
This is a blog dedicated to a personal interpretation of political news of the day. I attempt to be as knowledgeable as possible before commenting and committing my thoughts to a day's communication.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Ritual Rape

"Mr. Jeffs had his big house, where he chose to warehouse hundreds of girls and women for his sexual gratification." Eric Nichols, assistant Texas attorney general.
Finally, some vindication for the sad voices of women claiming to have been abused, their human rights and self-respect violated for the sensual pleasure of a conscienceless woman-and-child abuser portraying himself as a religious figure whose purported close contact with God somehow managed to convince his followers that he was obliged to perform sacred work by despoiling girls and victimizing women.

As spiritual leader of the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, a split-off-sect of the Mormon Church which had disavowed Warren Jeffs and his teachings, he was deeply involved through presenting himself to gullible followers as an indisputably lead figure in the Church, entitled "to victimize children, to break up families and to satisfy his own personal appetites and desires", as the Texas jury was informed.

That jury contemplated the evidence brought before them for under an hour before reaching their conclusion of guilty as charged. And giving Warren Jeffs their opinion of his argument that the court was trampling on his religious rights by presuming to hold his sacramental trust with God in question, judging him and his Church by the mere standards of civil society.

He was sentenced to life in prison for sexually assaulting two underage girls. The girls were considered by him and his followers to represent "spiritual" brides. Mr. Jeffs ritually raped young girls, because his unassailable position in the Church allowed him to do these things. There were occasions when the families of the girls whom he violated witnessed the event.

Perhaps they should be put on trial too, for representing as willing dupes, for sacrificing their children's innocence and childhood to the raving depredations of a psychopathic child molester. It is estimated that his fundamentalist sect has ten thousand followers in Canada and the United States. Which speaks volumes about ten thousand cretins in spiritual bondage to a criminal.

From his big house, where hundreds of women were kept in a religious bordello, in thrall to one man's fantasy of owning them, body and soul, to another Big House, where the State of Washington plays host to a malignant serial rapist of women and children for the rest of his unnatural life.

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