a large voting bloc.

Nor do the protesting American Senators ignore the lack of security discipline they regard in their President, Joe Biden, accusing the Biden administration of a border policy that enables criminals and terrorists to pass into the United States through Canada. The focus for the moment by these groups is the expression of anti-Israel extremism in reflection of Israel's response in Gaza, post the terror attacks of October 7. 
But once that issue works through the system, those same threatening groups will return their attention to destabilizing and overwhelming the United States as a constitutional, democratic Republic.

Ossama Zaqqout and his family welcome his parents, the first of 36 extended family members he and his wife are hoping to help resettle in Canada.

"Unfortunately, so far in FY24, U.S. Customs and Border Protection's Office of Field Operations has encountered more than 233 suspected terrorists at our northern border, with many more likely going undetected."
"This is already higher than totals in previous years."
U.S. Senator Marco Rubio

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Thursday, July 25, 2024

Benjamin Netanyahu Goes to Washington -- Again

"America and Israel must stand together. When we stand together something really simple happens: We win, they lose."
"These protesters that stand with [the terrorist Hamas group] they should be ashamed of themselves.""
"I have a message for these protesters: When the tyrants of Tehran, who hang gays from cranes and murder women for not covering their hair are praising, promoting and funding you, you have officially become Iran’s useful idiots."
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addresses a joint meeting of Congress in the House chamber.   Win McNamee/Getty Images/

Standing before Congress on Wednesday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyah defended his nation's Gaza war as a necessary act to eradicate an evil enemy who slaughtered over a thousand people on October 7, when thousands of Hamas operatives, terrorist allies and ordinary Palestinian citizens  flooded into Israel in a well-rehearsed, organized day of terror, of mass rapes, mutilation, sadistic torture, slaughter of infants, children, the elderly, and hostage taking of Israelis into Gaza to be  used as prisoner-exchange pawns.

Protesters converged on Washington for the express purpose of excoriating the Israeli Prime Minister and of claiming Israel to be intent on genocide in Gaza, while championing the nobility of Hamas's strike for liberty against an Israeli juggernaut intent on strangling Palestinian statehood ambitions. Mr. Netanyahu is very well aware of Palestinian aspirations gearing toward the destruction of Israel and its ancestral landmass forming the base of the longed-for Palestinian state, expressed in the protests clamouring for 'intifada' and 'final solution'.

Israel, he assured the lawmakers, both Republicana nd Democratic who applauded his presence, must continue n Gaza until such time as "total victory" has been achieved. He spoke with derision of the large number of protesers against the war that Palestinians brought on themselves; the roiling protests on college campuses throughout the United States along with those taking place on the streets including outside the Capitol where he spoke.

Initiating his remarks with acknowledgement of President Joe Biden, he praised the president's efforts. More lavish praise was reserved for former president -- currently the Republican presidential contender -- Donald Trump "for all he's done for Israel". Outside the capital, tall steel barriers were in place, with police making use of pepper spray against the thousands of anti-Israel protesters who rallied nearby.

House Speaker Mike Johnson received Mr. Netanyahu warmly, along with the other Republican lawmakers who had arranged for his speech in the House chamber. A bipartisan standing ovation recognized Mr. Netanyahu's importance as a major ally in the Middle East for the United States. This appearance represented the fourth address by Mr. Netanyahu before a joint meeting of Congress by a foreign leader.

On the downside, and surprisingly undiplomatic, over fifty Democrats made the choice to boycott Mr. Netanyahu's speech. Vice-President Kamala Harris was among those who chose to be elsewhere rather than courteously receive the Israeli prime minister and hear out his speech to Congress. A shameful exercise in discourtesy and a shallow political statement of antagonism, more's the pity.
Pro-Palestinian protesters and police clash at Union Station in Washington DC. Photograph: AFP/Getty

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Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Although Passive in Response, a Majority of Canadians Support Removal of Pro-Hamas Encampments at Canadian Universities

"For many, they had already made their point, and/or they were not going to achieve their objective, however it was understood -- which was also unclear to many Canadians."
"[The protesters' goals and objectives] are being seen as increasingly unclear."
"For many, the underlying issue was a matter of trust, and the 55-plus group trusts the university leaders to a much greater extent than they did the encampment organizers."
"[A] considerable [49 percent of students in the survey said they didn't know or preferred not to answer] potentially suggesting a high degree of stigma associated with taking a position on either side of this."
Jack Jedwab, president, Association for Canadian Studies
According to a new national poll conducted by Leger for the Association for Canadian Studies, most Canadians support police having taken down illegal, disruptive pro-Palestinian encampments at Canadian universities. Some 70 percent of Canadians surveyed were in agreement that officials were correct in having police and private security dismantle an encampment at McGill University and at downtown Victoria Square in Montreal.

