The Normality of Shrill War-Mongering
"The puppet military gangsters shot at our sacred fatherland, bringing clouds of fiery war while we are leading a happy life close together with our leader."This man could be angling for notice and approval by his Dear Leader through his bombast, perhaps visualizing himself being recognized as prime material to be appointed a top general whose military prowess would lead North Korea to a final victory over its nemesis South Korea, the wealthy, progressive, democratic half of a once-whole nation. Brain-washed to believe that they're the fortunate and peaceful half, North Koreans seem resigned to their elevated status in life; privation and isolation their blissful lot.
"How can we put up with this? I think what our party has decided to do is completely right, and we should take revenge."
Pyongyang citizen Kang Ju Hyob
South Korea blamed North Korea over a landmine blast that recently injured two South Korean soldiers. Since North Korea denied it had anything to do with any blasted landmine explosion, the South initiated a campaign of denouncing the North as liars and violators of a truce between the two countries. A furious North Korea demanded that the loudspeakers be taken down, and cease blasting their propaganda into North Korea.
And the South Koreans said that would be done only after an apology was received from North Korea, admitting they were behind the blast. In response, the normally belligerent and perennially affronted North declared themselves at "quasi-war" with the South, warning that their threats would follow through. South Korean defence officials released findings that 70% of the North's over 70 submarines and undersea vehicles had left their bases.
The North had, in addition, doubled its front-line artillery forces. The South reiterated it would continue the broadcasts. The North denied they had done anything to occasion the loud verbal assaults. President Park Geun-hye insisted that without a clear and unambiguous apology from North Korea for the mine attack the anti-Pyongyang propaganda would continue.
The infuriated North threatened that meant war. Behind the scenes of the belligerent rhetoric representatives of both countries were meeting Foremost on the table was a means by which each could evade losing face. But the talks were evidently mature and civil enough at the village of Panmunjom, that both agreed to pull back from broadcast on the part of the South acknowledging apology from the North and the resumption of relations.
North Korea's preparations, moving a high number of troops and submarines to the border came to a halt. A simple matter of expressing regret brought both countries back from the brink of belligerence.
North Koreans themselves seem somewhat inured to the fear of war breaking out between the two countries. They have been indoctrinated into the belief that the South plans dire action against them for so long, and have become so accustomed to hearing they're on the brink of war, they're hardly fazed any longer.
Labels: Conflict, Human Relations, North Korea, South Korea
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