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Saturday, February 01, 2014

From Modest Beginnings Comes Hope for the Hopeless

Syrian pro-government supporters demonstrate during the so-called Geneva II peace talks on January 22, 2014 in Montreux.
Syrian pro-government supporters demonstrate during the Geneva peace talks January 22, 2014 in Montreux

From Modest Beginnings Comes Hope for the Hopeless

"For us, this family is finished from the memory of the Syrians, all that is left is blood, fire and terrorism. We will not accept for this man or anyone from his family to rule the country again."
Syrian Opposition chief Ahmad al-Jarba

"Progress is very slow indeed, but the sides have engaged in an acceptable manner. This is a modest beginning on which we can build.
"The gaps between the sides remain wide; there is no use pretending otherwise. Nevertheless, during our discussions, I observed a little bit of common ground -- perhaps more than the two sides realize or recognize.
"Things have gone so far down that they are not going to get out of the ditch overnight."
UN mediator Lakhdar Brahimi
Syrian pro-government supporters demonstrate during the so-called Geneva II peace talks on January 22, 2014 in Montreux.
Syrian pro-government supporters demonstrate during the so-called Geneva II peace talks on January 22, 2014 in Montreux.
- See more at: http://en.alalam.ir/news/1558211#sthash.qSRuUq8M.dpuf

The distinguished and hugely experienced Lakhdar Brahimi surely should be recognized as one of the world's foremost optimists. Perhaps that is the major ingredient that should be required of any individual who pursues the role of negotiator, particularly in a conflict as bitterly fought, claiming as many lives as this Syrian civil war has done. The man's endless endurance, his patient encouragement of two fundamentally intransigent sides, one of which is unforgivably guilty of horrendous acts of brutality is nothing if not admirable.

Mr. Lakhdar has proposed, with the conclusion of the second round of hopeful talks between representatives of the Syrian regime of Bashar al-Assad and the mostly Western-sourced Syrian Sunni opposition another round of follow-up meetings for February 10. The regime's delegation refused to commit. Predictably the opposition chief laid an accusation of hedging for additional time on the part of the regime. Enabling it in the meanwhile, to continue its bombing campaigns against the rebels, managing with great deliberation to hit targets representing as rebel-supporting civil areas.

Hedging for time to advantage themselves, just one little trick taught by Iran to Syria. It has been pointed out that just in the week during which the meeting was taking place in Geneva, an additional 1,900 people met their deaths. Of that number a minimum of 430 civilians were among those killed. The deadly infighting among Syrian moderates, among the Islamic groups and the invading al-Qaeda-inspired militias all competing for control of territory, weapons and influence has managed to bog down the opposition.

On the other hand, the opposition has little influence over, let alone respect coming from the rebel militias. And as for the Islamists and the al-Qaeda-aligned militias, whatever the opposition professes, does, or negotiates, is of little concern to them. They have managed to take possession of some of Syria's most important natural resources, in the territory they are in firm possession of, and are busy selling oil to international markets - even to the regime of Bashar al-Assad; buying back from those threatening their existence, energy that is Syria's.

The brutishness and insanity where neither side has any regard for humanity and where the Sunni rebels whose defiance of the Shia-ruling minority had captured the sympathy of the international community, has given way to the West finding all of these excesses of the unrestrained worst in human nature in full array just too unwelcome for contemplation. Where an extraction method out of Syria's deadly impasse looks impossible to foresee.

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