On the morning of July 5, police in riot gear began to dismantle the camp at Victoria Square, mere days following the province's public security minister accusing the city in public of being too passive with the presence of the protesters in the public arena. Once Victoria Square was cleared of the encampment, in another five days police and private security firm agents were at McGill using excavators and front-end loaders to disassemble about a hundred tents and tarps at the McGill encampment after over two months of legal battles, counter protests, accusations of antisemitism and concerns over security risks.

Twice, Quebec courts refused to issue an injunction against the encampments. Finally, flyers promoting a "revolutionary summer program", ostensibly to 'educate' those not sufficiently imbued with hatred for Jews and Israel, who needed an additional propaganda boost to venerate the terrorist group Hamas. The flyers featured photographs of keffiyeh-wrapped Palestinian fighters with raised rifles.

Members of the Divest for Palestine Collective had planned and organized the Victoria Square camp, in an effort to apply pressure on Quebec's pension fund manager to sever links with Israeli institutions that the group accused of being complicit in the conflict in Gaza between Hamas and Israel. Spurred by encampments set up at universities in the United States, the McGill University encampment was the first to appear in Canada. Quickly followed by over a dozen other Canadian universities, including University of British Columbia, University of Toronto and University of Alberta.
Demands were noisily issued that universities cut ties with Israel, end all collegial arrangements with Israeli universities and divest from any companies or corporate interests that supply arms to Israel, or which profit from the war with Hamas. Those protesters enjoyed the support of 19 percent of Canadians, according to earlier Leger polling. McGill and Victoria Place, according to Jack Jedwab of the Association for Canadian Studies were seen as valid proxies for public opinion on other encampments.

A majority of Canadians over -- 69 percent -- agreed with their removal. Twice as many students favoured removal of the encampment of those expressing an opinion, while 40 percent agreed that police were right to take down encampments, while 18 percent disagreed. 42 percent of students responded they preferred not to answer, or just did not know. The degree of opposition to the encampments with just 13 percent of Canadians of all ages polled disapproving of their removal suggested protesters increasingly perceived them as disruptive to student life and the broader community.

The encampment at McGill was described by its vice chancellor Deep Saini as a "heavily fortified focal point for intimidation and violence" organized largely by outsiders who used tactics designed to "threaten, coerce and scare people". Support for encampment removal was highest among Canadians aged 55 and older, with 62 percent reporting they "strongly agree" officials were correct for police and private security to take down the McGill tents.

Nearly half (48 percent) of 18- to 34-year-olds strongly or somewhat agreed with the removal of the McGill encampments, even as 24 percent  strongly disagreed. Of that age group, 27 percent said they did not know or preferred not to answer.


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Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Canada's Contribution to Global Terror and Attacks on Israel

"It's dangerous for Israel, and it may also be dangerous for Canada."
"It's a wake-up call for the international communities that something is happening here. Within the international context, it's dangerous."
"The most important and prevalent feeling you'll encounter among any Israeli is that we want to have our hostages back. Everybody is looking for this situation to end. Israel wants peace. Israel wants to live in peace with its neighbours."
Iddo Moed, Israeli ambassador to Canada

"While we are relieved that no innocent lives were lost in this attack, we are deeply shocked that a Canadian citizen would travel to Israel and retraumatize the Netiv Ha'asara community, already devastated by the twenty lives stolen in Hamas' murderous rampage on October 7."
"This incident highlights the potential consequences of pervasive misinformation surrounding Israel's conflict with Hamas -- where Israel is demonized and held solely responsible, and where Hamas has been absolved of responsibility for the impact on Palestinian civilians of the war they started."
"When demonstrations glorify terrorists as martyrs and call for global intifada without condemnation from our political leaders, it sets the stage for tragedies like today's attack in the Israeli town of Netiv Ha'asara."
David Cooper, vice-president of government relations, Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs
How could it be otherwise? A growing population of Muslims in Canada, encouraged by order of the government in preferential immigration and refugee intake, among whom there are invariably Islamists who percolate their version of Israel and Zionists as white colonial settlers with no business being in the Middle East, the cradle of Judaism, arguing that only the destruction of the Jewish state, and just coincidentally Jewish lives will do justice to the aspirations of Arab 'Palestinians' for a state of their own on traditional Judean geography.

