
This is a blog dedicated to a personal interpretation of political news of the day. I attempt to be as knowledgeable as possible before commenting and committing my thoughts to a day's communication.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Burglary and Violent Disorder

What do responsible parents do to discipline and instill a sense of responsibility in their children? Well, they attempt to reason with the wayward children first of all, and that rarely works, since children appear to believe they are entitled to behave however they wish. The next step is generally to discipline them by removing from them in a series of graduated moves, certain privileges.

In the hope that stern measures will produce resignation to parental guidance.

How will Britain proceed to deal with the huge numbers of nihilistic-minded young people who turned out in huge, destructive numbers over a succession of nights, taking advantage of a genuine protest to piggy-back their inclination to commit mayhem on society because they are juvenile delinquents and don't much care about consequences?

They are, after all, facing off against a number of generations-worth of socially entitled individuals. Collectively, these individuals form a sizeable constituency.

Of social misfits and welfare cases, anti-workfare bums and just plain dysfunctional families. For whom education is a bloody nuisance, and gang membership represents the sum total of their aspirations for their futures. They don't, after all, have to worry overmuch about finances, since Britain's generous social welfare system provides universal medicare, assisted housing and welfare cheques.

Those who have never signed on to the social mores that require one to be a responsible member of society, and to work for a living, and to raise children with respectful values toward others and to private and public property, simply feel no obligation toward that society. They add nothing of value to the public weal, and feel entitled, because they are economically supported, to anything they can get 'for free'.

The police are loathe to become too heavily involved in week-end binges in drinking and acting out because they will be accused of violence, of racism, or of classic classicism. It's the lower classes against the privileged; except that the lower classes, the underdogs of society, the welfare cases have become the privileged, and the great middle class their pivotal, albeit unwilling support network.

Prime Minister David Cameron, stung at criticism of his lack of reaction when the rioting, looting and arson began, returned from his lavish family vacation in Tuscany to a nation embattled by young louts threatening the lives and livelihoods of neighbourhoods in Britain's major cities.
A solemn David Cameron addressing the House of Commons about the riots

A solemn David Cameron addressing the House of Commons about the riots

He seems to find himself now amenable to agreement that the on-line petition that has thus far garnered 160,000 signatures, demanding the removal of privileges for identified looters has great merit; that those who "loot and pillage their own community" should no longer be permitted to take advantage of social housing. The felons who have been identified and brought before the courts to be arraigned are those to be targeted.

These are the contemptible yobs who feel it their birthright to rampage while living on the public dole, and to encourage their friends to do the same, carrying off electronics and clothing from shops they've smashed to smithereens because they felt like doing it. Because it's their right, as spoiled youth, to speak their mind and demonstrate their contempt for the society that supports them.
Police will now be allowed to order thugs to remove face masks

Divest them and their families from the privileges that a conscience-ridden society has invested in them for generations to ensure that they live as well as can be assured? Ask the 68-year-old man who made an attempt to stop marauding youth from setting a fire and was beaten for his efforts. Oops, too late, he died of his injuries.

Well, then, ask 18-year-old Chelsea Ives, who has been selected as one of thousands enrolled as "ambassadors" in anticipation of countless visitors to the 2012 Olympics. She was identified by her own mother, who recognized her daughter on television after 'allegedly' tossing bricks at a police car. Forget it, she has already denied charges of burglary and violent disorder.

But do remember to give her mother a badge of merit.

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