Syria: Napalm-Like Burns After School Attack
Shocking video emerges after an apparent fire-bomb attack leaves students with injuries that may have been caused by Napalm.
Video: Awful Burns After School Bombing
People suffering from
Napalm-like burns have been speaking of an attack in which a plane
apparently dropped an incendiary bomb on students in Syria.
"The plane hit a residential area in Urum al Kubra," he explains.
"We tried to get out quickly so we don't get hurt, but it seems someone's fate caught up with them today.
"A gathering of students formed, which is normal as the students needed to leave under these circumstances, and the plane hit us."
In another video filmed in the aftermath of the attack, a doctor reports seven deaths and 50 injuries - and says the burns resembled Napalm injuries.
However, the use of the substance has not been confirmed.
A BBC television crew who witnessed the bombing reported no shrapnel injuries and said the victims resembled "the walking dead".
Napalm is not classified as an outlawed chemical weapon although it can cause devastating burn injuries.
A United Nations convention prohibits using incendiary weapons against civilians, or against military targets located near civilian populations.
The pictures of the school attack emerged after MPs voted against military action over alleged chemical weapons gas attacks by the Syrian regime.
Some have described the outcome as a "humiliation" for the government and means the US may have to go ahead alone with any military strikes.
Speaking to Sky News, former Liberal Democrat leader Paddy Ashdown said the vote had left him "ashamed" and said it was vital to act to stop attacks on innocent civilians.
"I now am condemned to watch those children burn in that schoolhouse yesterday and be a country that shrugs its shoulders and says 'nothing to do with me'."
Labels: Britain, Chemical Weapons, Conflict, Intervention, Syria
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