Second generation Muslim-Canadians, long steeped in narratives of the evils that Jews bring to the world, in particular the Jewish scheme to exile Palestinians from what they claim is their sole territory, the map of Palestine dating back to the Roman era denoting the homeland of Jews, treated by Rome as an occupied provincial holding in their greater domination of the world during that era of Roman military and social might. Viral resentment at the United Nations' Partition Plan zeroed in on Israel as a threat to Palestinian Arabs whose leadership incited them to 'resist' the 'occupation'.

In Islamic centres, mosques, social gatherings, social media, an amplification of the traditional convention of Jew-blame and hatred has percolated to the top in the wake of the terrorist Hamas invasion of southern Israel on October 7 where mind-bogglingly gruesome sadistic savagery was  unloosed on unsuspecting Israelis and the military outposts on the border with Gaza. Outdoing even their grisly penchant for blood and slaughter, thousands of terrorists filmed themselves indulging in and celebrating a mass slaughter, rape, mutilations, abductions of innocent civilians.

Despite the horrors of inhumanity perpetrated by well-rehearsed operatives of Palestinian terrorist groups, dismayingly, the international community has been fairly receptive to Hamas supporters in their midst as citizens of Europe and North America claiming that their battle for sovereign status from under the repressive heel of a Jewish state engrossed in a mission of Palestinian genocide, championing and supporting terrorists as liberators. In Canada and elsewhere around the globe, Hamas sympathizers have roused the latent antisemitism in communities.

In Canada in particular where the reigning Liberal government of Justin Trudeau feels itself heavily dependent on the goodwill of Muslim voters as a bloc that responds to the Liberal message, the message is that there will be no repercussions for the verbal violence claiming the need for a 'final solution' to the Jewish question, for the liberation of Palestine, for a global intifada. Characterizing the Palestinian 'protests' roiling society as merely free speech in action, deliberately overlooking the calls to destroy Israel and kill Jews, the Trudeau government sees nothing amiss.

Predictably, the same organized Palestinian students who planned and carried out protests and university campus encampments with the aid of foreign funding and non-university Palestinian groups whose format of slander and abuse upset normalcy in the social order, seeing no action taken by any level of government, giving them free rein to do as they would in clearly unlawful and criminal acts of intimidation and violence, would feel free to escalate.

Leading someone like Canadian citizen Zachareah Adam Quraishi to up the ante by travelling to Israel for the express purpose of committing violent extreme acts of antisemitism in Israel. A tourist visa gained this man entry to the country where he undertook to rush guards outside a southern Israel town to knife them, shouting "free Palestine!" at Israeli security guards who met him on his own terms and shot him to death as he was attacking them.

The town was Netiv Ha'asara, a farming community, one of many devastated by the terrorist attack of October 7, where in Netiv Ha'asara, twenty of its residents were murdered. Despite Jewish Canadian groups appealing endlessly to the federal government to put an end to the violent rhetoric and escalating violence against Jews in Canada, there was no response from the federal government, itself content to allow the anti-Israel protests to continue and as they did, create predictable escalation.


