
This is a blog dedicated to a personal interpretation of political news of the day. I attempt to be as knowledgeable as possible before commenting and committing my thoughts to a day's communication.

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

All Is Forgiven

"If you think you could be my prince charming, send me a detailed letter with at least two photos. Only those I deem compatible will receive a response. Serious enquiries only please. All unsolicited mail will be discarded."
Luka Magnotta, psychotic megalomaniac, convicted murderer, Archambault Penitentiary
Luka Magnotta's dating profile from Canadian Inmates Connect.

"It wasn't shocking that he didn't provide those details [that he tortured, murdered and dismembered a man, sending his body parts to politicians after producing a video of the atrocity and posting it online]."
"Some inmates don't, for whatever reason. With Luka Magnotta, he quite possibly could've just forgotten to put that in. Or maybe he was under the impression that the world knows what he was convicted of, and just didn't find it necessary to fill in that blank."
"There was a lot of negative publicity -- a lot of people were not happy that he was on there. I treated Luka Magnotta no differently than any other inmate." 
"People can go on [my website] and if they're not familiar with somebody such as Luka Magnotta, they can just go onto the computer and Google these people and find out what they're in jail for anyways."
Melissa Fazzina, founder, Canadian Inmates Connect Incorporated, online dating service

"Thank you for your service [Ms. Fazzina] I found what I was looking for."
Luka Magnotta

"I do feel very bad for these families. Obviously with every inmate, it doesn't matter who it is, there's gonna be some sort of victim. I feel horrible for their loss and what they've gone through. But the bottom line is that this is a human right that these inmates are entitled to, they have a right to communicate through written letters with people on the outside. To me, it's all or nothing when it comes to these rights."
"Just like with any site that's out there for people to correspond or meet people, you have to be careful. You know that you're communicating with a federal inmate. You have to be careful. There are vulnerable women out there, but there's also inmates that are also vulnerable, too."
Melissa Fazzina, Toronto 

There are two spiders spinning their webs here. One is the unspeakably malignant murderer who flaunted his atrocity and anticipated he would be much admired for having become a celebrity figure. And, amazingly, he proved to be right. His celebrity has brought him acclaim from those living on the margins of society. Presumably, sexual deviants like himself, psychopaths for whom the suffering of others is irrelevant; he has garnered an enthusiastic following.

And then there are those who provide the opportunity for such sociopathic monsters to make connection with others who find them irresistible. Ms. Fazzina is no less a spider spinning a web to entice and entrap the unwary than is Magnotta. Magnotta makes no pretensions that he is the way he is for his own gratification. Ms. Fazzina portrays herself as someone sensitive to the needs of those like Magnotta.

And through her enablement he has presumably found someone "loyal, preferably educated, financially and emotionally stable for a long-term committed relationship". Touching, if it were not so dreadful. Through the auspices of her website she hosted the opportunity for this man whom she refuses to sit in judgement of, to get on with his tawdry life of self-aggrandizement and sexual gratification, despite the horrible death he imposed on an unsuspecting university student.

In satisfying this man's needs, Ms. Fazzina has added to the unspeakable anguish of Jun Lin's family. And just incidentally diminished her own stature as a decent human being.

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Blogger Unknown said...

July 29,2014 my stepson was murdered. He was not known to police, it was not gang related and it was targeted. Messed up to say the least. He does not have a second chance, nor do the others whose families we met in a Homicide support group. Someone who intentionally takes the life of another deserves no rights. Period. What this lady is doing, reeks of self righteousness and nothing more. And while I would never wish this on anyone, save perhaps the person that took a good man, son, husband friend and employee from the world.
I think Melissa should YouTube the "aftermath of murder" videos or better yet, reach out to the families of homicide victims to see first hand how deeply insulting and hurtful this is.
Every bit as deplorable as the people convicted of these horrible acts.
Shame on you!

2:15 PM  

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