
This is a blog dedicated to a personal interpretation of political news of the day. I attempt to be as knowledgeable as possible before commenting and committing my thoughts to a day's communication.

Sunday, April 10, 2022

Weaponizing Ukraine

"Planes, shore-to-vessel missiles, personnel armoured vehicles, heavy air-defence systems [these are our indispensable needs]."
"Either you help us now -- and I'm speaking about days not weeks -- or your help will come too late and many people will die."
"[I have no doubt Ukraine will receive the arms needed, but] the question is the timeline."
Ukraine's Foreign Minister Drnytro Kuleba

"To enable this transfer and ensure the continued security of Slovakia, the United States will reposition a U.S. Patriot missile system to Slovakia. Now is no time for complacency."
"As the Russian military repositions for the next phase of this war, I have directed my administration to continue to spare no effort to identify and provide to the Ukrainian military the advanced weapons capabilities it needs to defend its country."
U.S. President Joe Biden
Ukrainian soldiers unload U.S. made Stinger missiles and the other military assistance shipped from Lithuania to Boryspil Airport in Kyiv before the Russian invasion.
Ukrainian soldiers unload U.S. made Stinger missiles and the other military assistance shipped from Lithuania to Boryspil Airport in Kyiv before the Russian invasion.

Dmytro Kuleba predicted speaking after a meeting with NATO counterparts in Brussels, that the coming battle for Ukraine's eastern regions would resemble battles of the Second World War with large-scale operations, thousands of tanks and artillery pieces. And Ukraine needed whatever it could get, and more, more heavier, deadlier equipment to meet the challenge of the much larger, better equipped, (but poorly trained) Russian military. In entering a new phase, the need for military equipment to meet the Russians at their own game was paramount.

Ukraine, he pointed out, has mere weeks to receive and prepare the use of newly-received weapons, the length of time it will take Russia to reconstitute units in preparation for a major assault in the Donbas and beyond where large areas remain in Ukrainian possession. "Allies should do more and are ready to do more to provide more equipment, and they realize and recognize the urgency. This war may last for weeks, but also months and possibly also for years", commented NATO Secretary-General Jens  Stoltenberg.

The U.S., U.K. and European Union have been galvanized anew by fresh exposure of Russian war crimes against civilians in reclaimed towns surrounding Kyiv. Leading the EU to agree to ban imports of Russian coal, and discussions to ensue of potential oil and natural gas embargoes that may follow. Since economic and isolation sanctions have produced no discernible impact to date, the focus on weapons capable of advantaging Ukraine as it faces "this next phase of the conflict" is in the balance, in the words of U.K.Armed Forces Minister James Heappey.
Modernized T-72 battle tanks at the Kyiv Armored Plant before a handing-over ceremony to the Ukrainian Armed Forces in Kyiv in February 2021.
Modernized T-72 battle tanks at the Kyiv Armored Plant before a handing-over ceremony to the Ukrainian Armed Forces in Kyiv in February 2021.
A group of senior Ukrainian officers were hosted by Minister Heappey, demonstrating "a range of equipment and options for further military support, including defensive missile systems and protected mobility vehicles" in introducing them to Ukrainian Deputy Defence Minister Volodymyr Havrylov, heading the Ukrainian group. The initial NATO reluctance to supply large offensive weaponry to Ukraine is being relaxed. Germany offered 100 Marder tanks that have been out in rain so long months of repair would be required for them to be operational. "While Berlin has time, Kyiv doesn't", commented Foreign Minister Kuleba.

When G7 foreign ministers met, the U.K. pointed out the time was right to surrender to Ukraine whatever level of equipment it wishes to receive; the U.S. stating it was prepared to help with tanks and longer range anti-aircraft systems. The U.K.'s Starstreak anti-aircraft system is being prepared, along with 3,615 light anti-tank weapons (NLAWs) sent to Kyiv. Australia is prepared to deliver 30 of its Bushmaster armoured personnel carriers and the provision of anti-armour weapons and ammunition.

Such equipment as Switchblade armed drones, Javelin anti-tank missiles and ammunition is consumed quickly in high-intensity conflict. And some of the equipment requires months of training to operate. A matter of time that Ukraine hasn't the leisure to expend as a prelude to countering the Russian advance on the east. "Donbas will be a battle of attrition", remarked Mark Hertling, a former commander of the U.S. Army in Europe.

Members of the Ukrainian military advance near Nova Basan in the Chernihiv region earlier this month.

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