"Canada has a history of having foreign fighters -- Canadian citizens go off to distant lands in the Middle East and commit egregious acts of violence."
"We were a country that garnered, and rightfully so, international attention during allied operations to counter ISIS, because of how many Canadians have gone off to join the caliphate."
"You have people calling for the erasure of the only Jewish state standing in front of crowds of thousands calling for the death of Zionists -- which is just a code word for Jews; you have decapitated mannequin heads of Bibi Netanyahu being kicked around like soccer balls in Toronto; you have synagogues being burned; you have Jewish day schools being shot at."
"When the overwhelming majority of this goes on without any repercussions, you allow these ideas to take root and become normalized."
Casey Babb, senior fellow, Macdonald-Laurier Institute

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Monday, July 22, 2024

Profit Bonanza From Smuggled Cigarettes Into Gaza

"The looting has become quite profound [last Tuesday, three-quarters of the goods on board trucks entering from the crossing were stolen]."
"Meaningful decisions now have to be taken about what we will do for civil order in Gaza and who will take care of delivering that."
 Georgios Petropoulos, head, UN Office for Co-ordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), Gaza
"This is largely due to the fact that international organizations have not taken sufficient steps to improve their distribution capacity."
"[The UN – which is the main supplier of aid in Gaza – has insufficient numbers of trucks, and needs] to increase manpower, to extend working hours, to increase storage [and take other] logistical and organizational steps."
COGAT spokesman Shimon Freedman
"[Aid officials have] seen cartons of U.N.-branded assistance with cigarettes inside."
"They [the gangs] go directly into the pallet where the cigarettes are]."
Andrea De Domenico, U.N. Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, Jerusalem

Palestinians loot a truck with humanitarian aid near the Rafah border crossing in the Gaza Strip. (AP Photo/Hatem Ali)

Humanitarian aid convoys scheduled to deliver relief to Palestinians in Gaza are coming under more frequent attacks led by organized crowds of Palestinians looking for cigarette they know that have been smuggled into the humanitarian shipments. Cigarettes in Gaza have become scarce, those that are available on the market sell for between $25 and $30 for each cigarette. Attacks by groups intent on looting the humanitarian aid in pursuit of the cigarettes have posed a real obstacle to delivering aid to southern Gaza.

Everything that goes in and out of Gaza is closely scanned by Israeli authorities in their search for smuggled weapons that will reach Hamas' hands. Despite which, cigarettes slip through with the cargo into southern Gaza through the Kerem Shalom crossing, in Israeli hands. Mostly Egyptian smugglers have taken to to placing cigarettes in sacks of flour donated by the U.N., in diapers and some were even found in a watermelon, aid agencies and an Israeli military official reported.

The economy in Gaza has been turned inside out since control of goods entering the enclave are closely monitored by Israel. Under intense international pressure, Israel has allowed aid agencies to send large amounts of flour, steeply dropping the price of flour on the Gaza marketplace. Most trucks carrying cigarettes seem to emanate from Egypt which had re-routed the trucks arriving from Egyptian territory through Kerem Shalom once Israel captured the Rafah border crossing.

Palestinian  trucking company owner Manhal Shaibar, carrying U.N. aid, attributed smuggling of cigarettes to Bedouin families in both Gaza and the Egyptian Sinai. Although southern Gaza's state of deprivation is intense, contents of over 1,000 aid trucks have been left for weeks at the Gazan side of the Kerem Shalom crossing. Aid agencies hesitate to send trucks to collect and distribute goods, fearing attacks.
Commercial food trucks are seen near a checkpoint near Hebron, amid the ongoing conflict in Gaza between Israel and the Palestinian Islamist group Hamas, in the Israeli-occupied West Bank May 28, 2024. REUTERS/Mussa Qawasma/File Photo
Israel has paved new roads to make it easier to ensure U.N. agencies can collect the goods, but those same aid officials claim Israel could be more helpful by allowing them to expand use of other roads and crossings. Private businesses are willing to pay hundreds or thousands in protection money to guards or to the organized gangs to protect their trucks. The convoys carrying U.N. aid are viewed as an easier target by the criminal gangs. They are linked to Hamas which takes a significant cut of the profits they realize from their plundering

According to both U.N. and Israeli officials, smugglers are closely coordinated with organized groups within the territory where aid trucks have been blocked and operatives with light arms, clubs and improvised roadblocks are imperilling the delivery of humanitarian goods. They've noted that the looters appear to know where exactly where the cigarettes are to be found hidden within the trucks.

A cigarette seller in Gaza City spoke anonymously fearing retribution, explaining that Hamas forces remained in the area, but not as police, just as "mafias". Prices, he said, could be as much as $40 for each cigarette for more popular brands. That, despite being impoverished after months of war, desperate smokers were willing to pay for cigarettes, despite their need for food for their families.
Palestinians climb onto trucks to grab aid that was delivered into Gaza through a U.S.-built pier, amid the ongoing conflict between Israel and the Islamist group Hamas, as seen from the central Gaza Strip.

