Justin Trudeau's UN Security Council Leverage For Influence and Impact and Engagement
"Getting a seat on the UN Security Council itself is not an end to itself, it's a means to an end. It is a way for Canada to continue to be influential and have an impact."
"We are more engaged and we will continue to be more engaged on the world stage."
"One of the things we have seen through this pandemic is just how interconnected and interdependent the world is. Now is the time for us to reflect on our multilateral institutions and how they can be improved given this crisis."
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau
"There was a lot of activity on the ground going from mission to mission, literally ringing the doorbell [In Canada's campaign for a revolving seat on the UN Security Council during the 1988 atempt]."
"There is a lot riding on the ambassador and the relationships he has established. I can't think of anyone better suited to do this [whip votes among the UN membership in support of Canada's bid]."
"You need the support at the highest level, you need the support for your prime minister."
"My feeling is that Canada has a very good chance to make up for that shameful defeat [when in 2010 Canada's bid lost out to Portugal, under the former Conservative government led by Prime Minister Stephen Harper]."
Yves, Fortier, former Canadian ambassador to the UN, 1988 to 1992
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Prime Minister Justin Trudeau delivers remarks during the Nelson Mandela Peace Summit plenary session at the United Nations headquarters on Sept. 24, 2018. (Adrian Wyld/The Canadian Press) |
This government decided to swerve from its normal stance of either voting against or abstaining when votes targeting Israel are brought with stunning regularity before the General Assembly as the UN's perennial whipping state through resolutions usually brought forward by members of the Arab League, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, or the Non-Aligned Group supported by 'socialist' countries such as Venezuela and Cuba. In the last round, Canada directed its UN ambassador to vote with a condemnation of Israel.
A thinly disguised gambit to curry favour with the influential Muslim and Arab voting blocs. One that failed to impress, however. As 'pro-Palestinian' groups in Canada put it, such as Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East, the defeat "proves that Canada's failure to demonstrate leadership on human rights and international cooperation has isolated it from world opinion. In recent months, Trudeau has also been relatively quiet on the threats of Israeli annexation, especially when compared to the vocal and long-standing condemnations from competitors Norway and Ireland."
So there's that perspective and that voting group heard from. Which remains dedicated to the fallacious narrative that their historical version supercedes that of boundless documentation from the Old Testament to ancient chroniclers such as Josephus in ancient Rome writing about the Jewish struggle to remain within heritage Judean land, much less the archaeological evidence of Judeans as the original inhabitants of their portion of the Middle East, soon to be called Palestine, which Arab 'Palestinians' now claim as their own.
Justin Trudeau reviled the government of his immediate predecessor, Stephen Harper, and to this very day refers to his prime ministerial conservative counterpart as a catastrophe for Canada as a governing agent. Yet the contrast between the two men could not be greater. One of whom was a resolute, authentic, intelligent and reliable steward of the nation's democratic values, supporting justice and equality, while meting out equal treatment to provincial interests; whose personal agenda was never to enrich himself or gain personal power.
And that description is not one that fits Justin Trudeau's years of administering Canada's affairs. He, rather, has a history of mean-spiritedness in persecuting those he feels have failed to bow to his commanding presence, a prime minister who curried favour with influence and power, expressing admiration for dictators' effectiveness in governing, a hypocrite of the first water in claiming to be a feminist, shunning racism and supporting Aboriginal claims for justice and equality.
None of the issues that darkened his rule, like his malignant campaign against Vice-Admiral Norman, his exploits in embarrassing Canada while making an theatrical ass of himself in India, his pursuit to suborn justice in the Quebec-based SNC Lavalin affair in harassing then-Minister of Justice and Attorney General Jody Wilson-Raybould, his man-handling of a female reporter in B.C., his shameful blackface poses, his conceited selfies, and above all, his sidestepping Parliamentary democracy during COVID-19.
All instances writ large in modern history as personal failures impinging on public duties as failures to rise to the occasion of minimal expectations in administering a nation's weal, where among the most serious of his deficiencies was his constant undermining of the fortunes of the province of Alberta which had long been the major support for equalization payments doled out to the 'have-not' provinces of confederation. His alienation by interference and neglect of Canada's Western provinces produced a two-tier nation of resentment and threats to secede from an unequal status imposed by a hostile government.
Now, to top off all his other failures in government aside and apart being a major embarrassment on the world stage in Justin Trudeau's handling of sensitive relationships with other democratic countries and his failure to defend Canada's interests from countries whose malign influence has been inimical to Canada's stability and fortunes such as Iran and China, his lavishly sought-after legacy project that he focused with laser vision on, to be elected to the UN revolving Security Council for a two-year stint for the prestige and glory it would drape this vain entitled man in, has also failed.
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Labels: Canada, Crisis Management, Failure, Prime Minister Justrin Trudeau, UN Security Council Seat
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