Peace Partner? Abbas's Fatah Demands More Car Terror Attacks
Peace Partner? Abbas's Fatah Demands More Car Terror Attacks
'Moderate' Fatah issues spate of cartoons and images calling for more terrorism against Jews; 'run over the foreign settler!'
By Ari Yashar
First Publish: 11/6/2014, 5:14 PM
Fatah uses Arafat's image calling for terror
Palestinian Media Watch
The flurry of Fatah Facebook activity urging more attacks ramming cars into Jews was exposed and translated by Palestinian Media Watch (PMW).
After a Hamas terrorist murdered a Border Patrol officer and wounded many others with his car in Jerusalem on Wednesday, and later another Arab driver ran into three soldiers, Fatah on Thursday posted numerous cartoons and images to its page calling for more such attacks.
One cartoon was titled "the run over organization," using a play of words on the Arabic da'es meaning "run over" and Da'esh, the Arabic acronym for Islamic State (ISIS). In the cartoon, Fatah urges "hit the gas at 199 (kmh, 125 mph - ed.) for Al-Aqsa."
A crossed-over traffic sign reads "Al-Aqsa," hinting at the ban on Jewish entry to the Temple Mount by the Jordanian Waqf (Islamic trust) that is in de facto control of the holiest site in Judaism.
Fatah urges car terror attacks Palestinian Media Watch
Indeed numerous terrorist websites, including that of Hamas, have been touting a "car intifada" in the wake of the Wednesday attacks.
In yet another post from Wednesday, a picture of former PA Chairman Yasser Arafat shouting was subtitled "the Jews are defiling Al-Aqsa - will you not rage?"
Fatah uses Arafat to call for terror Palestinian Media Watch
Another post on Fatah's official Facebook page Thursday showed a man shooting an assault rifle on the ground with the words "restore your glory."
Fatah picture Palestinian Media Watch
The text under the cartoon reads "#Da'es ("run over" - ed.) - a new hashtag."
Fatah terror call Palestinian Media Watch
"Reports of a stabbing of a Zionist security guard and taking of his weapon in North Jerusalem. May Allah protect the heroes. #Palestine_resists," the page bragged.
The same Fatah page also on Thursday posted a short video of Arab riots on the Temple Mount, writing "and they ask why we run them over!" The convoluted logic appears to be justifying the terror attacks in recent weeks with the Arab violence on the holiest site in Judaism.
Labels: Controversy, Fatah, Israel, Palestinian Authority, Security
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