Festering Jihadi Psychopathy
"This individual was known to federal authorities including our Integrated National Security Investigations team in Montreal who along with other authorities were concerned that he had become radicalized."
RCMP statement
He was being watched. Hard to overlook the man's dedication to Islamofascism, his Internet presence was rife with hateful statements brimming with Islamist propaganda and righteous Islamist exceptionalism arguing for death and destruction to be visited on the kuffars, and the elevation of the Islamist jihadis to world control. Hateful invective does not make a case for criminal charges and arrest in a speech-free society but that society does have limits to what can be accepted before such charges can be laid, and 25-year-old Martin "Ahmad" Rouleau seems to have gone beyond the acceptable on countless occasions.
Yesterday morning he decided obviously that he had been patient long enough, restraining himself from taking needed action against members of the Canadian military for Canada's decision to enter the conflict in Iraq to attempt to restrain the Islamic State from any further mass slaughter events. He had been primed by Islamist social media sites inveighing against the perfidious Westerners who presume to halt the inevitable sway of the Islamic Caliphate. It was time to prove his devotion to jihad.
And in that spirit he rammed his vehicle directly into two Canadian Forces members. And for his troubles was shot dead by local St-Jean-sur-Richelieu Quebec police whom he had led on a brief high-speed chase. Had he surrendered he would be facing a number of criminal charges. First-degree murder would be one of them, and discharging a terrorist-related offence, yet another. Perhaps his own inciting to violence on the Internet would have come in a distant third.
Warrant Officer Patrice Vincent is pictured in this Department of National Defence handout photo. Vincent was killed after being struck, along with another soldier, in Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Que., on Monday.
And no doubt, it did. "Canadian Forces personnel and facilities have been discussed as targets by domestic extremists in the past", noted the 2013 report, released under the Access to Information Act. Calls to attack Canadians for joining the anti-ISIS coalition have been surfacing with messages posted on line, inciting attacks on Canadians.
"Yes, my message is clear" ISIS member Khalid Al-Kanadi tweeted last week. "Canada initiated attacks on the Islamic State, so Muslims in Canada, retaliate & KILL THEM WHEREVER YOU FIND THEM." Perhaps it was this message that Ahmad Rouleau responded to, and that inspired him to write among many other messages:
"Allah has promised the hypocrite men and hypocrite women and the disbelievers the fire of Hell, wherein they will abide eternally. It is sufficient for them. And Allah has cursed them, and for them is an enduring punishment."
It is amazing how seriously these psychopaths take their roles in the world of exemplary dysfunction. It is disheartening as well when one of them runs amok and creates a situation of dread tragedy.
Police investigate the scene where two solders were run down southeast of Montreal on Monday Oct. 20, 2014. Maxime Deland/QMI Agency |
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