
This is a blog dedicated to a personal interpretation of political news of the day. I attempt to be as knowledgeable as possible before commenting and committing my thoughts to a day's communication.

Saturday, November 05, 2011

Desirable Martyrdom

"It is a good feeling to be under drone attack. When we chose the path of resistance, we opted either for martyrdom or victory. Martyrdom is the more desirable." Islamic Jihad spokesman
How to reason with such a warped vision of the value of life? Because it does not represent a reasonable determination, it cannot be reasonably argued with those who believe that death has more value than life. But this is a society that honours the sacrifice of life to the demands of a religion that objects to the very thought of life having meaning beyond the worship of a supreme deity.

And this is a deity that demands total obedience, complete surrender to each and every one of the conditions for life, all of which thread back to the worship of Allah first and foremost as the outstanding feature of any of Islam's faithful. There is no facet of life that is not interwoven with the implicit, explicit surrender to Allah's wisdom and direction.

Honour to the Prophet Muhammad who brought word of God's existence and paved the way for Islam to triumph among the tribes of the Middle East and far beyond in a tribalism-dominated conquest of conflict and victory. Achieved through a thousand-and-a-half-year battle for supremacy. Until the tide turned.

Islam has served its faithful well. It challenges Christianity for the numbers of its adherents throughout the world. Muslims find comfort in their belief in Islam. And most Muslims believe that theirs is a religion of peace. It is the clerics, many of whom have become increasingly fanatic, who insist that Muslims must not respect other religions, nor mingle with those of other religions.

The dark turn that Islam has taken under Sunni Wahhabist Saudi Arabia which has done its part in producing scholars and students who subscribe to fundamentalist Islam, along with Shia Iran's fanatic version of Islam and its hierarchy of prophets and imams promising that catastrophe will herald supremacy of the faithful has done no favours to the vast community of Muslims.

And it is that tide which must be once again turned. those parts of Europe which had rejected Islam and returned to Christianity must be recovered and steadily enlarged upon. To return Islam to its golden age of triumph and complete suzerainty of the mass of humankind.

The exemplar of Islam's renaissance is currently Iran whose support and funding of proxy militias dedicated to divine jihad has presented itself as a monumental concern. Saudi Arabia's sinister input has been to fund madrassas that have developed the movement of jihad and fundamentalist interpretations. The two sects and the countries might be seen to be on a collision course.

The mindset of devoted jihadists for whom no other occupation has any meaning reflects the conflict seen today worldwide, from Asia to Africa, Europe to North America. And its microcosmic presence is in the Middle East, where Israel represents the ideology of liberal democracy and liberty.

And its neighbours, one after the other, even while popular opposition attempts to throw off their traditional strangulating yoke of oppressive tyranny, are becoming ever more dedicated to the kind of Islamism that promotes violence against its 'lesser' selves, identified as moderate Muslims, and against the non-Muslim world at large.

The laboratory experiment that is one tiny country determined to exist within a cauldron of xenophobic hatred, racialism, and religious persecution, is the minuscule yellow canary in a deep, dark mine exuding suspicion, hatred, violence, murderous intent.

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