She Should Know all About Red Flags
"You should be looking out for the sprouting of mosques and Islamic centres. You should be looking out for the establishment of Islamic schools and anything that costs money. Countries like Saudi Arabia and the oil-wealthy Gulf countries that have absolutely everything that money can buy, yet many of them choose, for their philanthropy, radical Islamic goals, institutions, activities -- jihad."
"For the outside, for the non-Muslim, especially in the West, where we believe in the freedom of religion and the freedom of conscience, when people come here and establish a network of schools, Islamic centres, mosques, it all falls within our freedoms and our laws, but we rarely take an interest in the content of what is being preached and what's being disseminated."
"I don't know how big the Medina group is. I think today it's much bigger than it was after 9/11, but it still is largely a minority: a considerable minority, a vehement minority, a determined minority, but a minority nevertheless."
"I don't want us to focus on the Medina Muslims only after they engaged in acts of jihad, but I would like us to start focusing on them early on ... in the weeks, the months and the years that they are preaching, preparing and cultivating the minds of young people."
Ayaan Hirsi Ali, fellow, Harvard University, JFK School of Government
recognize their calling to proselytize, for Allah will only be satisfied when the entire world worships him.
Moreover, this religion whose foundation is the Arab culture of tribalism, of suspicion, of belligerence and endless war has elevated Arabs to the position of keeper of the faith; the language of the Koran and the Hadiths is Arabic, memorized by rote by non-Arab Muslims in fealty to Islam and its origins. Islam, through the Prophet Mohammad presented itself as a campaigning, conquering Army of Faith, one that gave no quarter; any who worshipped an earlier religion were put to the sword in a bloodbath of retribution for denying the sacred oneness of Islam's god.
Wahhabists have no patience with those who claim to respect Islam, but prefer to worship their own religion. Any who criticize, who fail to defer, who spurn, however politely, the invitation to declare their obligation to convert to Islam by repeating the Shahada: "There is no God but Allah and Mohammad is His Messenger", are deserving of death. This is where jihad enters the picture and the scimitar, a symbol of Islamic 'prosetylization'.
Ayaan Hirsi Ali is merely pointing out what to her is blatantly obvious, and as a former Muslim whose eyes were opened to the reality of fierce hatred and denial of equality and intent to commit bloodshed in the name of Islam, no one is better placed to describe the menace and the means by which it means to achieve the ultimate conquest of a West too forgivingly polite to take any of the declarations emanating from Islam other than that it is a 'religion of peace', seriously.
Radical clerics, she insists, and those with a jihadist agenda prey on young Muslims in their search for meaning in life, by "telling them, 'Join the caliphate, fight for it'", she said to the Canadian Senate's national security and defence committee, on the cusp of preparing a report on threats to national security. Despite all the clear and present evidence of the dangers represented by Islamism and its barbaric groups of jihadis, she faults the West in general for failing to develop and promote a usefully protective counternarrative, much less a counteroffensive.
Her witness represents the second in recent weeks posing warning before parliamentarians of the influence of the Muslim Brotherhood and "Medina Muslims" within North American Muslim communities, advocating the abandonment of mainstream social values, beliefs and customs in favour of adopting a strict interpretation of Islam. Which requires through its very inner structure, the core principle of holy war against the West.
Combating radical influences resulting in a proliferation of Islamic terrorism will not happen until North America, Europe and other nations of the West make an effort to define the problem, how it is best identified, and the manner in which it must be countered and ultimately defeated. The "Medina Muslims" of which she speaks are the fundamentalist radicals, the violent underbelly of Islam whose goal it is to live under Shariah law, dedicated to dictating moral, economic, military and social mores reflecting the seventh Century introduction of Islam.
It was in Medina that the Prophet Mohammad made his offer to Jewish tribes to relinquish their belief in Judaism and embrace Islam, the finished product of the religion the ancient Israelites had produced through their communion with god. That they refused earned them slaughter. According to Islamists god may have initially chosen Jews to represent his agenda, but in due time once thousands of years had passed, god looked elsewhere to find another chosen people, and that people happened to be - surprise! - Arab Bedouin, the ignorant and the brutal.
"If an imam or a mosque or a Muslim centre is teaching that absolutely everything that's in the Quran, particularly in Medina, and absolutely everything that the Prophet Muhammad said and did, particularly in Medina, is what the practice of Islam is, then you should have red flags all over the place."
"If they're preaching sharia law, even though it's Canada where it seems inconceivable to practise Shariah law, you have a red flag", she testified.
Labels: Islamism, Jihad, Middle East, Philanthropy, Salafists, Threats
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