
The sun beautifully illuminated the flowering bedding grasses which themselves perfumed the air about us. There are buttercups in abundance, and daisies, and a sprinkling of hawkweed, and finally the fleabane with its perfect little pink flowers and their bright yellow centres have also begun their bloom. Tangling through them all, is the cowvetch, whose bright purple-blue blooms give colour contrast to all of this.
We heard cardinals and saw a flycatcher which seems, oddly enough, to appear at a certain place in the ravine around this time of year for a week or two, and then goes off elsewhere. We watched robins doing their running-walk along the trail, looking for what? earthworms, other creatures of the soil? The ground is still drying out from all the rain we've had these past few months.
The idyll, unfortunately, was disturbed by the incessant jarring, intrusive chaotic jumble of sound that bored through the natural, pleasant sounds of the ravine. It's silly-season time, when people think they are complementing Nature by putting on various spring festivals. Invariably, these are colourful, and dreadully loud. Loudspeakers blare sounds that are confused by those incapable of discriminating properly, with music, though there is little resemblance to be found between music and that inchoate mess.
Two women and a young girl dressed in costume dance on top of one of the floats in the Carivibe Parade on Saturday. Fred Sherwin/Photo
Labels: Life's Like That, Society, Space
Grit and bear them! Obviously someone who is totally uncultured. For your information, what took place in Orleans yesterday is a festival that is celebrated by many countries around the world and is a staple of Caribbean culture.
I understand that you enjoy your peace and quiet, however you do not have to berate and offend others because you do not care for or understand their culture. I sense many underlying tones here but I will just label it as gross ignorance.
My advice: When there is something that is unfamiliar or even slightly irritating to you, ask questions and do some research. That way you may learn something where you won't have to grit, but may be able to bear it.
Proud to be from the Caribbean and a costumed participant and yesterday's CARIVIBE parade. If you need the proof, check the cover page of today's Ottawa citizen.
I will publicize this blog for the sheer pleasure of making an ass out of you.
Now who is the intolerant one here? Jaimanne's hateful invective in response to the writer's sigh of a pleasant day's outing in the peaceful solitude of an urban forest unpleasantly impacted by loud sounds of revelry were capped with the understanding that this pleases some folks.
The response it elicited was far less than accommodating to another's point of view; it was not those who ambled through a woodland setting that imposed themselves on others, but the revellers in the distance whose loudspeakers disturbed the peace of nature.
The commenter should take her own advice: "you do not have to berate and offend others..."
By the way, makes no difference to this writer what the festival represents, whether it's a jazz festival or a local 'welcome spring' festival, if loud noise blares from loudspeakers to disturb the general environment, it is offensive to some.
Hateful, intolerant..... sure!