Op-Ed: Exposé: All those Hamas Ph.D.'s
Published: Thursday, November 15, 2012 12:07 AM
Meet your friendly Hamas terrorist. He may be a Ph.D., an engineer, a college professor or dean - but he is a cold-blooded barbarian out to kill Jews. Why Israel is taking out terrorists and arms in Gaza.
Giulio Meotti
The writer, an Italian journalist with Il Foglio, writes a twice-weekly column for Arutz Sheva. He is the author of the book "A New Shoah", that researched the personal stories of Israel's terror victims, published by Encounter. His writing has appeared in publications, such as the Wall Street Journal, Frontpage and Commentary. He is at work on a book about the Vatican and Israel.
There are Israelis traumatized and injured, schools and houses destroyed, cities and towns terrorized. 15,000 Gazan rockets have fallen on Sderot and Ashkelon since Israel tragically uprooted Gush Katif in 2005. The sense of possible death has pervaded the streets, the houses and Sderot's local clinic, where a brave Romanian-born psychiatrist, Adriana Katz, takes care of these victims.
Contrary to the claptrap of the Western media, Hamas is not a fanatical sect of Islam; it is Islam, authentic and resurgent. Benighted humanists in Israel and in the West believe that Hamas' terrorists are brainwashed, poor or illiterate, when in fact the best minds of Palestinian society are at the top of Islamic terrorism.
Is it unconceivable that people who have the holy mission of returning to Jaffa on a carpet of Jewish bodies are also well educated surgeons, academics and writers?
Nizar Rayan was not only a Hamas' terrorist leader. He was a fine historian, academic and intellectual. Author of more than ten books on Islam, Rayan was killed in Jabaliya along with his wife and three children. They remained in the house even after the Israelis had warned them of the raid. Rayan had sent a son on a suicide mission against a Jewish town in northern Gaza and had taken part in an attack on the Israeli port of Ashdod, which killed ten "sons of pigs and monkeys", as Rayan call the Jews.
Rayan was a gem of the Islamic University of Gaza, he had studied at the prestigious faculty of Um Dorman and had written an essay on the life of the Prophet, entitled "Medina becomes Dark," a best seller in Saudi Arabia. His library, destroyed in the Israeli raid, contained ten thousand books.
Palestinian terrorism is led by academics, surgeons, scientists, scholars, intellectuals, people with an enviable curriculum vitae. Their biographies are the Palestinian version of al Qaeda. They are like Ayman Al-Zawahiri, Al-Qaeda mastermind and a surgeon; Omar Sheikh, the mastermind in the execution of Daniel Pearl, who had studied at the London School of Economics; the planner of September 11, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, who went to US universities, the head of the July 7 suicide bombers, Mohammed Siddique Khan, who taught in Leeds, while the English doctor Bilal Abdullah, who participated in the failed attacks in London and Glasgow in June 2007, was born into one of the richest families in Baghdad.
The Hamas leadership is the most educated in the Arab world with 500 high level degrees between them.
The Hamas leader, Khaled Meshaal, is a professor of physics and he was an academic in Kuwait.
Gaza's Prime Minister, Ismail Haniyeh, was dean of a university and his strong man for the Religious Affairs, Mohamed Tartouri, is a dean of the College of Sharia in Hevron, epicenter of jihad against the Jews.
Even among the Palestinian Arab "secular" terrorists you find many PHDs. Ahmed Saadat, who ordered the killing of Israeli minister Rehavam Ze'evi, is a professor, while terror mastermind George Habash was a doctor. That is because there is no difference between the Hamas Covenant and the Covenant of the PLO. They both want Israel's territorial truncation and eventual annihilation.
Fathi Shaqaqi, the late founder of Islamic Jihad, was a physician. The last of the Hamas' founders still alive, Mahmoud Zahar, is an excellent doctor, a well-known specialist in the thyroid who founded the Palestinian Medical Society, his wife is a teacher, one of their children had a degree in finance and a daughter is a professor of English.
These two doctors are responsible for scores of children, women and elderly who were incinerated on Egged buses in Israel; cafes and pizzerias destroyed; malls turned into slaughterhouses; mothers and daughters killed in front of ice cream shops; families exterminated in their own beds; infants executed with a blow to the base of the skull; fruit markets blown to pieces; nightclubs eviscerated along with hundreds of students; rabbinic seminarians murdered during their studies; husbands and wives killed in front of their children; children murdered in their mothers’ arms.
A well-known pediatrician was the Hamas' leader Abdul Aziz Rantisi, a senior manager of the Arab Medical Society known for his tireless campaign to "kill as many Jews as possible." Doctor Rantisi ordered that pieces of metal should be added to the explosives in the terrorist’s vest or backpack, with blasts often severing limbs completely. Israeli children have had their faces burned or their hands rendered useless; some have had their sight ruined forever.
A talented mathematician is Siyaam Saeed, Minister of the Interior. A former education minister, Nasser Eddin to Sha'er, studied in Manchester and New York. Ibrahim Hamed, the planner of brutal attacks such as Moment Café, the Ben Yehuda Street and the Hebrew University murders, has a BA magna cum laude.
Baseem Naeem became a surgeon in Germany,
Atif Adwan owes its formation to the most brilliant scientific universities in the United Kingdom, while Aziz Dweik learnt a perfect English at the University of Pennsylvania.
Mousa Marzook, accused by Israel to be involved in the murder of 47 Israeli civilians between 1990 and 1994, studied at Louisiana Tech and Columbia University.
Of the Palestinian suicide bombers, 47 percent had a college degree, 29 percent a high school diploma,24 percent attended primary school. People like Dia Tawil, who came from a "bourgeois" family with no financial problems, "only" dreamt of killing Israelis. Tawil's last words were: "Their bones will know the taste of death."
Israel is confronting Islamic revolutionaries ready to drench the holy land with blood and Palestinian Arab pediatricians who send their angels of death to kill Jewish children.
But worse is that these courteous, friendly, jovial, ferocious anti-Semites have been sanitized by the Western public opinion which call them "militants", like the New York Times did last week.
Shame on our Western collaborationists.
Tags: Ismail Haniyeh ,Ahmad Sa'adat
Labels: Crisis Politics, Cults, Culture, Education, Gaza, Hamas, Islamism, Israel, Terrorism
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