
This is a blog dedicated to a personal interpretation of political news of the day. I attempt to be as knowledgeable as possible before commenting and committing my thoughts to a day's communication.

Thursday, August 02, 2012

 Justice and Freedom in the World

"Ontarians were shocked and embarrassed that a blatantly anti-Semitic event was held at the seat of the provincial government", last year.  Excerpt from a letter written by Avi Benlolo, president and CEO of Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Center for Holocaust Studies to Premier Dalton McGuinty, copied to party leaders and members of provincial parliament.

It most certainly does seem strange that a group involved in a political-religious-foreign intrigue which just also happened to have been launched through the auspices of an embassy of a foreign government would be permitted to have its rally at Queen's Park.  Someone handing out permits is not interested in due diligence.

The International Day of Al-Quds (Jerusalem), purporting to be a pro-Palestinian, and definitely an anti-Zionist (anti-Semitic) day of 'protest' originating in Iran by edict of the Grand Ayatollah in 1979 has infiltrated Canadian society.  And that rally is being planned to take place in the current year in Toronto, Calgary, Montreal, Ottawa and Vancouver, August 17 and 18.

This is a venue that brings out the incendiary hatred that people have brought to Canada from their original places of residence abroad.  People who have sought refuge and haven in Canada for the purpose of escaping oppression and violence, looking for religious and ideological freedom, fleeing the lack of aspirational opportunities in their countries of birth.

And who have brought with them the baggage of blame and hatred, victimhood and slander.  At last year's Toronto event speakers described Israel as representing a cancer.  They held aloft yellow Hezbollah flags, and images of Ayatollah Khomeni, he of the Islamic Revolution that birthed the Islamic Republic of Iran which has declared war on the West, and the intention of expunging Israel from the Middle East map.

Hezbollah is widely recognized as representing a virulent terrorist group of Islamist jihadists.  Iranian 'activist' Zafar Bangash's presence at last year's Toronto rally was notable for inspiring those present toward murder and mayhem when: "Mr. Bangash called for a Jihad against Jerusalem whereby Islamic law would be imposed upon Israel", protested Mr. Benlolo.
"Inshallah, I see that day when we, the Muslims, will march on Palestine and liberate Palestine ... under Islamic law."  

The website for the International Day of Al-Quds invites protesters to gather to "express solidarity with all the oppressed of the world" and to "particularly remember the innocent civilians of Palestine who have been and continue to be victimized by the oppressive and racist Zionist regime". 

In response to Mr. Benlolo's protest that such a group would be advanced permission to launch this hatefest at Queen's park, the province's Sergeant-at-Arms, Dennis Clark, in charge of events permits, said they are in the application process with Al-Quds day organizers.  "They work with Toronto Police to ensure events are lawful", he said.

And in Tehran, President Ahmadinejad, addressing Arab ambassadors also spoke of Al-Quds day: 
"The Quds Day is not merely a strategic solution for the Palestinian problem, as it is to be viewed as a key for solving the world problems; any freedom lover and justice seeker in the world must do its best for the annihilation of the Zionist regime in order to pave the path for the establishment of justice and freedom in the world."
 The repressive Islamist Republic of Iran with its abusive human rights record, imprisoning, torturing, raping and murdering dissidents, religious minorities, political foes, minors, women held to be in default of Islamic values, and gays, which threatens the existence of a neighbouring state, and the stability of the Middle East through acquisition of nuclear weapons portraying itself as a defender of justice and freedom.

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