Canada's Anti-Israel Lobby
"There are indications that he [NDP leader Thomas Mulcair] would prefer us not noticing the positions he's taken on other things, particularly on Gaza. We're a thorn in his side, yes."
"He has given little weight to Palestinian rights and grievances."
"Over several years, in his statements to the media, in his dealings in caucus, and in his participation in different bodies ... he has clearly echoed the stances of Israel's right-wing parties."
Thomas Woodley, Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East
Harper is the first ever Canadian Prime Minister to address the Israeli
Knesset. (Photo: Official Facebook page of Stephen Harper)
The website claims their mission is one of dissemination of resources to "enable Canadians at all levels to better understand the dynamics of the region", and their respectable interaction with "governments, the private sector and community organizations to increase Canadian awareness and knowledge of the Middle East". Admittedly from their very own perspective, somewhat contorted, not entirely in conformation with the government's position.
Their "fact sheet" on Hamas, as an example, makes no mention that the European Union, Canada, the United States and other countries consider fanatical Islamist Hamas to be a terrorist entity and classify it as such. "We are trying to help people
To comment on their website that Hamas, aside from being in their estimation, a legitimate ruling party would be to engage in "labelling". "Just because the Canadian government lists Hamas as a terrorist organization doesn't make Hamas any less legitimate to the local population", is the rejoinder. Legitimizing through the lens of Western left-wing conscience, an entity whose purpose is the destruction of a country and a people; inconvenient details worth a disinterested shrug or two.
Again, leaving out the vital little bit of information that Hamas is a terrorist group whose actions bring torment not only to Israelis but to the Gazan Palestinians whose best interests Hamas purports to represent? "Because that's not what the purpose of the fact sheet is". So what is their purpose? Um, how about slander, how about supporting "Boycott, divestment and sanctions"; well what a good idea!
So when someone like the CBC's Jian Ghomeshi gets a little confused about priorities and values and prepares to MC a fundraiser for the Canadian Friends of Hebrew University, it was CJPME's obvious shaming duty to launch a campaign to set him on the right track. And in other campaigns, launch a letter-writing effort congratulating Kareem Abdul Jabbar and Roger Waters for their refusals to perform in Israel. Putting pressure on Cirque du Soleil and Paul Anka to ignore invitations to perform in Israel.
And providing "fact sheets" and "talking points" for the public invested with the same kind of hate-bug as CJPME to write letters to politicians, to retail companies or celebrities or Members of Parliament, or newspapers, to help in the obligation of all civilized folk to isolate and marginalize Israel. That's one important function to be hugely pleased and proud of, and CJPME is. But charge them with being anti-Semitic and they draw back in horror.
Israeli Gay Pride? Pinkwashing.
Gaza Flotillas? Scintillating!
Israel Apartheid Week? You betcha!
Canada's decision to join the U.S.-led coalition in air strikes against the Islamic State? Typical of the Conservative government of Stephen Harper. A war-monger of the first water. What goes on in the Middle East is the business of the Middle East, let them handle it. First-world countries that have since forever oppressed the nations of the Middle East, interfering in their governance, their societies, looting their natural resources, are still at it.
That's the mission of the Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East; non-intervention. Just send good vibes, and all will be well. They don't favour the Palestinians, and they don't detest Israel, all they want is justice, simple justice.
Labels: Boycott/Divestment, Canada, Crisis Management, Israel, Palestinians, Political Realities
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