Misconstruing Islam -- Orlando Carnage
"It is well-known that there are five pillars of Islam and jihad is not one of them. Rather, jihad is the peak of Islam. Some scholars have designated jihad as the sixth pillar of Islam, but there is no evidence to support this opinion."
"Jihad in the sense of armed struggle is not described as a pillar of Islam because, in general, it is a communal obligation and not an individual obligation like prayer or charity. If enough people participate in the armed defense of the nation and meet its security needs, then everyone else is not obligated to participate. Armed struggle only becomes an individual obligation on those capable of assisting the oppressed during a serious crisis."
"The peak is the highest part of the building, but it is not one of its supports or pillars upon which it is built. That is for two reasons. First, jihad is a collective obligation (fard al-kifayah) according to the majority of scholars and, unlike the pillars, it is not an individual obligation. Second, jihad will not continue until the end of time. On the contrary, when Jesus, peace be upon him, arrives and there is no longer any other religion besides Islam at that time, then war will lay down its burden and there will be no need for jihad, unlike these pillars which are obligatory upon the believers until the command of Allah is given and they are still in that state. Allah knows best." Source: Jami’ Al-Ulum wal Hikam
Faith in Allah الإيمان بالله
"America is absolutely awash with easily obtainable firearms. You can go down to a gun show at the local convention centre and come away with a fully automatic assault rifle, without a background check, and most likely without having to show an identification card. So what are you waiting for?"Adam Gadahn, spokesman, al-Qaeda"We were in Downtown Miami, Bayside, people were playing music. And he saw two men kissing each other in front of his wife and kid and he got very angry.""They were kissing each other and touching each other and he said, 'Look at that. In front of my son they are doing that'. And they were in the men's bathroom and men were kissing each other.""This had nothing to do with religion.""We are saying we are apologizing for the whole incident.... We are in shock like the whole country."Seddique Mateen, father of mass murder Islamist terrorist Omar Mateen
Orlando Mayor Buddy Dyer, center right, and
Orlando Police Chief John Mina, center left, arrive to a news conference
after a fatal shooting at Pulse Orlando nightclub in Orlando, Fla.,
June 12, 2016. Phelan M. Ebenhack/AP Photo |
What a huge relief for the families of the fifty people shot dead by Islamist Omar Mateen who was obviously just kidding around when he took pains to advise security authorities that he was supporting the Islamic State doctrine of ridding the world of non-believers. Though he practised a religion-based pathology of hatred and a deadly disdain for non-Muslims, gays and lesbians and transvestites obviously had a special niche in his mental files on those deserving to die.
The neat little story his father recounts to a willing audience could not possibly reflect an instinct to shield Islam from further scrutiny and blame. Why bother, since the authorities are already on board with that one, none of them prepared to expand the definition of 'terrorism' to the more precise designation of 'Islamist terrorism'. To do so is seen as being insensitively inflammatory. Islam is held to be incidental to the prosecution of atrocities against non-Muslims and Muslims insufficiently dedicated to the faith.
So fastidious avoidance of 'blaming' Islam is the order of the day, every day, whatever the 'provocation', be it in Paris or Brussels, Tel Aviv or Orlando. Why would anyone doubt a grieving father of a 'mentally unstable' man who has brought the eyes of the world in a collective swivel to Islam once again? That this father is himself a dedicated Islamist with a penchant through his Afghan heritage to support of the Taliban is merely incidental to a larger picture of obvious misunderstanding of the peaceful nature of Islam.
American intelligence agents had previously interviewed Omar Mateen because of his history of spewing Islamist threats and boasts of representing Islamic State. His employment as a security guard was never imperilled when a former co-worker with the security company G4S reported his constant talk of killings. "I quit because everything he said was toxic", said Daniel Gilroy who worked alongside Omar Mateen for several years.
Despite reporting the psychopathic Islamist maunderings of a man entrusted with public safety, trained to use firearms whose mind a co-worker felt was unhinged, it was the non-threatening employee who left in frustration, not the threatening employee who was discharged, and why might that be? Fear of a Muslim backlash of Islamophobia charges that can be so harmful to a business's reputation in an atmosphere of institutional avoidance of reality?
Politicize tragedy? Whatever might give that impression! Here are the democrats with the legacy of President Obama who instructs his administration that he will countenance calling terrorism what it is, but never terrorism as an Islamist popular construct of violent jihad supported by Koranic texts reflecting the very principle of Islam as a religion self-destined to rule the world.
And as pathetic as that injunction not to give offense to the faithful may be, there is the other issue of a vaudevillian mountebank crowing about Islamist terror, by a man who might very well attain the presidency of the United States of America. Donald Trump, yet another man with an 'unhinged mind' whose freedom to spout his own brand of hatred is widely celebrated. As horror stories go, that one is a full-blown nightmare.
Labels: Crisis Management, Islam, Political Realities, Terrorism, United States
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