
This is a blog dedicated to a personal interpretation of political news of the day. I attempt to be as knowledgeable as possible before commenting and committing my thoughts to a day's communication.

Saturday, February 01, 2014

Number One anti-Semitic Leader in the World

"One has to call a spade a spade. Not just against Israel but against Jews, there is no other leader in the world who is inciting to such a degree - as it once occurred in the most dismal of times in Europe -- like Abu Mazen is today."
Yuval Steinitz, Israeli strategic affairs minister
Abu Mazen, oh yes, Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas. That would be the very same Mahmoud Abbas that preceded former Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in his obsession with Holocaust denial. It is entirely possible, come to think of it, that Mr. Ahmadinejad had come across Mr. Abbas's doctoral thesis and was hugely impressed by its logic and historical accuracy. Certainly it must have pleased those who have read it who find its assertions extremely palatable.

One who did not was David Bedein, director of the Center for Near East Policy Research who discovered in research of the Palestinian Authority education curricula the rather disturbing reality that "Throughout the educational system of the PA, we have found that the doctorate of Mahmoud Abbas stars, and forms the basis of PA Holocaust studies".

Mr. Abbas's doctorate was published in 1984 in book form with the title "The Other Side: the Secret Relationship Between Nazism and Zionism". The thesis had been completed at a university (Patrice Lumumba University, Moscow) in Communist-era Russia in 1982, defended at the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

In its conclusions it holds that he number of Holocaust victims to be "[possibly] below one million".
As though one million could conceivably be considered an acceptable number of lives to have been demolished, for after all, there were Jews, according to Mr. Abbas's thesis, who connived with the Nazis in an evil collaboration to bring that about; those Jews? the hated Zionists. In perfect accord with the Iranian Ayatollahs who cannot bring themselves to mouth "Israel", preferring "Zionist entity".

No gas chambers were used in the mass murder of Jews, the authority for that conclusion cited as none other than French Holocaust denier Robert Faurisson, who had conducted a "scientific study" leading him to that statement of fact, so eagerly picked up and cited by someone who turned out to be a disciple of the framework that underplays the significance and horror of the Holocaust as a methodology of state-instructed genocide.

"After serial Israeli incitement against Abbas with the latest incident being Steinitz's comments, [Israeli prime minister Benjamin] Netanyahu's government, as well as the U.S. administration, must take an official stance on this attack", countered Nabil Abu Rudeina, a spokesman for Mr. Abbas. Stating the obvious is now an offence against the delicacy of the ongoing negotiations.

Where entitled demands from the PA ensures that opportunity for agreement will remain nil.

Israel is in very point of fact, quite concerned that the current peace-talk efforts succeed. Perhaps not to the point where it will agree to dissolve the State of Israel as a failed experiment in human relations. But to the point, utterly detrimental to the Zionist ideal of return and restoration of a heritage that was appropriated by historical wars, where Israel may be forced by Arab demands to surrender its sacred sites to an omnivorous religion eager to swallow them.

"If the negotiations with the Palestinians get stuck or break down and we enter a reality of a European boycott, even a very partial one, Israel's economy will retreat. Europe is our primary trade market; 33 percent of Israeli trade is with the EU", pointed out the country's finance minister, Yair Lapid, warning of the disastrous results of a failure to prevent the peace talks from breaking down. Economic stability is vitally important, of course, and the EU carries a big stick of moral indignation.

The European Parliament is very big on pride in its stentorian voice of disapproval in all manner of international areas. And its reflection of European attitudes of moral superiority on any number of issues belie the unfortunate reality that it is all too often stuck in a syndrome of overweening self-admiration, collapsing all too often into a pizzling puddle of hypocrisy. And that too, happens to be another facet of reality.

Perhaps the question should be put this way: how to negotiate in trust with a 'partner' whose true agenda covers the ruse the international community is given to believing that the Palestinians truly do seek peace, to move forward to live in harmony with a neighbour whom they despise? How is it possible overnight to convince the Palestinians that the Jewish presence is no threat to them, when they have been historically and culturally accepting of ideas to the contrary?

When incitement by those who claim to have their best interests at heart, the corrupt and self-availing elite among them who service their own interests rather than that of the Palestinian people, urge Palestinians to continue to 'resist' the occupation. The very concept well enough known as committing violence in an ongoing struggle against a vile presence making impossible the realization of the Palestinian dream.

The rewards for those who become the martyrs so adored by the Palestinians reflected in cash endowments to the grieving but triumphant families of the martyrs, and the naming of streets, town centres and important government buildings after those who sacrificed their lives so that Jews could die in their pathetic civilian numbers of innocent men, women and children. Jubilation ensues with those deaths, and sobre sadness with those of Palestinian civilians.

That Palestinian dream kept alive by their leaders, that they will one day soon succeed in destroying the Jewish presence in their midst, to once again occupy, own and rule all the land they conceive of as theirs to do with as they wish.

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