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Sunday, July 21, 2024

Israel Baiters, Jew Haters -- They Are Legion

"Resisting Israeli occupation and apartheid is a right. Unconditional support for the Palestinian resistance movement until full liberation!" [Oct 8 2023] 
"Palestinian resistance mov't has demonstrated 2day that Israeli settler colonialism & occupation will not last. Unity of the resistance forces & solidarity is needed now more than ever as a new stage in the war of liberation has begun."
"[The] struggle in Palestine isn't a humanitarian one one, as liberals and some leftists like to think. It is a national liberation struggle with all that entails. This includes not questioning the tools used by the oppressed to achieve their liberation."
Hassan Husseini, national negotiator, Public Service Alliance of Canadahttps://smartcdn.gprod.postmedia.digital/nationalpost/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/hassan.png?quality=90&strip=all&w=1128&h=846&type=webp&sig=u9pnUOOCN2zEZs9RxJDRXw
"I do not feel that he [Husseini] would be able to properly represent me, a Jew and a Zionist."
"I continue to feel  unrepresented by PSAC as they ostracized many Jewish members and created  space in which we do not all feel safe."
PSAC member Chelsea (surname withheld on request)

"Since October 7, the union has taken an antisemitic path, which has undermined the diversity of its members. They have already organized anti-Israeli webinars and meetings."
"They did nothing to stop the rising antisemitism; rather, they instigated it by taking sides in foreign political matters."
Valerya Shneider, PSAC member
Demonstrators in Toronto, Canada, celebrate following the Hamas-led invasion of southern Israel.
Academia in Canada, along with unions, have been expressing their opinions about the Israel-Hamas conflict in Gaza from the perspective of a viral propaganda campaign launched by Islamists and supporters of Palestinian 'resisters' of the Israeli 'occupation' of the West Bank and Gaza. That Israel is forced to maintain its overseer status is similar to the work of a zookeeper maintaining the enclosures of wild animals. 
Without that Israeli function of military supervision, Palestinian terrorists would enjoy free reign to attack Jews, whether those in authority, in the military, in security of law and order or civilians.

The administrators of the West Bank, the Palestinian Authority under President Mahmoud Abbas, and that of Hamas governing Gaza, incite their public to hatred and violence against Israel and Jews relentlessly. Both governments of the Palestinian Territories have never bothered to focus on establishing civilian governing infrastructure that would lead to the state status they so fervently speak of to the West. 
Israel's oversight is an existential requirement to ensure the safety and security of Israeli citizens, including the two million Palestinians who live in Israel as state-entitled citizens.

In Canada, the current government which prides itself on its progressive credentials which ensure quality of life and security for all Canadian citizens and residents, and cites equality of all, has experienced some value judgement equivocations in attempting to balance a fine line in reflection of its population of both Jews and Muslims, by giving as much credence to statements expressed by Hamas as it does those of official Israel. 
There has been no solid condemnation followed up by restraining actions by governments in Canada in response to vicious slanders, threats, violence, or criminal actions perpetrated by pro-Hamas groups in Canada against Canadian Jews and their institutions, much less Canadian public and private institutions.

On the very day of the barbaric invasion by Palestinian terrorists led by Hamas into southern Israel to carry out a pre-programmed slaughter of Jews, mass rapes, mutilations, and abductions of children, women and the elderly, the national negotiator for Canada's largest public service union responded to a social media post by the Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs denouncing Canadians celebrating the atrocities, when he responded: "It is called liberation of stolen land, stupid!!!"

The logic of labelling ancestral heritage geography as stolen land aside, this kind of bald-faced libelous slander would never see the light of day if Islamists knew they would be held responsible under Canada's criminal law code for promulgating and promoting hatred of an identifiable minority. Under this government of Justin Trudeau's Liberals, that has not happened, nor will it happen. 
This government's eye is fixated on numbers; the large number of Muslims who now populate Canada, as opposed to the much smaller number of Canadian Jews.

