Brotherhood’s supreme guide and Iranian president top anti-Semitism list
Tuesday, 01 January 2013
Muslim Brotherhood Supreme Guide Mohamed Badei, right,
and Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, left, topped the list of
anti-Semites. (Al Arabiya)
The U.S.-based Simon Wiesenthal Center released a list of public
figures known to their anti-Semitic stances. Muslim Brotherhood Supreme
Guide Mohamed Badei and Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad topped the
According to the report issued by the center, which is known for defending the right of Jews across the world, Mohamed Badei ranked first in the list of anti-Semites following statements he had issued that condemned Jews. These, the center explains, included wishing that all Jews be destroyed.
According to the report issued by the center, which is known for defending the right of Jews across the world, Mohamed Badei ranked first in the list of anti-Semites following statements he had issued that condemned Jews. These, the center explains, included wishing that all Jews be destroyed.
The report, the Israeli newspaper
Maariv reported, cited some of Badei’s statements like “Jews ruled the
world, spread corruption, spilt blood, and desecrated holy places.”
Ahmadinejad ranked second in the list owing to what the report termed “a brainwashing anti-Jewish rhetoric” and statements in which he affirmed that Zionism is controlling the major powers in the world.
Brazilian caricaturist Carlos Latuf came third for a caricature that showed Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu crushing a Palestinian woman during the latest aggression on Gaza. The caricature, the report noted, constituted an insult to Israel and its prime minister and presented a flagrant expression of anti-Semitism.
The list also included European football fans, especially those who cheer for teams that play with the British club Tottenham, known for its support for Jews.
According to the report, Tottenham fans have suffered for the past year because they are being constantly harassed by fans of other football clubs especially with anti-Semitic remarks. This animosity, the report added, reached its peak in a game the team played with West Ham United and in which fans of the latter chanted slogans along the lines of “Hitler is coming” and “the gas chambers are ready.”
The Ukrainian party Svoboda ranked fifth after one of its members called Igor Miroshnichenko described a Jewish actress as “disgusting.” The party chairman Oleh Tyahnybok also called for getting rid of the 400,000 Jews who live in Ukraine. According to the report, it is quite alarming that this party got 41 seats in the last elections.
Number six was the Greek party Golden Dawn and whose logo resembles the Nazi swastika. Party chairman Nikolaos Michaloliakos, said the report, had repeatedly denied the Holocaust.
The list also includes political parties from Hungary and Norway as well as journalist Jacob Augustine who slammed Israel for its attacks on Gaza and its nuclear program.
At the bottom of the list comes Luis Farhan, the Islamist leader of the African American Movement and who accused Jews of preventing African Americans from assuming senior positions.
Ahmadinejad ranked second in the list owing to what the report termed “a brainwashing anti-Jewish rhetoric” and statements in which he affirmed that Zionism is controlling the major powers in the world.
Brazilian caricaturist Carlos Latuf came third for a caricature that showed Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu crushing a Palestinian woman during the latest aggression on Gaza. The caricature, the report noted, constituted an insult to Israel and its prime minister and presented a flagrant expression of anti-Semitism.
The list also included European football fans, especially those who cheer for teams that play with the British club Tottenham, known for its support for Jews.
According to the report, Tottenham fans have suffered for the past year because they are being constantly harassed by fans of other football clubs especially with anti-Semitic remarks. This animosity, the report added, reached its peak in a game the team played with West Ham United and in which fans of the latter chanted slogans along the lines of “Hitler is coming” and “the gas chambers are ready.”
The Ukrainian party Svoboda ranked fifth after one of its members called Igor Miroshnichenko described a Jewish actress as “disgusting.” The party chairman Oleh Tyahnybok also called for getting rid of the 400,000 Jews who live in Ukraine. According to the report, it is quite alarming that this party got 41 seats in the last elections.
Number six was the Greek party Golden Dawn and whose logo resembles the Nazi swastika. Party chairman Nikolaos Michaloliakos, said the report, had repeatedly denied the Holocaust.
The list also includes political parties from Hungary and Norway as well as journalist Jacob Augustine who slammed Israel for its attacks on Gaza and its nuclear program.
At the bottom of the list comes Luis Farhan, the Islamist leader of the African American Movement and who accused Jews of preventing African Americans from assuming senior positions.
Labels: Anti-Semitism, Controversy, Crime, Cults, Discrimination, Disease
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