
This is a blog dedicated to a personal interpretation of political news of the day. I attempt to be as knowledgeable as possible before commenting and committing my thoughts to a day's communication.

Sunday, November 06, 2011

A Peace Settlement for Syria

"Syria means what it says and we will implement the Arab League agreement, every aspect of it. If we agree to something, we do it." Abdulfattah Ammura, Syrian deputy foreign minister
You can take that statement to the bank. It's as good as gold. You have the direct assurance of the government of Syria, for heaven's sake. What more is there to ask for? Well, it seems that Turkey and a few others appear to be concerned nonetheless. It's as though they expect miracles. Peace cannot erupt so suddenly. Syria means to implement the agreement, isn't that what was said?

Oh ye of little faith.

So the idea now is to boot poor Syria out of the Arab League? Simply scandalous. It isn't fair. Syria is battling terrorism. Is there no sympathy for the regime's difficult task? They must, after all, cope with both an (un)popular uprising, bafflingly peaceful, and the spectre of outright civil war as a result of foreign interference, goading the Islamists to power plays.

"We are working on it. We will see it very shortly, hopefully before Eid", said the embattled Abdulfattah Ammura, doing his very sincere best to allay the unfounded and unfair suspicions of those who doubt the veracity and honour of President Bashar al-Assad and his administration. Life can be so tediously, tendentiously unfair.

It is the intent, truly, to pull out tanks and other military vehicles. Oh yes, and to release political prisoners. And of course, permit free access to areas of conflict for international observers and journalists. Syria is a civil place, after all.

The law of the land and justice for all. Freedom too. It just takes time, because people aren't accustomed to it, and it must be introduced in a timely manner. Which is to say, incrementally, slowly, not to overwhelm and to confuse people.

You've heard rumours of protesters being killed in violence. Homs, Deir el-Zour, Qamishli, Banias, Hama. Well, order must be maintained. People cannot, after all, continue acting in such an unlawful manner. Streaming out of mosques on Fridays and marching threateningly, attempting to produce anarchy.

What self-respecting government could possibly accept that?

So steps are taken. Security forces simply talked reason to worshippers streaming out of the mosques. Take no notice of the hysterical accusations of beatings, killings. Those are simply evil rumours, some feverish imaginings planted in people's minds by those wishing to destroy the state, the country, the legal administration.

Why, we have declared an amnesty for those who hand in their arms. No, troops did not fire at people trying to slip across the border into Jordan. Or Turkey. Believe us, the Arab League initiative will be honoured.

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