
This is a blog dedicated to a personal interpretation of political news of the day. I attempt to be as knowledgeable as possible before commenting and committing my thoughts to a day's communication.

Monday, August 08, 2011


Seems riots are the order of the day. Looting as well. When order suddenly becomes disorder, anything goes. Word of mouth to encourage those without a conscience will certainly do it. When New Orleans dissolved in an overwhelming sea flood even police officers roamed the aisles of supermarkets with shopping carts, helping themselves, shooting at the vulnerable desperately attempting to find their way out of hell.

In Somalia people are living directly in hell and have been doing so for quite some time. Hard to imagine the violence associated with the break-down of government security, but this is what terror-inducing jihad has wrought, with Al Shabab challenging a weak, Western-backed government for primacy, and nature chiming in with drought conditions. Leaving people desperate for safety, for food.

And aid providers - when they can manage to convince the murderous religious insurgents that they are not politically-, simply humanitarian-inclined - anxious to fulfill their mandated pledges, watching helplessly as people who live with desperate chaos ruling their lives and starvation stalking the land, loot the tons of food they intended to distribute to the starving.

In the United Kingdom, riots, designed and carried through by society's thugs and hoodlums, have taken police by surprise, unprepared to see a mass of people converging on Tottenham police station to voice their grievance with the death of a young black man, suddenly turn into an anarchic blaze of violence by those opportunistic social deviants who lose no opportunity to begin smashing, looting, torching.

Cars and buildings were set on fire, leaving area residents shocked and stunned at the loss of their homes, and their livelihood, in an area whose residents are already living in dire economic and social conditions.

Molotov cocktails do not suddenly appear out of nowhere. An incident occurred that those who seek to take advantage of public anger put to use to launch a mass riot, vastly outnumbering police and demonstrating how quickly such confrontations can deteriorate.

The Metropolitan Police had insufficient resources and initial imagination, and it cost them dearly in the four hours of calamitous rioting, violence, looting and destruction that ensued. None of which the original protesters must have meant when they called for "justice", and discovered their protest to have transformed their community into a war zone.

But there is that black urge among the thugs in society, who harbour deep-seated antipathies toward societal norms, and would far prefer, when they can manipulate events to reflect their views, to exercise their sociopathic tendencies to deliver a message of viciously violent non-conformity.

Those who presented with their vehicles at the ready to take away whatever they could manage, within the space of those four hours of law and order desperately attempting to control the situation, while the rioters let fly with their anger and their resentments, came well prepared to inflict as much property and social damage as possible.

Those facing the reality of looted and destroyed shops and homes can attest to that.

"A community that was already hurting has had its heart ripped out". Tottenham lawmaker David Lammy

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