Harmless UK Labour Party Tics
"There is no place for anti-Semitism or any form of racism in the Labour Party, or anywhere in society."Over and over again, one following on the other, Labourites are proudly ventilating their credentials as critics of Israel, but never, heaven forfend, as anti-Semites. But perception is reality, isn't it? Or is it that reality simply cannot be avoided forever behind the smokescreen of innocence of intent, unfamiliarity with the unwarranted sensitivities of certain people who see bigotry and racial discrimination everywhere.
"We will make sure that our party is a welcoming home to members of all minority communities."Jeremy Corbyn, leader, UK opposition Labour Party"When Hitler won his election in 1932, his policy then was that Jews should be moved to Israel. He was supporting Zionism before he went mad and ended up killing six million Jews.""I have been in the Labour Party for 40 years and I have never heard anyone say anything anti-Semitic."
Ken Livingston, member, Labour Party
"We invented Israel when saving them from Hitler, who now seems to be their teacher. I will never forget and I will make sure my kids teach their children how evil Israel is."
"Hitler was the Zionist God. What do you know about Jews?"
Vicki Kirby, Labour activist
"[Israelis should be] transported from Israel and relocated where they belong, in the United States. Problem solved and save you bank charges for the [billions] you [the U.S.] transfer yearly."
"Israeli war crimes [should be recognized because] the Jews are rallying."
Labour MP Naz Shah
Labour MP Naz Shah who, if anything has shown herself to be even more tainted by anti-Semitism than the man she defeated in the election to retake his seat in Parliament -- but who is hard to eclipse, a man who has made a name for himself as the very personification of British anti-Semitism, his name synonymous with Israel and Jew-bashing; one has only to hear the name "George Galloway" to click instantly into mode -- has now defined herself and her agenda of hate.
Not to be undone completely, another reviler of dastardly, Palestinian-oppressing Israel came to her support with his own impeccable knowledge of history, social events, and connections between Jews and the Third Reich who agreeably made that fateful pact that sealed the fate of an expendable six million Jews in the interests of fertilizing the vast fields of European agriculture with the detritus of well-baked bone-meal.
Livingston simply shared the wisdom of his knowledge of historical factoids and this is history, not anti-Semitism.
Of course Mr. Corbyn, the distinguished arbiter of character and influencer of distinctions between terrorism and loyal believers in fundamentalist Islam, has himself been unfairly criticized in his references to Hezbollah as "friends" with whom dialogue would be useful in understanding their mission. And of course Hamas, whom civilized society also views as an Islamist terrorist group is strangely in his good graces, as people to be dialogued with as understanding can be reached if one but tries.
Mr. Corbyn's dependence on the expert strategizing and communications ability of Seamus Milne is understandable since they appear to share a belief in Hamas's legitimacy as a critic of Israel.
His praise of "the spirit of resistance" of Hamas operatives gives them clearance to attack Israel for its 'occupation' of Palestinian land, resulting from a gross error in judgement of the world community post-Holocaust and World War II, when the world was reeling understandably at the reality of genocidal success in annihilating most of Europe's Jews.
Undeniable that a "crime" against Palestinians was effected by Israel's establishment.
Seumas Milne, Strategy and Communications Director to Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn (YouTube screen capture)
There have been some dissenters to what has seemed to become an in-your-face party line of Israel- bashing and Jews-blaming, when in February, Labour launched an investigation into its Oxford University student branch after the chairman stepped down with his surprising assertion that many members "have some kind of problem with Jews".
Perhaps most refreshing of all is the Muslim Labour London mayoral candidate, Sadiq Khan, condemning his own party for its failure to react immediately on the issue: "The comments from Ken Livingstone are appalling and disgusting and there should be no place in the Labour Party for anyone with those views. Racism is racism.”
Labels: Anti-Semitism, Britain, Crisis Politics, Israel
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