Even as the scale of the massacre by Islamist terrorists in Israel was being clarified as new information was released, the barrage of celebratory 'protests' in support of Palestinian terror was unprecedented as an expression of sheer, unadulterated hatred. Choruses of 'final solution', 'intifada' and 'from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free!' rang out on the streets of Canadian cities in well-orchestrated campaigns of intimidation of Jews in Canada and the furtherance of support among antisemitic fundamentalists in Canada. To which politicians tut-tutted, but made no move to respond to.

The day prior to the Israel Defense Forces' ground operation in Gaza, Husseini wrote to his followers: "Good morning and f--k #Apartheid_Israel and anyone who defends it and attempts to whitewash its #WarCrimes and genocide". Husseini compared Israel to Nazi Germany while accusing Canadian media of spreading "Zionist propaganda" as he compared Hamas terrorists to Jews during the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising against the Nazi extermination machinery. 
Fred Hahn, a CUPE Ontario leader also praised the October 7 bloodbath.
"Unions should focus on their members' working conditions and benefits, not on divisive, amateurish, simplistic, one-sided, and toxic forays into foreign policy."
"It goes much further than simply Husseini. It is an organized campaign, led and inspired by people like Husseini and Fred Hahn and implemented by activists who are making Jewish union members unwelcome in organizations created to protect every one of their members."
"There are good reasons that some unions are being taken to human rights tribunals for anti-Jewish discrimination."
"This has to stop."
Richard Marceau, general counsel, Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs

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Saturday, July 20, 2024

For Every Violently Hostile Action : Swift Reaction

"The security system will settle the score with all who try to harm the state of Israel, or sends terrorism against it, in a decisive and surprising manner."
Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant -- Friday
"The fire that is currently burning in Hodeidah is seen across the Middle East and the significance is clear."
"The Houthis attacked us over 200 times. The first time that they harmed an Israeli citizen, we struck them, and we will do this in any place where it may be required."
Yoav Gallant -- Saturday
A man looks at a building in Tel Aviv damaged at the site of an explosion, amid the Israel-Hamas conflict, on Friday. (Ricardo Moraes/Reuters)

"'Hey, what's that over there? It looks cool'. I turn around, hear this large, deafening buzz, like an F-35 or an F-15, but it was only roughly 40 metres above sea level. It didn't make sense."
"Obviously, all of this stuff can be replaced. The most important thing is we left with our lives."
"It's important to note that this is a residential area. It's not a military target."
Jonathan Karten, Israeli Tel Aviv resident, Shalom Aleichem Street
The 'jet' that Tel Aviv resident Jonathan Karten heard was in reality a drone controlled by Houthis in Yemen to target Tel Aviv. During the October 7 massacre in southern Israel by Palestinian terrorists who flocked in their thousands across the border to mutilate, torture and slaughter 1,200 Israeli civilians in border farming kibbutzim and at the Nova Music Festival, hundreds of rockets were fired from Gaza at Tel Aviv, and in days following. During that time of confusion and response, almost all of the rockets had been intercepted before they could strike their targets.
People look at building hit by a drone in a deadly June 18 attack, in Tel Aviv on July 19, 2024. (Jamal Awad/Flash90)
People look at building hit by a drone in a deadly June 18 attack, in Tel Aviv on July 19, 2024. (Jamal Awad/Flash90)

On this more recent occasion, Friday at 3:00 a.m., the Iranian drone provided to the Houthis in Yemen had not been detected as a threat. It had been briefly tracked, then ignored. According to the Israeli military "human error was to blame for the interception failure". The Houthis identified a a new "Yafa" model able to bypass Israel's air defence systems. Dozens of drones have been fired by the Houthis at Israel following the October 7 attacks. Nearly all intercepted by Israeli fighter jets and air defence missiles.
Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari, Israeli military spokesman, explained that the drone was likely an Iranian-designed Samad-3, with an upgraded range extended to reach Tel Aviv. Admiral Hagari described Israel's air defences as not "hermetic", but the attack on Friday that killed one Israeli man and injured eight others when it slammed into an apartment block located on Shalom Aleichem Street has alerted the military to step up its air patrols. 
He warned that military leaders would decide "what the necessary operational responses are against those who threaten the state of Israel". Friday's surprise strike by the Houthis was one of a handful of Iran-backed armed groups that have sent drones and missiles to attack Israel during the Gaza war, and was the first to breach Israel's sophisticated air defences. 
It would not take long for Israel's governing party and the Israel Defense Forces, however, to respond to this latest assault.
Column of fire erupting following reported strikes by Israeli fighter jets in the Yemeni rebel-held port city of Hodeidah on Saturday.  Ansarullah Media Center/AFP via Getty Images
"[Israel’s attack on a Houthi-controlled port in Yemen on Saturday] makes it clear to our enemies that there is no place that the long arm of Israel will not reach."
"I have a message for Israel’s enemies – don’t be mistaken about us. We will protect ourselves in every way, on every front."
"Anyone who harms us will pay a very heavy price for his aggression."
"The port we attacked is not an innocent port. It was used as an entry point for deadly weapons supplied to the Houthis by Iran."
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
Smoke and flames rise from a site in Hodeidah, Yemen, on Saturday in this image from video. The Israeli army says it struck several Houthi targets in western Yemen a day after a fatal drone attack by the rebel group in Tel Aviv. (The Associated Press)

