Op-Ed: The Top 10 Anti-Semites of 2012
Published: Monday, December 31, 2012 10:23 PM Arutz Sheva 7
A background check on the Wiesenthal Center's 2012 list of top anti-Semites shows many contenders for the top 10, resulting in an impressive list
Jerry Sobol
The writer has a B.A. Degree in 20th century European History and a Masters in International Relations from The City College of New York. He is a staunch Zionist and has been writing articles on Israel and Jewish concerns for 40 years, blogs at Israeli Advocate.
Every year around this time we’re inundated with stories about
the top 10 people or events of the previous 12 months. Holding to this
tradition, this past Thursday, the Simon Wiesenthal Center listed their top 10 anti-Semites of 2012.
Working backwards at number
10 is long term favorite and anti-Semite extraordinaire, Louis
Farrakhan. In October he came out with his latest accusations: “In
Washington right next to the Holocaust museum is the Federal Reserve
where they print the money. He asks, is that an accident?” In my
opinion, that novel remark alone should have earned him a higher rating,
but he must have lost points at Wiesenthal for being unimaginative and
repeating the age old mantra, “Jews control the media.”
his publications, Augstein frequently castigates Israel’s orthodox
community being akin to Islamic terrorists and sees Israel as a nuclear
threat to the world. In September, Die Welt columnist Henryk Broder, Germany’s leading authority on anti-Semitism, described Augstein the following way: “He’s a pure anti-Semite,
an anti-Semitic piece of work, an offender by conviction who only
missed the opportunity to make his career with the Gestapo because he
was born after the war. He certainly would have had what it takes.”
7th position, representing the right wing Hungarian Jobbik Party, is
Marton Gyongyosi. This sweetheart of a guy, a flashback of historical
Hungarian anti-Semitism recently had this to say to the Hungarian
Moving along this ignominious list,.
for defending his country in the face of incessant rocket attacks from
Gaza, Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu drew the wrath of Brazilian
cartoonist Carlos Latuff.
here it is, the Wiesenthal winner of the 2012 Grand Prize for Jewish
hatred. This coveted dishonor is shared by Muhammad Badie and Futouh Abd
al-Nabi Mansour, two religious leaders belonging to Egypt’s Muslim
Brotherhood. The folks at Wiesenthal claim Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood
produced the worst anti-Semitic/anti-Israel slurs over the past year.
Badie, the Brotherhood’s supreme spiritual guide bemoaned “Jewish
control” and the “spread of corruption on earth.” What’s his remedy?”
Unremitting Holy Jihad.
Interestingly, last
month’s “mediator” of the Israeli/Hamas ceasefire, Brotherhood strongman
and Egyptian President, Mohamed Morsi watched the sermon at a Mosque
and was heard uttering the term “Amin” (Amen) to every fiery invective
hurled at Israel and the Jewish people.
4-Mahmoud Abbas-President of Fatah: “We should put our internal fighting aside and raise our rifles only against the Israeli occupation,” said Abbas in a speech in Ramallah.”
Mind you, the list
is highly subjective and no doubt when we speak of anti-Semites and
Haters of Israel, many of you have your own favorites, but this group is
definitely right up there with the worst. Unsurprisingly, Europe once
again is well characterized, as is the Middle East. Likewise, nothing
unifies both the far left and the far right better than Jew-hating, and
both groups are well represented in this year’s list. Without further
ado, let’s get into it.
Proudly coming in at #9 is a new one to many, Der Spiegel columnist and editor of the left wing publication Freitag, Jakob Augstein.
Trond Ali Linstadt, a convert to Islam, was listed at #8. Also lacking
originality, he warns his readers, “beware of the Jews” and the
“influence they have in newspapers, in other media, and in many
political organs.” Why is he important enough to make the list? Until
international pressure forced him to rescind, the King of Norway, Harald
V had slated him to receive a medal for “good works.” One must assume the King agrees with Linstadt that suicide bombings are good and God wants Jews to live in exile as punishment.
“I think
now is the time to assess how many people there are of Jewish origin
here, and especially in the Hungarian parliament who represent a certain
national security risk of Hungary.” The son of a diplomat who grew up
in the Middle East; Egypt, Iraq, and Afghanistan, his office is replete
with souvenirs from these countries.
belongs to the founder of the Greek pro-fascist party, Golden Dawn,
Nikolaos Michaloliakos. A Holocaust denier of the first degree, he
recently told an interviewer that six million Jews did not die in the
Holocaust. He further denies there were gas chambers or ovens at Nazi death camps and has a penchant for giving the Nazi salute, which he recently gave at the Athens City Council.
list of anti-Semites could ever be complete without a delegation from
that bastion of historical Jewish hatred, the Ukraine. As such, two
people; Oleg Tyagnibok from the fascist Svoboda Party and MP Igor
Miroshnichenko share the inglorious 5th position.
Tyagnibok has called in the past for purges of the approximately 400,000 Jews living in Ukraine. With the despicable and sordid treatment Jews have received over the centuries in the Ukraine, it does make one wonder why are 400,000 still living there?
His cohort, politician Igor Miroshnichenko, sparked an outrage this past year when he denounced Hollywood actress Mila Kunis as a dirty Jewess.
