Resistance equals Terror
"In a final resolution, we would not see the presence of a single Israeli -- civilian or soldier -- on our land."
Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas
"No settler will be permitted to stay in a Palestinian state, not one, because the settlements are illegal."
Saeb Erekat, PA senior negotiator
"Thanks to Allah, our holy warriors were able to kidnap three Zionist aggressors in the city of Hebron in the occupied West Bank.
That comes as part of the initial response to the assassination of our heroic holy warriors in Hebron, Muhammad Nairoukh, 29 years old, Mahmoud Al-Najjar, 23 years old, and Musi Makhamreh” 22 years old. And that [also] comes as part of the pursuit to liberate our prisoners from the occupation forces’ prisons."
And it is [either] a jihad [for] victory or martyrdom."
The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, Palestine – the West Bank
Friday, 15th of Sha’ban 1435, June 13, 2014
Two of the Israeli boys are sixteen years of age, the third 19. They are Jews, therefore fodder for slaughter. Yet they may very well be held as bargaining units. Three Jews, young men held in captivity charged with the crime of Zionism by which the enemy is identified, can be useful in the near future as an exchange mechanism for hundreds, perhaps thousands of imprisoned Palestinian Arabs who have been charged and found guilty in a court of law of conspiring to murder Jews; many having carried out their plans to great success.
These imprisoned Palestinian Arabs have been put out of commission by the nation whom they have attacked, but there are always more who will take their place, who aspire to martyrdom and the murder of innocents found guilty because of who they are, not what they are imagined to have done. Their presence has displaced others from a contested geography, and that fact has spelled their fate. These are the very groups that Israel must bargain with, to achieve peace between Israeli and Arab.
The 'moderate' Palestinians accuse Israel of being an Apartheid state, even while Israeli Palestinians may sit on the high court of justice, may become government ministers, are elected to the Knesset, may serve in the military, and can claim full citizenship rights. The Palestinian Authority declares its insistence that no Jews may live among them if/when they achieve statehood. Unless what they achieve is a one-state, not a two-state solution, and the Palestinian Arabs govern, permitting Jews, no longer nationalized with the disappearance of the State of Israel, to live among them.
Traditionally -- and Arab Muslims adore this very particular tradition -- non-Muslims have lived among Muslims in the role of supplicants permitted the privilege of living within an Islamic-dominated world, as long as they remain humble and adequately respectful of Islam, and pay the jizya required to remind them that they live there with the good grace of permissive tolerance of kuffar living among the anointed. Their status may change for the better should they repent and embrace Islam.
Fattah, the 'moderate' portion of the PA, having finally consolidated its governance with Hamas, to once again rule over the West Bank and Gaza, deplores Israel's response to their good news about inclusiveness, welcoming Hamas back into the governing fold. Plans were advanced to build 1,500 housing units; Jewish "settlements" in Jerusalem and within nearby West Bank communities. The Israeli housing minister deeming that decision "an appropriate Zionist response to the establishment of the Palestinian terror government".
The administration of President Barack Obama has decided it can live with the inclusion of Hamas back into the PA, and will therefore resume its funding of the PA. Despite listing Hamas as a terrorist group, despite knowing that the dispersal of funding is inclusive of handsome stipends to the families of "martyrs" who have given their all to the "resistance" against the "occupation", oppressing the Palestinians. The "occupation" resulted from a series of wars mounted by the Arab nations against Israel. In the aftermath of which the Palestinians simply could never bring themselves to signing a peace treaty with Israel whose benefit would be their sovereign nation formalized.
A week ago Hamas issued a new call for "men of resistance in the West Bank" to kill Israeli soldiers and settlers. So much for partnering for peace. Qassam rockets continue to be fired from Gaza toward southern Israel. The PA looks for the disapproval of the international community frowning on Israel for its 'provocative' acts of building housing; the ongoing, frequent attacks against Israel are worth a yawn.
"But in the case of the Palestinians, we are to take as natural and right their claims to be squeamish about living anywhere near Jews", noted George Gilder. The pursuit of the PLO was to achieve a return to the Palestine of their memory; not the Palestine that was once comprised of Jewish Palestinians; one which was ethnically cleansed of the presence of Jews. To that we can add Palestinian Christians, but that is another story altogether.
Arab honour and self-respect cannot tolerate the near presence of Jews among them, though if the two, Arab and Jews living in harmony were to be accepted there would be no need of 'settlements', Jews might possibly live comfortably and at ease among the Arabs in Palestinian cities just as Palestinians live among Jews in Tel Aviv or Haifa. That would be peace. Achievable should Palestinian Arabs view Jews not as hated interlopers on Palestinian land-rights but neighbours for whom Palestinian nationhood should be as natural as Israeli nationhood.
Instead the history of the area is that of religious and ethnic and tribal fanatics eschewing the presence of others whose history, heritage and religion does not precisely track their own; the reverse in fact is that Islam borrowed heavily from ancient Judaism to form its core principles and then demanded that Judaism surrender to Islam. "Liberating" Palestine from the presence of Israel was, is and seems prepared always to be the motivation for Palestinian Arabs to act as they do; sharing territory with a Jewish state is anathema in Islam which feels the land has been consecrated to Allah, not Jehovah.
The three missing Israeli teens had hitched a ride from a small Israeli town, when they went missing, though one of the boys managed to send out an alert before his cellphone went dead. Hamas calls the three "Israeli soldiers", and both they and Islamic Jihad call for the kidnap of Israelis as chips to bargain for the release of Palestinians imprisoned for crimes against Israel and its citizens. A spokesman for Hamas stated: "the Hebron operation is a great success for the [Palestinian] resistance in the West Bank."
Although the IDF is actively searching for the three young Israelis, the government has declared it holds the Palestinian Authority responsible for their safety. The PA, government unity agreement between Fatah and Hamas aside, has not made a public statement on the kidnapping and search for the three young men.
Labels: Conflict, Crisis Management, Fatah, Hamas, Islamism, Israel, Judaism, Palestinian Authority, Terrorism
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