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Friday, July 19, 2024

First They Come For the Jews ... Your Turn Next

"We have to take parliamentary security more seriously. We need as Canadians to open our eyes and recognize that political violence is not something that just occurs somewhere else, but that it is happening here in our own communities."
"[People have constitutional rights to express a point of view and disagree with fellow Canadians including parliamentarians], But it's also true that we're seeing more threats, more intimidation, more harassment, which can lead to harms both online and in the community."
(former) Public Safety Minister Marco Mendicino
"My home has been outfitted with a greater degree of security than I feel is ordinary or that I'm personally even comfortable with."
"But when security officials tell you they need to make certain decisions in your best interest when it comes to personal safety and security, you listen to them."
Housing Minister Sean Fraser
Investigators collect evidence after the Montreal office of federal Immigration Minister Marc Miller was vandalized July 18, 2024. Photo by John Mahoney /Montreal Gazette

Overnight Thursday the Montreal office of Immigration Minister Marc Miller was vandalized, according to police. "Marc Miller Child Killer" was spray painted across the building's exterior, the office windows were smashed and pink paint sloshed on the front of the building. Calling the vandalizing a "criminal act" on social media, Miller said his office had been "daily" threatened for months. "This was no longer a peaceful demonstration."
It didn't take long for anti-Israel protesters to proudly take responsibility on Instagram and Twitter for the act. The action, said an Instagram post is "a reminder that the mobilizations will not end and that we will not give in to the genocidal state"
Police are determining whether the office was equipped with an alarm system and if it was, why no alert had been received at 911 central. Police were informed of the incident when a passerby called 911 to report the damage. Police spokesperson Sabrina Gauthier confirmed that the interior damage was severe. Nearby surveillance cameras are to be examined for clues on the unfolding of the incident. 
Montreal police believe pro-Palestinian activists may be responsible for vandalizing Liberal MP Marc Miller's constituency office in Montreal. (Simon-Marc Charron/Radio-Canada)
Coincidentally Marco Mendicino, former public safety minister, has been calling for the creation of "protective zones" around political constituency offices to shield staff and members of Parliament from a rising tide of threatening incidents. Under the plan anyone who intimidates or harasses people would be subject to harsher criminal penalties, up to jail time.

Several Members of Parliament from various parties have had their constituency offices targeted in the last few years. Graffiti spray-painted on the exterior and rocks tossed through windows. Mr. Mendicino received "a barrage of death threats", his family also has been targeted. As he walked to his office one day, a man spat on him When booking appointments with members of the public, he and his constituency staff are more now prudent, sparing more effort to screening.
Police say all vandalism, including property damage in the office, was committed from outside. (Gabrielle Proulx/Radio-Canada)
It is these MPs' own government that has been the source of the problem, in failing to properly vet those they appoint to critical human rights positions. As long as the anti-Israel, pro-Hamas 'protesters' targeted Jews, Liberal Members of Parliament were disinterested in pursuing any avenues of responding to the threats they faced. Now that they are themselves becoming targets it suddenly becomes a matter of great importance to provide them with protection.

Jewish shop owners, Jewish children attending parochial school, Jews attending synagogue to worship or community centres were harassed and threatened by the presence of these 'protesters'. Encampments set up at university campuses sought to exclude Jewish students from their classes, Jewish faculty members from their lectures, all the while slandering Jews and Israel, calling for a global Intifada, for a 'final solution' to the 'Jewish problem'. And no level of government intervened.

