
This is a blog dedicated to a personal interpretation of political news of the day. I attempt to be as knowledgeable as possible before commenting and committing my thoughts to a day's communication.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Legendary No More

The Royal Canadian Mounted Police has gone from representing a national treasure of professional policing to one whose personnel appear to be behaving less professionally on an increasing basis.  At one time that proud and honourable national security force represented the very highest calibre of resolute professionalism.  And although there can be little doubt that there remain a majority by far of well-trained and dedicated members of the RCMP on active duty, the behaviour of a relative handful that bring shame on the entire force has brought its reputation to a very low ebb.

The public, increasingly may feel it has less confidence in the intrepid professionalism of RCMP officers than they have traditionally enjoyed.  And that is precisely because some very well-publicized, high-profile instances of malfunctions and criminal activities, let alone social perversions of authority and equality have defiled the good name and intentions of all officers by association.  Members of the RCMP whose exemplary behaviour is expected to reflect the values of this national body have reason to be bitter.

A few malingerers, deviants, hoodlums among them can have the effect of casting a shadow of distrust and disgust over an entire body of hard-working, proficient and effective professionals.  The new RCMP Commissioner Bob Paulson has sworn to do his utmost to turn the RCMP back to the hallowed institution it once represented.  He would change the institutionalized malfunctions back into what they were before management became bogged down in dysfunction.

But it seems that there are those among long-serving veterans of the institution that have been keenly observing the steps that Commissioner Paulson has dedicated himself to of late, and found them wanting.  Their confidence in the ability of a new Commissioner to turn around the failing fortunes, capabilities and reputation of the RCMP has plummeted.  These are the men who were active participants in a fully professionally-functioning enterprise that was the pride of the nation.  They know what it was like and they don't appreciate what it has become.

Low morale and suspicion among force members, expectations rising, then falling as one episode after another of poorly managed procedures and outcomes are revealed to the public by a press only too happy to shed a spotlight on the downfall of an honourable profession that has somehow become dreadfully worm-eaten from within.
"There is a lot more than sexual harassment happening in this organization.  There is bullying, intimidation, exclusion, veiled threats and more.  The RCMP is slowly eroding because of management's refusal to admit failure, or even step up to the proverbial plate.  What image are  you trying to protect.  That ship has passed and sunk...  We are no longer the image on the post card purchased by tourists.
"Management keeps on failing with a big fat F."  Peter Kennedy, North Vancouver Detachment

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