The Nobility of Purpose in Deceitful Slander
"What BDS wants is to make life in Israel intolerable so the Jewish nation will not be able to have a normal existence. BDS does not only want to change the government's policy, it wants to empty the country of Jews."
"Most of us [Friends of Israel Initiative] are not Jewish, but we share the vision. When defending Israel we are defending the West. We are defending our way of life and values, and also our interests."
"It is unfair and unthinkable for Israel to sign an agreement with a [nascent] state [Palestinian Authority] that refuses to acknowledge the Jewish state's right to exist."
former Spanish Prime Minister Jose Maria Aznar
"The following students and faculty at UC Santa Barbara have allied themselves with Palestinian terrorists to perpetrate BDS and Jew Hatred on this campus."
"Jew haters on other campuses are going to wake up some morning soon and see their pictures on posters holding them responsible for their anti-Semitic thoughts and deeds."
David Horowitz, Horowitz Freedom Center
"Administrators hypocritically invoke free speech in defence of faculty members who provide an ostensibly 'academic' rationale for opposition to Israel. By now, entire disciplines use their academic conferences to attack the Jewish state."
"Where are the campus rallies for women's rights in Islam, relief efforts for Syrian refugees, vigils for Christian victims of Islamic State [or Iraq and the Levant]? Where is the outrage of historians and archaeologists at the destruction by radical Muslims of ancient monuments?"
"[Anti-Israel campaigns flourish] because onlookers who think they have no stake in the conflict choose not to face down the belligerents."
Ruth Wisse, professor, McGill/Harvard Universities

Recalling the Holocaust in her observation of disaffected onlookers recognizing the moral imperatives, but choosing non-involvement because they feel the situation has no impact on them, is a reflection of non-interference by the world at large when Nazi Germany was busy operating its efficient machinery of genocide perpetration, to rid the world of Europe's Jews. There are certainly direct parallels to the launching of the Holocaust, and that of the BDS movement, both working to isolate Jews and portray them as enemies less than human, to make their destruction more universally palatable.
The political left has gone into overdrive to send its message, that it is not of course, suffused with hatred of Jews, simply seeking justice for the Palestinian 'cause', and if Israel is being vilified as an oppressor and a threat to peace in the Middle East and beyond, the nation has earned that status by not submitting to world opinion. World opinion in the 1940s managed to overlook the plight of Jews targeted for annihilation. World opinion in the 21st Century seems satisfied with the destruction slated by defenders of the 'underdog' Palestinians of the State of Israel.
The Boycott Divestment and Sanctions campaign that gave equal rise to its offshoot Israel Apartheid Week, to slander and deprive Israel of legitimacy has certainly had its successes. Forcing a nation that has, since its birth been compelled to defend itself against one violent wave after another of combined Arab military attacks, and of non-state militias intent on destroying it as well, to defend itself against a coordinated onslaught of accusations that its ultimate goal is to demolish the aspirations of worthy Palestinians.
Yet the smear campaigns have also resulted in unforeseen consequences that have done great harm to Palestinians. Palestinians, for example, who were employed in well-remunerated construction jobs helping to build West Bank settlements, when the Palestinian Authority failed to produce jobs for its vast army of unemployed. When a campaign targeting SodaStream operating in the West Bank forced it to relocate its production to Israel proper there were consequences. In the process of silencing the BDS accusers hundreds of Palestinians lost their employment.
In the growing relevance to the modern world of science and technology Israel has shown itself to be an innovation powerhouse. Of the 300 projects approved by the European Research Council, fully 11 percent were directed to young Israeli scientists, placing it behind only Germany and the United Kingdom in its productivity and enterprise potential and capabilities. Former Spanish Prime Minister Jose Maria Aznar is striving to have Israel accepted into the European Union; their values parallel each other's.
University students have taken up the challenge to demonstrate how engaged they are with social media favourites, and as a favourite target, Israel and Jews have few serious challengers. Universities breed idealism and the ideology of slamming Israel for its very existence and accusing it of oppressing a people who claim prior and everlasting entitlement to a land that was historically and remained through the ages a heritage of Judaism, has huge popular appeal.
Israel's existence as an aberration, a lone Jewish state surrounded by Arab states, a democracy encircled by dictators, monarchs, theocracies and oil sheikdoms, is one of those errors in the perceived natural order of things; a square peg in a landscape designed for round ones, and so that square peg must be hammered incessantly until it no longer resembles its authentic form, squeezing the Jew out of the Jewish state, so it becomes yet another Arab-majority state to the satisfaction of Jew haters.
The anti-Israel movement is supported and celebrated for all the presumed harm it can do to Jews and to Israel. By creating yet another forum by which both can be declared illegal, immoral and indefensible by their very existence.
Labels: BDS, Heritage, Israel, Judaism, Palestinians, Security, Slander
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