Jews, Go Home!
"This wave of terror attacks can be expected to continue."
"We say to the Jews, to our brothers and sisters, Israel is your home and that of every Jew."
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
Not that anti-Semitism wasn't always a problem in Europe, since it always has been. But since the Holocaust and the guilt that many in Europe felt over the organized eradication of Europe's Jews, otherwise known as planned-and-executed genocide, overt anti-Semitism was in bad odour for many years. Not eradicated, but recognized as unseemly in civilized circles. And that lasted until waves of immigrants from Muslim countries, escaping oppression and violence in their own countries sought respite from the violation of their human rights to find new homes in a welcoming Europe embracing them with compassion.
Protesters take part in a 'Stop the
War' demonstration march from the Israeli Embassy to the Houses of
Parliament on July 26, 2014 in London, Photo: GETTY
The viral heritage of Islamic loathing of Jews, taught to Muslims through the sacred text of the Koran came with them. And the Jews who had lived throughout Europe for over a thousand years once again began experiencing another rise of anti-Semitic acts complete with propaganda using the existence of the State of Israel and its assumptive oppression of Palestinians whom Muslims felt had been deprived of land rightfully theirs by conquest as the bulwark of their hatred toward Jews. Latent anti-Semitism among the indigenous Europeans was given a new lease on life and roared back into jubilant release.
From attacks in Paris to Copenhagen most latterly the jihad of Islamists targeting Jews eloquently and painfully informs Jews that with the influx of Muslims whose numbers far outstrip their own, their time of renewed security in Europe has passed its best-before date. France's Jewish Community Security Service reported that 2014 saw a doubling of anti-Semitic incidents. A synagogue in Germany was fire-bombed; two Dutch women hoisting Israeli flags on their balconies were attacked.
protest while holding signs that read in Spanish 'We are all Nisman, No
to Fear,' referring to the death of special prosecutor Alberto Nisman,
outside Congress in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Monday, Jan. 19, 2015.
(photo credit: AP Photo/Rodrigo Abd)
Pro Palestinian protester burns an Israeli flag during demonstration banned protest in support of Gaza in central Paris. Photo: REUTERS
Adolf Hitler saw a judenfrei Europe. He almost succeeded in his plan for the Final Solution. There are six million fewer Jews in the world as a result of his diabolical dedication for Jewish annihilation; many more if one notes that there would have been children born of those who perished had they lived. A new extermination is now taking place in Europe. Where Jews whose ancestors helped make present-day Europe what it is, are no longer content to live under siege. And to suggest, as some European heads of state and others do, that Jews will always have a place in Europe is fatuous ignorance, if nothing meaningful can be accomplished to ensure their security.
To post armed guards, the military, municipal police at Jewish schools, centres, synagogues, is to live a miserable existence, if Jews must contemplate the threats that are levelled against them constantly, with occasional horrifying outbreaks of slaughter where determined jihadists will simply shoot past the guards, or at the guards then go on to slaughter them, they realize that their time in Europe has passed. Europe will take quite a lot longer to fully understand that they have themselves been occupied, infiltrated by a religious constituency taught to regard Islam as the only true religion, and their duty is to be missionaries to that religion.
Those who do not undertake the mission of persuading non-Muslims to convert have the choice of dedicating themselves to violent jihad and spreading terror among those who spurn the call of Islam. And what irony it is that Jews are being counselled to dissolve the diaspora, leave the countries to which they cleave as citizens and leave behind their passionate patriotism, and take their full and unalloyed allegiance to another country, one specifically dedicated to Jewish perseverance under existential threat in the crucible of the Islamic Middle East.
The mother of Miriam Monsonego, seven, at the funeral of her daughter and three other victims of Toulouse school shooting. Photograph: Menahem Kahana/AFP/Getty Images
The Middle East has reached its tentacles out to Europe and North and South America, infiltrating their cultures and their societies with that of their very own, whose numbers swell with each passing year, and whose faithful to Islam declare themselves now disaffected with the freedoms and liberties they sought and praised, turning now instead to declaring their entitlement to fully transporting Islam and Sharia law to their new homes, transformed from the European heritage to a facsimile of the Islamic heritage.
Labels: Anti-Semitism, Europe, Hatred, Islamism, Israel, Security
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