
This is a blog dedicated to a personal interpretation of political news of the day. I attempt to be as knowledgeable as possible before commenting and committing my thoughts to a day's communication.

Monday, July 04, 2011

"We Intend To Get To Gaza"

The dedicated humanitarians aboard flotilla ships headed for Gaza to ostensibly 'break' the Israeli-imposed Gaza blockade must, above all, make their point. And that is to continue to slander Israel, to attempt to force it to back down from its position that it will not permit goods to enter Gaza to profit Hamas in any manner that supports its agenda of attacks.

Gaza's attacks against Israel, and its insistence that its charter impels it to destroy the nation are illegal and acts of war.

Israel is entirely within its international right as a sovereign country to use all means at its disposal to protect itself and its population from these attacks. And as an extension of that right, its imposition of a naval blockade simply reflects reality, and what any other country under like circumstances would do for its own protection.

Hamas represents terrorism against a neighbour, and this is recognized by the international community that labels it a terror group.

This is an inconvenient fact that defenders of Gaza handily overlook in their deep desire to slam Israel. The fact that Gazans are not in dire need of humanitarian aid - but perhaps in need of rescue from their unswervingly fundamentalist Islamist overseers - is obvious to any who care to look or to listen or to observe. The flotilla is estimated to carry 3,000 tons of goods, half the amount transferred through Israel at land crossings daily.

The United States, the European Union, the United Nations and Russia - how much more authoritative can it get? - have declared that the blockade reflects Israel's "legitimate security concerns that must continue to be safeguarded". The Quartet supports Israel's contention that any wishing to forward aid to Gaza are able to use "established channels so that their cargo can be inspected and transferred via established land crossings".

Greece has offered to guarantee passage of the cargo meant for Gaza in exchange for the flotilla leaders agreeing to forego their plan to sail and confront the Israel Defence Forces. Like the rest of the international contingent, the Canadian delegation has stated through a Quebec coordinator: "we intend to get to Gaza".

The 50 people aboard the ship named Tahrir, claiming to be transporting $30,000 in medical supplies are anxious to set sail. They take pride in their actions as international civil disobedience in the interests of protesting an 'illegal blockade'. "Illegal" because they claim it to be so. They are, they claim, calling on the world's conscience, in their high-minded determination to make this issue gain as many headlines as possible.

None of these humanitarians is the least bit concerned that a tiny country surrounded by hostile neighbours any of whom are capable at any given time, as in the past, of persuading others to assemble a combined force to attack and dismantle the Jewish state. Why should they be? That course of events would suit their agenda most handsomely.

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