That permissiveness emboldened the 'protesters' who claimed it their constitutional right to free speech when they blocked roads, entrances to hospitals, invaded municipal buildings, demanded that schools and local officials denounce Israel. By doing nothing to protect the Jewish public, officials who shrugged and turned away, lent practical support to the pro-Hamas gangs that disrupted social life and engaged in active antisemitism.


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Thursday, July 18, 2024

Palestinian Terrorist Groups Excelling in Committing Atrocities

More than 360 civilians were killed at the Supernova music festival on 7 October  EPA

"[The terrorists committed a crime against humanity because they launched a] widespread attack directed against a civilian population."
"The killing of civilians and taking of hostages were all central aims of the planned attack, and not actions that occurred as an afterthought or as a plan gone awry or as isolated acts, for example, perpetrated by unaffiliated Palestinians from Gaza." 
"That [the claim that random Palestinian civilians took part in the attack] was a claim that was made very early on, it was made by Hamas in order to distance its own fighters from the abuses, and it was made by Israel to justify attacks on civilians in Gaza."
"The intentional killing and  hostage-taking of civilians was planned and highly co-ordinated."
Belkis Wille, associate director, Human Rights Watch
It has taken almost a year, but finally Human Rights Watch -- never a friend of Israel -- issued a report affirming the sadistic savagery visited upon Israeli civilians on October 7 of 2023 was a deliberately planned mass slaughter of devastating proportions. Palestinian terrorists killed some 1,200 people, kidnapping over 250 people of all ages, taking them to Gaza as human pawns, some 120 of whom remain in Hamas' hands.

Human Rights Watch has declared that the attack met the international legal definition for crimes against humanity and war crimes. Still in Gaza are 115 of the 251 abducted during the fateful early October day of dread infamy. Still being held for 'trade' agreements are 42 dead Israelis, among them soldiers captured by the terrorists on their crossing into southern Israel, who manned Israeli border observation posts. 

According to the HRW report, five different Palestinian armed terrorist groups engaged in war crimes, violating international law by killing, torturing, taking hostages, looting and committing crimes involving sexual and gender-based violence, primarily the mutilation of girls and women before they were raped and murdered. All the groups were led by the Hamas Qassam Brigades.
HRW researchers relied on a report by a special United Nations envoy who had found "reasonable grounds" to believe Hamas committed sexual violence during the attack, while claiming its own researchers had been unable to independently verify claims of sexual violence and rape. Somewhat akin to Medecines sans Frontieres claiming that since it had not actually witnessed these atrocities, it could not subscribe to their condemnation.

At 230 pages in length, the report focused on the October 7 attacks without examining actions taken by Hamas or Israel linked to the subsequent war brought to Gaza. As the terrorists launched a "widespread attack directed against a civilian population, theirs was a crime against humanity". HRW's Belkis Wille had arrived in Israel mere days following the October attack, spending  a month in research with local staff.

Palestinian terror attacks at 26 civilian sites were examined by the researchers, who spoke with close to a hundred survivors, along with 50 experts and first responders to the violent tragedy. The conclusion was reached by the researchers that following their review of hundreds of photos and videos the majority of the Palestinians taking part in the atrocities were terror-group affiliated, not random civilians who had taken advantage of the open fence.
A family photo hangs on the wall inside a burned-out house in Kibbutz Be'eri in the aftermath of the October 7, 2023 assault by Palestinian armed groups on southern Israel, October 14, 2023. Marcus Yam / Los Angeles Times
Footage of the events observing the terror operatives included those who wore civilian clothing, communicating via walkie-talkies, taking orders from commanders, which led the researchers to conclude the operatives who carried out the worst abuses, particularly in the early hours of the attack, belonged to 'armed factions'. 

Hamas issued a nine-page response to the report, elucidating that the Qassam Brigades had planned and led the attack, and the Hamas political movement was not involved; operatives, they claimed were instructed to avoid targeting civilians. A claim that even HRW found "false". The organization concluded their report by calling on Hamas to release the 120 hostages immediately, along with bodies of hostages remaining in Gaza.


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