
This is a blog dedicated to a personal interpretation of political news of the day. I attempt to be as knowledgeable as possible before commenting and committing my thoughts to a day's communication.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

NDP Partying in Vancouver

How refreshing. A new direction for the NDP is being considered. This is a time for refurbishing their public image. Proudly, for they are now the official opposition in Parliament. Jack Layton and Olivia Chow have moved into Canada's second-most prestigious taxpayer-subsidized housing project; oops, maybe third in fact, after 24 Sussex and the abode of the Governor General.
New Democratic Party leader Jack Layton waves as he enters Stornoway, his official residence, with his wife Olivia Chow in Ottawa June 15, 2011.
New Democratic Party leader Jack Layton waves as he enters Stornoway, his official residence, with his wife Olivia Chow in Ottawa June 15, 2011. Photograph by: Chris Wattie, Reuters

But it won't be long before they'll be in the second place residence, for they're ready to govern the country. They've just got to clean up a few loose ends. Capitalize on their good fortune, as it were. Manipulate their constitution's preamble to groom it for a wider audience. Overt socialism and assertions of "socialist principles" and "social ownership", don't go down as well when you're on the cusp of leading the country.

So that'll all be amended toward social respectability. If Communist China could find it in itself to embrace profit, consumerism, rampant trade advantages and capitalism, so can Canada's socialist (oops, sorry about that slip of the tongue, really meant "socially aware") government-in-waiting. And if Ontarians are beginning to feel they live in a nanny state, wait 'till the NDP rules Canada.

Other peoples' rights that we are to respect because of their cultural and religious traditions are to be foremost and uppermost in mind. A little sacrifice of one's own traditions and social structure isn't too much to ask for achieving one great big happy family now, is it? Tolerance is not only needful, it will become legally obligatory. And discrimination which also has a lofty designation becomes the dirtiest of nomenclatures.

Appeasement of Quebec now; that's classified under protection of language rights and we'd better polish up our high school French or forget about the civil service entirely; you thought it was already fraught with entrance difficulties? And the Clarity Act, where Parliament has the legal right to override a simple majority for secession, it gets scrapped, 'cause there's no majority without Quebec, see?

We save the best for the last, because this is Loony-Town and this may be Canada's future on the international scene, where it will become a Big Player at the United Nations, maybe even score a seat on the soon-to-be-expanded permanent Security Council. Which cannot be achieved without the following NDP conference resolution titled Boycott 'Apartheid Israel'.

This is the nifty proposal that will have the NDP "campaign for an end to the rule of apartheid laws that make Israeli Arabs and Palestinians second- and third-class citizens under occupation". And where the NDP must begin actively campaigning for the "right of return for all refugees, an end to the Israeli settlements and Israeli occupation of Palestinian lands ... and the removal of the apartheid wall, still under construction across the West Bank."

Not finished yet, since there's another out of the Richmond Hill riding association recommending support to send "another mercy ship" to deliver humanitarian assistance to the starving Gazans. A good time will be guaranteed to be had by all convention delegates. They may even stream out of the convention centre afterward and party in the streets.

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