
This is a blog dedicated to a personal interpretation of political news of the day. I attempt to be as knowledgeable as possible before commenting and committing my thoughts to a day's communication.

Wednesday, June 08, 2011

Anti-Israel? Or Not?

The lamentable antics of Svend Robinson when he was still a Member of Parliament under the NDP banner have not been missed. His stint as the NDP foreign affairs critic was not boring, but it was stupid. His visit to Ramallah in 2002 to speak with Yasser Arafat in compassionate agreement with his embattled stance did not reflect well on the NDP. His statement about Israel's self-defence spoke volumes about his particular agenda, and cast doubts on that of the NDP.
"Like many Canadians, I am deeply concerned and alarmed about the
illegal, violent actions of the Israeli government in the occupied
territories, particularly sealing off Ramallah and President Arafat from the eyes
of the world," Robinson said. "The Israeli government is demonstrating
total contempt for international humanitarian law and the 4th Geneva
That was then, this is now. Mr. Robinson went down to the disgrace of portraying himself as a kleptomaniac of huge proportions, someone whose headspace was sadly compromised. But he was not the only one among the NDP to demonstrate an adversity to the State of Israel, for there is that about the left, that it has become comfortable with partnering with Muslim extremism, viewing fanaticism with the favour usually given the underdog.

It is the Canadian left that finds itself happy in company with Palestinians and their sympathizers readily slandering Israel, and who view political Islam as an ideology they can support with good conscience. Along with public service unions for whom the virus of leftist ideology is the stuff of their dreams, and who support and fund an ocean-going vessel to run the blockage of Gaza; to give joy to Hamas, gives purpose to their being.

The deputy leader of the NDP, now Canada's Official Opposition, has gone on record proudly supporting the Israeli boycott calls, claiming the original 'occupation' dating to 1948 an outrage. The year 1948 of course representing the creation of the State of Israel, whose legitimacy Libby Davies obviously finds fault with. She relates to the Naqba on behalf of Palestinian 'refugees'; the world's longest-lasting refugee population who guard their status jealously.

Yet another of the NDP's veteran elected members of Parliament from British Columbia, Alex Atamanenko, is distinguishing himself with his outspoken support of the original flotilla with its Turkish lead ship stuffed with Islamist agitators precipitating a confrontation with boarding Israeli sailors leading to violence and death. He is now publicly giving his personal approval of the soon-to-set-sail Canadian Boat to Gaza.

These positions taken by senior members of the New Democratic Party may or may not represent official NDP policy; their leader Jack Layton has in the past disassociated himself and his party with statements of this kind. But he has not yet, nor may he ever admonish his members that their personal antipathy toward Israel and favouring of the Palestinian 'underdog' does them little credit in the longer view.

And certainly does their party little good. For the simple facts are that Israel is a democratic country forced by geography and circumstance to continue defending itself against incessant violence directed toward it and its citizens. And its near neighbours have demonstrated time and again that their unwillingness to accept the presence of Israel through a succession of military onslaughts ordered by their ruling despots identify their anti-democratic credentials.

Yet it is the violent rejection of a peaceful state that goes unrecognized for what it represents. And the peaceful state's need to protect itself from ongoing attacks by mounting a defence to protect its people and its presence within the Middle East that the left identifies as indefensible aggression. Where is the logic in that? Plenty of passion, though.

And what does NDP leader Jack Layton, leader of Canada's Official Opposition, intend to do in reaction to all of this? Unless he stands prepared to support the ideological positions taken by his friends and colleagues...? We're being put on hold? Awaiting a message from our sponsor? What!!?

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