
This is a blog dedicated to a personal interpretation of political news of the day. I attempt to be as knowledgeable as possible before commenting and committing my thoughts to a day's communication.

Saturday, May 16, 2015

The Brotherhood's Islamophobia Tool

"They basically aim to be the gatekeepers to Muslim communities, that whenever politicians, governments or the media try to get the Muslim voice, if there were such a thing, they would go through them, sort of the self-appointed leaders of Muslim communities."
"It would be an analytical mistake to lump them, as some do, with al-Qaeda or ISIL These are not organizations that plan attacks in the West, and actually in many cases they do condemn them."
"Generally speaking, the movement has not abandoned violence as a tool to advance its agenda. [Tactically it no longer pursues violence] but it's not heartfelt."
"They have this narrative where they lump together foreign policy issues with issues like cartoons and so on as part of a big narrative that proves this point that the West hates Muslims and Islam. It's that mainstreaming of this narrative which is very much the staircase to violent radicalization and the Brotherhood does mainstream that. It provides somewhat of a fertile environment."
That kind of narrative in the mind of a 16- or 18-year-old is extremely dangerous, because violence is justified when Muslims are under attack. If it's OK in Gaza ad Afghanistan, why is it not OK in the West, where you're also telling me that Islam is under attack?"
"[They function as] part of an informal network where you have strong links based on personal and financial connections, and at the end of the day what matters the most: ideology. They all embrace a certain world view."
Lorenzo Vidino, Islamism and political violence specialist
Vidino Lorenzo MB Ottawa

Ayaan Hiris Ali wrote in her first book, Infidel, of her reaction to the Muslim Brotherhood in her native Somalia, their purist Islamist demands and her rejection of the mind-numbing insistence that Sharia law and tribal custom dictated that girls undergo circumcision. The Muslim Brotherhood, over 90 years in existence since Hassan al-Banna returned in disgust from a sojourn in the United States back to Egypt, has portrayed itself as a champion of the Muslim poor, offering aid and assistance to garner the devotion of the underclass.

Hamas, the terrorist group that now rules Gaza, is an offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood; their ideological ties are reflective of their core values, and their actions are similarly reflective of a Muslim core of worship of the original form of Islam brought as a social/religious compact by the Prophet Mohammad, inspired by Judaism's monotheism, and tailored by him for tribal Bedouin peoples to represent the final chapter in god's founding religion, making both Judaism and Christianity redundant.

The Muslim Brotherhood, taking its inspiration from Mohammad's vision of conquest of the entire world through a whirlwind of scimitar-smiting proselytizers for Islam, enforcing the complete surrender of infidels to the crescent moon of Allah, remains intent on finishing what the Prophet began. Stealth and infiltration is one of the tools, violent jihad the other, in impressing upon the non-Muslim world that the god of Mohammad gives them no choice but to accept Islam.

Muslims have steadily migrated to the non-Muslim world, to populate its societies and its cities by the sheer weight of its numbers, the second most faithfully populous religion, and the greatest growing in popularity in the world. The Muslim Brotherhood's infiltration into Western societies has the purpose of stirring the pot, to remind the ummah, the Muslims dispersed worldwide, of the resistance of the free democracies to Islam and Sharia law.

The Brotherhood in fact, has enviable entree to politics at the highest, executive level in the United States. U.S. President Barack Obama appears convinced that if any group is capable of informing him of what is happening in the world of Islam, the Brotherhood representatives can fulfill that purpose. Mr. Obama championed the presidency of Mohammad Morsi of the Muslim Brotherhood, and he denounced Morsi's rejection by Egyptians. While the Brotherhood is now outlawed as a terrorist group in its native country, it is given respectable status in the United States.

Spurning Islam is a crime worthy of death in Islamist circles. The Brotherhood's purpose is to instill in the faithful the sense that their existence is threatened by the hostile attitude and violence imposed upon Muslims by the Western non-Muslim countries and their militaries. It is mandated within the Koran and Sharia that Muslims have an obligation to their faith, to engage in jihad; jihad to defend themselves against the malign reaction of the West, jihad to bring the West into the Muslim fold.

Mr. Vidino, director of the program on extremism at George Washington University, author of The New Muslim Brotherhood in the West, spoke before the Senate of Canada's national security committee. Although he cites no direct links to terrorism from among the Brotherhood's supporters in the West, he speaks of the Brotherhood's success in persuading Western governments that they speak for Islam, rationally and with calm deliberation, posing no challenge to Western politics, society and culture.

While at the same time inspiring visions of obligatory and romantic jihad in the minds of the vulnerable Muslim youth who have been taught of the oppression of Muslim societies by Western Islamist rejectionists. Muslim groups existing in Europe and North America make an effort to conceal their ties with the Muslim Brotherhood. In Canada, Mr. Vidino pointed out, the Muslim Association of Canada and the National Council of Canadian Muslims (once called CAIR-CAN) are allied with the Brotherhood, while denying it.

The International Relief Fund for the Afflicted and Needy - Canada, (IRFAN) also allied with the Muslim Brotherhood, had its charitable status revoked when the government discovered the group forwarded millions to groups affiliated with the terrorist group Hamas, between 2005 and 2009. Executive director of the National Council of Canadian Muslims, Ihsaan Gardee, denies any such connection between his group and the Brotherhood.

"The NCCM is an independent, non-partisan and non-profit grassroots Canadian civil liberties and advocacy organization with a public track record spanning 15 years. The NCCM is not a religious group and does not and has never had any affiliations, links, ideological or of any other kind, with the Muslim Brotherhood or any other overseas group", insisted Mr. Gardee.

And although the Muslim Association of Canada failed to respond to Mr. Vidino's allegations, its website demonstrates that its roots begin with the teachings of Egyptian Hassan al-Banna, founder in 1928 of the Brotherhood for the purpose of reviving the Islamic traditions, teaching and practices reflective of Sharia law, back to the time of the Prophet Mohammad. Whose slaughter at Medina in the 7th Century of Jewish tribes refusing to surrender to Islam began the process of cleansing the world of non-Muslims.

"The things Muhammad did are being emulated by the Islamic State, al-Qaeda, al-Shabaab. They’re following his example. So if we agree that Islam needs a reformation, then we have no choice except to talk about [the Prophet’s] moral behaviour. And what he did in Medina was simply inexcusable. He waged war. He personally beheaded people. He had endless numbers of concubines. He took war booty — including human beings, which he divided up. How can we not talk about that?"
Ayaan Hirsi Ali

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