
This is a blog dedicated to a personal interpretation of political news of the day. I attempt to be as knowledgeable as possible before commenting and committing my thoughts to a day's communication.

Monday, September 15, 2014

The Monsters of Islam

"They are killing and slaughtering thousands of people -- Christians, Muslims, minorities across Iraq and Syria."
"They boast of their brutality. They claim to do this in the name of Islam. That is nonsense. Islam is a religion of peace. They are not Muslims, they are monsters."
British Prime Minister David Cameron

British aid worker David Haines before he was killed.
British aid worker David Haines before he was killed, video posted on the Internet by Islamic State militants and provided by the SITE Intelligence Group, Sept. 13, 2014 Photo by AP

Both Barack Obama and David Cameron assert that these are fanatical lunatics, having nothing whatever to do with Islam. Muslims are moderate, peace-loving; nothing in their religion would impel them to engage in the horrors of gruesome slaughter that has been witnessed in the past month. They represent a rabble, outside Islam, aside and apart from the moderates that the West has welcomed to share their geography and their future.

Neither President Obama nor Prime Minister Cameron are Muslim, let alone are they Muslim scholars to whom such pronouncements might seem reasonable in defence of their religion. The Prime Minister of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan recently altered his country's constitution to enable him to become President of Turkey. Mr. Erdogan is Muslim, an Islamist Muslim. He and his country have enabled the Islamic State terrorists.

And he sneers at the Western interpretation of Islam: "The term 'Moderate Islam' is ugly And offensive; there is no moderate Islam; Islam Is Islam", he stated in 2007.  Prime Minister Erdogan in 1998  stated that 'minarets are our bayonets'. Swiss voters reacted to the presence of those bayonets crowding the landscape in Switzerland by banning them through a referendum in recognition of their symbol of Islam's political domination.

This is byzantine, convoluted logic. The message out of the West that what is happening in the Middle East, with Islamist mujahadeen going amok to an extent never before imagined, with crucifixions, heads atop poles, public beheadings, abductions and rape, mass executions, becoming the order of the hour, the day, the week, with Islamic State declared and the new caliph Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi presiding.

The level of brutish psychopathy has its source in actual fact, in the history of Islam and its spread through prosetylization, Islamic-style, sheer violent physical force.

Yet these two world leaders state with the confidence of ignorance that what the world is witnessing is rogue elements gone berserk, claiming to represent Islam. While the Islamic State terrorists mock the West with the proliferation of their grisly videos, confronting the West with its own errantly stupid characterization of 'true Islam', genuine Islam has created within itself sectarian hatred and violence to a degree that left to its devices would consume itself.

The West feels an obligation to intervene, to save the 'moderate Muslims', the Christians, the Yazidis because as a humanitarian plight of the helpless there must be a conscience displayed, a saving response. The monsters who are not Muslims in the opinion of the West do their utmost to provoke a response, secure in the belief that they are unassailable, since whatever they do, they do in the name of Allah who calls them to service and they have responded.

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