Inspiring Unsparingly to Jihad
"If he is capable to wage individual jihad in the Western countries that fight Islam, such as America, Britain, France, Canada and others of the countries that represent the head of disbelief in waging war against Islam, and participate in this Crusader campaign -- if he is capable of that then that is better and more harmful."
"There is no doubt that immigration is better than living under the rule of the disbelievers, but one should take into consideration the matter of the affliction."
"Meaning, is it more afflicting for an individual to wage individual jihad in a Western country in which he resides than immigrating for jihad to fight on one of the front lines?"
Nasser bin Ali al-Ansi, leader, al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, Yemen
Nasser bin Ali al-Ansi, a leader of the Yemeni branch of
al Qaeda (AQAP), is displayed on televisions at an electronics shop in
on Jan. 14, when he delivered a message which purported to show Al Qaeda
in Yemen claiming responsibility for the attack on French satirical
newspaper Charlie Hebdo. (Khaled Abdullah/Reuters)
Over to you, all those slavering, inspired lone wolves, ensconced in countries of Western democracies that have given haven to Muslims escaping repressive regimes and bloody sectarian conflict. Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula is on a roll, feeling pretty good, in competition with the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant. They each claimed a high score in France; one claiming credit for the Charlie Hebdo massacre, the other for the Jewish kosher market slaughter.
In the process placing the international community once again on high alert. Celebrating with high satisfaction at the deployment of larger numbers of police and military in the target countries hoping to secure the fastness of their nations' safety for citizens and infrastructure and government. French authorities believe that Cherif and Said Kouachi had trained in Yemen with al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula.
And a "Top Secret" report mentioned the May 2014 shooting at the Jewish Museum in Brussels "illustrates the ongoing concerns about the threat posed by returning extremist travellers willing to carry out attacks in the West." That attack honoured Mehdi Nemmouche radicalized in prison in France, before leaving to fight in Syria in 2012, then returning to Europe to practise what he learned abroad.
"Nemmouche is the first returned extremist traveller from Syria suspected of having carried out a terrorist attack in a Western country", according to the Integrated Terrorism Assessment Centre report, pointing out that he had "eschewed complex explosive devices" and chose instead the use of firearms to kill three people, inspired by the brutally medieval actions of the Islamic State.
A newly-released propaganda video was released by the official who had claimed responsibility a week ago for the atrocity at the Paris Charlie Hebdo offices. The online video spoke of "lone wolf" terrorist attacks and their supreme efficacy. Naming Canada as one of the "Western countries that fight Islam", taking part in a "Crusader campaign", and ripe for a few more jihadist episodes to make the nation's blood curdle with anticipation of more and the terror that accompanies such strikes.
Police worldwide are on alert in any event, in the wake of the deadly attack in Sydney, Australia, the killings of Canadian Forces members in Ottawa and Saint-Jean-sur Richelieu, Quebec by lone attackers motivated by Fascist Islamist ideology, irresistible to those seeking out revenge for the honour of martyring themselves in the cause of the Islamic Caliphate.
And when it has eventuated, when all those outside Islam bow in homage and pay the jizya and live as slaves to Sharia law, their sacrifice will have been rewarded.
Advisories have circulated in Western countries in full anticipation of ongoing and increased violence emanating both from extremists returning from havens for terror like Syria and Yemen, and as well those harbouring similar resentment marooned in the West, taking inspiration from the foreign conflict and bringing it directly to those who have travelled abroad to contest the supremacy of the Islamic State.
The senior al-Qaeda leader responded to queries whether those living "under the rule of the disbelievers" would be best to immigrate to Muslim countries or "practise in an effective role in our place here". By all means, do so, the response authorized them.
Labels: Al-Qaeda, Australia, Canada, Europe, Iraq, Islamic State, Syria, Yemen
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