Israel: Unique In The World
I will start off with a statement for the Secretary-General on the Palestine Liberation Organization’s Central Council decision to suspend security coordination with Israel. The Secretary-General expresses his concern regarding the 5 March [2015] decision by the Palestine Liberation Organization’s (PLO) Central Council to suspend all forms of security coordination with Israel.The PLO once a terrorist organization, always a terrorist organization. The State of Israel 'occupies' land that represents its heritage and national right, but which it was prepared to share with the Palestinians who en bloc refused the UN's mandate of the Partition Plan, preferring to await the inevitable outcome of combined Arab armies marching on the fledgling state. Since then Fatah (PLO) and Hamas (Muslim Brotherhood) have conducted terrorism against Israel, and Israel defends itself, even within the UN which in its zeal for equality equates Israel with the PLO.
The Secretary-General notes that the PLO Executive Committee will report on implementation of this decision to the PLO Central Council in three months. This still provides a window of opportunity for both sides to take necessary actions to honour their obligations. In this regard, he urges both parties to exercise utmost restraint and reverse their unhelpful cycle of actions and counter-actions. The Secretary-General repeats his call on Israel to resume the transfer of tax revenues legally due to the Palestinian Authority as per the Paris Protocol.
In the absence of effective international engagement, the situation may further unravel. The Secretary General urgently calls on the international community, including the Security Council, to exercise leadership and help create conditions for a negotiated final peace agreement that will end the Israeli occupation and realize the creation of a viable Palestinian State, living in peace and security alongside Israel.
UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon (Stéphane Dujarric, Spokesman for the Secretary-General.)
Those for whom the presence of Jews in the world remains an irritant, circulate the slanderous accusations of the Jews as the primary maker of troubles in the world. Responsible for the French Revolution, the Communist revolution in Russia; for the First World War, the Second World War, the League of Nations and its newer incarnation the United Nations. Where there's smoke there's fire, and the fact is that there have always been Jews who have been social 'progressives', who have been in the vanguard of political and social action seeking to improve the quality of human life.
Jews were also involved at the forefront of action in the United States seeking to put an end to racial discrimination against the black population, just as they were politically active as protesters and political activists in South Africa, attempting to move forward to dismantle the Apartheid state. Certainly there were Jewish intellectuals who became involved in world revolutions because for them the concept of liberty and freedom was uppermost in human values.
As for Jewish involvement in the concept and the need for a neutral, balancing world body, behind the League of Nations and its successor United Nations, things haven't worked out very well for Jews in general at the hands of that august body dedicated to the promotion and upholding of humanism and peace and equality among peoples and nations. Mostly because the very nation that represents the Jewish presence in the world is held to an unequal standard by that body.
It is a world body deserving of huge respect if only its founding principles are realized -- without fear or favour. An enterprise that exists as a response to the grotesque inhumanity that the two world wars which consumed millions of lives in their traumatizing brutality. And the Holocaust of World War II that exemplified the lengths that politics and hatred will lead people to, in formulating exquisitely precise plans to succeed in a genocidal plan to exterminate one ethnic-religious group: Jews.
Anti-Semitism as a viral, unstoppable pathology that afflicts the world's populations, speaks its miserable hatred from the world body of humanity and tolerance and peace in its single-minded isolation of the State of Israel, the global home for the world's Jews. Under the protective cover of shared universal values, of international law, the recognition of the universality of human rights and the ongoing struggle against racism, the United Nations stands proud and protective. Israel aside.
For all of humankind, with one glaring exception: Jews. The UN's human rights bodies elect to represent that noble concept of supporting human rights and equality and peace, representatives of some of the most egregiously corrupt and and oppressively repressive countries of the world portraying themselves in accord with human rights values while oppressing and destroying those values within their countries. Yet they are called upon to investigate charges of human rights violations occurring in other countries.
Because of the functional ideological, religious and cultural-social biases of those countries whose representatives are not only in league with one another to the extent that they studiously avoid examining the human rights records of their partner states, lest their own records be too closely examined, one vulnerable state struggling to exist in a sea of volatile hatred is forever trotted forward for censure, unlike any other nation, repeatedly and heatedly: Israel.
In December, the General Assembly in one of its annual rituals adopted no fewer than 20 resolutions of condemnation levelled against Israel. It also busied itself with four other condemnations levelled against the entire rest of the world. Again this past December the contracting parties to the Geneva Convention laid an accusation of violations of international humanitarian law against Israel. Three times in 50 years has a single state been accused in this manner; and each time that was the State of Israel.
The 2011 follow-up to the original outrageous Israel-bashing 2009 Durban human rights conference approved a 'consensus text': "United against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance". And the mewling sanctimony of Qatar capped it off when General Assembly President Nassir Abdulaziz al-Nasser pronounced the event a success: "Unfortunately, we have also heard that, despite concerted efforts, racist attitude and racial discrimination continue to perpetuate deeply embedded social and economic disparities" he added dolefully.
The UN Human Rights Council has a standing or permanent item 7 on its agenda representing "violations by Israel of human rights in the Occupied Palestinian Territories". The following permanent agenda item 8 reads: "human rights violations in the rest of the world". However, lest a casual bystander feel that Israel is singled out for discriminatory treatment, they can always take comfort from another UN item.
Notably, the call of the recent United Nations forum to renew, reaffirm and reinvigorate efforts to combat anti-Semitism, and to promote mutual respect, tolerance and understanding.
Labels: Anti-Semitism, Defence, Hypocrisy, Israel, Palestinian Authority, PLO, Security, Terrorism, United Nations
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