
This is a blog dedicated to a personal interpretation of political news of the day. I attempt to be as knowledgeable as possible before commenting and committing my thoughts to a day's communication.

Saturday, February 08, 2014

Good News, Pakistan!

"It is necessary for the success of the talks that all activities against peace and security should be ended. [The] process of talks should not be a long one as the nation is waiting for good news. Therefore, this process should be completed in a short period."
Taliban representative Maulana Sami-ul-Haq

Irfan Siddiqui, left, the coordinator of Pakistan's team, speaking to Maulana Sami ul-Haq, a negotiator nominated by the Taliban, in Islamabad on Thursday.    B.K. Bangash/Associated Press
The former President of Pakistan, Pervez Musharraf, is currently facing trial for treason. This was the man, a former military officer who became president through a military coup, upon whom the U.S. and NATO relied as a 'partner' in combating terrorism. He was also president of a country whose military was heavily infiltrated by Islamists plotting incessantly to attack its neighbour India, relating to deadly competition over Kashmir.

The current government of Pakistan will put Mr. Musharraf on trial for treason. Because, they state, he declared a state of emergency, suspending the constitution while in power. If any country could and might declare itself to be in a state of emergency, Pakistan has that distinction. For the infiltration of Islamists into government and its agencies, plotting against its neighbours bringing them to the brink of war, failing to sustain its population through a catastrophic flood; safeguarding its nuclear arsenal, and giving haven to al-Qaeda, the Afghan Taliban and bin Laden.

The man could face the death penalty or life in prison if he is convicted of treason, a laughable charge; he may have committed errors of judgement galore, presided over massive corruption, bled the U.S. treasury under false pretenses, but he returned to Pakistan in the belief that he would be able once again to challenge the incumbents through a popular vote that would return him to the presidency. Blinded by his own arrogance to the temper of the times.

When Islamabad residents were being threatened and tormented by the fanatical rigidity of members of the centrally-located Red Mosque Islamists, he raided the mosque and emptied it of its unsavoury residents, bringing down the wrath of the Hill Tribes. His successors haven't really been very successful in administering the affairs of the country, still involved in espionage and trouble-making in Afghanistan, permitting attacks like the one in Mumbai to take place with military connivance aiding the jihadis.

But now the government will be negotiating for 'peace' activities with the Pakistan Taliban. State-operated Pakistan Television showed the genial handshakes taking place with the smiling government representative Irfan Siddiqui and sour-faced Taliban representative Maulana Sami-ur-Haq. One can only wonder whether intelligent Pakistans, assuming they reside there in some abundance, are watching with horrified fascination.
The never-ending attacks by the Taliban have caused the death of countless innocent Pakistani civilians, let alone security police and military officers. Recent attacks have inspired Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, who 'wants to see an end to terrorism', to initiate yet another military operation against the Taliban in their northwestern tribal regions support base. There have been numerous 'peace' agreements between the militant tribal chiefs which have never lasted.

"Today we started the journey for peace, and both sides have agreed to complete it as soon as possible", a thrilled Mr. Siddiqui announced, planning for further talks. This, of the Pakistani Taliban which has been unstinting in its battle to topple the government and enforce strict Sharia law across the country. In the process killing thousands of civilians, soldiers, police, and government officials in what is politely called an 'insurgency'.

Mr. Haq, representing the Taliban, insisted that recent attacks were mounted by "enemy forces" -- the U.S., Israel and India -- the three, he insisted, are attempting to maliciously disrupt the 'peace process'.

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