Wiesenthal Center reserved the 4th spot for fans of European soccer.
Before a match in Italy between an Italian club, Lazio and a mainly
Jewish team from England, Tottenham Hotspur, Jewish players and fans
were physically attacked, one being sent to the hospital with severe
stab wounds. A self proclaimed fascist from the Lazio team, Pablo Di
Canio, celebrated each goal by tauntingly delivering a fascist salute.
So much for good sportsmanship.
Not to be
outdone, during a match in London against the same Jewish team, British
fans of their opponent, West Ham, rained down anti-Semitic chants in
support of the aforementioned Di Canio
and came up with a few of their own such as: “Adolf Hitler’s coming for
you” and “You’re getting gassed in the morning.” To emphasize their
disdain they made hissing noises like the sound of a gas chamber. Even
for the British, infamous for boorish behavior at sporting events, this
was over the top.
is famous for depicting Jewish people and Israeli leaders in the most
contemptible ways. Many people including this writer believe political
cartoons have a greater negative stereotype upon Jews than lengthy
essays. For that reason alone Latuff was placed at #3 for 2012.
#2 is a conglomerate of Jewish hatred led by a little imp espousing
Jewish derision in mammoth proportions, Iranian President, Mahmoud
Ahmadinejad. Among a myriad of anti-Jewish invective over the years,
this past July he’s quoted as saying: “It has now been some 400 years
that a horrendous Zionist clan has been ruling the major world affairs.”
When taken in context with past pronouncements calling for the complete
annihilation of Israel, some might argue this Holocaust denying
anti-Semite is actually moderating. But not to worry, if he is, the head
of Iran’s armed forces, Major General Hassan Fiouzabadi isn’t. This
past August Fiouzabadi is quoted saying: “The Iranian nation is standing for its cause, the full annihilation of Israel.”
His partner in Jewish detestation, Mansour took it a step further delivering a nationally televised sermon calling
for Allah to “destroy the Jews and their supporters.” According to the
Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI), he went on to say: “Oh
Allah, disperse them and rend them asunder, Oh Allah, demonstrate your
might and greatness upon them.”
equivocation, there are countless others that could have cracked this
2012 list. In no particular order, these would have been mine:
Nasrallah-The head of the terrorist organization Heibulah: “If we
searched the entire world for a person more cowardly, despicable, weak
and feeble in psyche, mind, ideology and religion, we would not find
anyone like the Jew. Notice I do not say the Israeli.”
2-Khaled Meshaal-Political leader of Hamas: “Palestine”
Mashaal to his audience, was Arabic, Islamic, from the Mediterranean
Sea to the Jordan River; his audience chanted its support.
3-Ayatollah Ali Khamenei-Supreme leader of Iran: “It is a jurisprudential justification to kill all the Jews and annihilate Israel, and in that, the Islamic government of Iran must take the helm.”
5-Ismail Haniyeh-Hamas chief in Gaza: "The Jews are the most despicable and contemptible nation to crawl upon the face of the Earth, because they have displayed hostility to Allah.
6-Recep Tayyip Erdogan-Prime Minister of Turkey: “Israel is perpetrating
inhuman actions which would bring it to self-destruction. Allah will
sooner or later punish those who transgress the rights of innocents."
7-The Muslim Student Union (MSU)-Anti Israel/Jewish
on campus radicals which inspire verbal harassment of Jewish students,
create posters of the Star of David dripping with blood, and make
accusations that Jews deliberately kill non-Jewish children for
nefarious purposes.
8-The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR)-The
Council on American-Islamic Relations has a long record of anti-Israel
rhetoric. It has accused Israel of genocide and described Israel as a
terrorist state.
9-Israel Palestine Mission-Presbyterian Church USA-IPMN-PCUSA:
“We have been concerned by the transformation of the IPMN-PCUSA into a
gathering place for anti-Jewish tirades,” Jewish Council for Public
Affairs (JCPA)uuu Chair Dr. Conrad Giles said in a letter to Church
headquarters. “We cannot remain silent while a group chartered by a
mainstream church tolerates language that reflects the darkest times in
the Christian-Jewish encounter. These attitudes cannot find a home in
the Presbyterian Church (USA).”
10-The Vatican-The Roman
Catholic Church hailed UNESCO’s decision to grant the world heritage
status to the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem. The Palestinian
agenda at UNESCO is the de-Judaization of the land of Israel by
Islamizing the holy sites. Oras Hamdan Taha, the Palestinian minister
who deals with antiquities and gets funds from UNESCO, made clear, “it’s
writing or rewriting the history of Palestine.”
Less known is that the
Vatican institutions are collaborating with the Palestinian autocracy.
They recently also declared their support for waving a Palestinian flag
over over the Temple Mount in the heart of ancient Jerusalem. Next in
line is Rachel’s Tomb, Judaism’s third most holy site.
the Grand Ayatollahs in Iran to the hallowed halls of the United
Nations, 2012 was a good year for the anti-Semites of the world. I won't
hold my breath but hopefully 2013 will see a reversal of this trend.
Labels: Anti-Semitism, Communication, Controversy, Culture, Human Relations, Politics of Convenience
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