Murderous Conspiracies
"We have no doubt, the time will come in history when we can create a scientific commission to show that Comandante Chavez was attacked with this disease ... we already have plenty of clues about this, it's a very serious matter that will have to be investigated by a special committee of scientists."
Venezuelan Vice-President Nicolas Maduro
Black magic, of course. Practised to perfection by that perfidious, vicious government of the United States of America. Voodoo. Sinister and deadly. But of course Hugo Chavez too was imbued with the pathology of paranoia. "Israel finances the Venezuelan opposition, the counter-revolution. There are groups, even Israeli terrorists, the Mossad, that are after me, trying to kill me."
Well, it is evident that they succeeded, those evil necromancers.
There are those whose loyalty to Hugo Chavez is undeniable, world leaders of great repute who agree with that assessment, that evil incarnate radiating out from Israel and the United States profoundly altered this noble man's destiny, cut his life tragically short, caused him agony and pain, and by extension, painful agony to the people of Venezuela.
Hollywood elites; Oliver Stone, Sean Penn for example, and Canada's own Naomi Klein, Judy Rebick and Linda McQuaig - and oops, Jean Chretien may make their respectful appearance in Caracas to mourn the passing of a pure soul. Russia, China, Syria, Zimbabwe, Iran, Libya, Cuba, the countries with whom the nobility of his populist appeal and charisma resonated.
Mr. Chavez had enemies of Venezuela close at home as well as those capitalist Americans in Washington and their Zionist allies. "Since Chavez took the oath of office at the beginning of 1999, there has been an unprecedented surge in anti-Semitism throughout Venezuela. Government-owned media outlets have published anti-Semitic tracts with increasing frequency. Pro-Chavez groups have publicly disseminated copies of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion.
"Prominent Jewish figures have been publicly denounced for supposed disloyalty to the 'Bolivarian' cause, and 'Semitic banks' have been accused of plotting against the regime. Citing suspicions of such plots, Chavez's government has gone so far as to stage raids on Jewish elementary schools", reported Commentary magazine.
And horrors, from among the small Jewish Venezuelan community erupts anew a threat. But Venezuelan state television has stated that defence minister Adm.Diego Molero has pledged military support for the new acting president of the country, Mr. Chavez's hand-picked and -trained successor, former loyalist vice-president Nicolas Maduro. Who, according to the constitution has 30 days in the role until a new election is called.
And the man who succeeded in capturing 44% of the vote last time around, will run again. The governor of Miranda State, Henrique Capriles, is of Jewish extraction, his grandparents Holocaust survivors. The armed forces are denied a political role in the country according to a constitutional mandate. Yet here is Adm. Molero promising to ensure that a Jew, Henrique Capriles, will not succeed, and Maduro will.
Second Chance for Grandson of Holocaust Survivors
getty images
Uphill Struggle:
Henrique Capriles, the telegenic Venezuelan opposition leader, will
have a tough time overcoming the flood of emotion around strongman Hugo
Chavez’s death.
Labels: Anti-Semitism, Economy, Energy, In Memoriam, Poverty, Venezuela
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