Sony Kaput: Cyber Terrorist North Korea, Take a Bow
"Stop immediately showing the movie of terrorism."
"The world will be full of fear. We will clearly show ... how bitter fate those who seek fun in terror should be doomed to."
"The world will be full of fear. Remember the 11th of September 2011."
"Whatever comes in the coming days is called by the greed of Sony Pictures Entertainment. All the world will denounce the SONY."
The Guardians of Peace, North Korea
Veronique Dupont / AFP/Getty Images
December 18, 2014
) Workers remove a billboard ad for "The Interview"
in Hollywood on Thursday, a day after Sony announced it was canceling
the movie's Christmas release due to a threat from a group of hackers
that U.S. investigators have linked to North Korea.
Whoever might have linked 'guardians of peace' with North Korea? But there you have it. The psychopaths in North Korea are horribly misunderstood. By launching high-powered rockets, and testing nuclear weapons they are doing their utmost to sue for peace world wide. Peace can be had, a precious resource that we understand death achieves. And North Korea offers to deliver peace to those who yearn for death; they offer the means and the mode.
If that appears a contorted passage of thought, do not be overly concerned. Human brains and the cerebral power they bring to understand the subtlety of 'sophisticated' messaging, do have their limitations, when one is not of the elite cabale of North Korean leaders, led by the redoubtable
Kim Jong-un whose brilliance as a film critic cannot be overly stressed.
Here's betting that the West thought that Islamists -- and the hordes of ignorant, ravening Muslims whom they incite to violence at the very thought of anything involved in Islam being degraded by some cartoonist's funny-pen chronicling of the absurdity of a religion celebrating itself as that of peace, slaughtering even its own adherents in its never-ending campaign of conquest -- had lunatic bullying techniques all wrapped up.
Seems they're alert and carefully watching North Korea to learn the techniques used by the 'sophisticated' among the world's psychopathic states. And here we thought the suspected Israeli-U.S. coalition was so brilliantly innovative tying up Iran's spinning centrifuges with StuxNet. Amateurs, clearly, in contrast to North Korea's 'sophisticated' experts in extortionate exploitation of burrowing worms set to explode and disintegrate vital corporate data.
Revolution Muslim in 2010 made a stab at malicious threats at Comedy Central, convincing them to proceed carefully on their Muhammad episode, taking care not to reference Muhammad unduly. Fine for beginners. That was a single episode, Muhammad-washed; this is an entire network down for two days before the coup de grace was even delivered.
"The IT department has absolutely no idea what him them", said a Sony insider, (ask the Japanese security experts) after the hackers had already been twiddling about the innards of the network for weeks. "Every PC in the company is useless and all of the content files have either been stolen or destroyed or locked away." Gone, by golly: 100 terabyte of sensitive data.
"Wiper malware" destroyed the company's internal systems, its infrastructure melted away.
"It's just business as usual, if the year was 2002. [There are] lots of PAs having to run jump-drives back and forth all over the place, and hand delivering hard copies of files and scripts", a Sony TV staffer stated. It's not fear, but anger that this part of the world exhibits; that a craven surrender to an absurdly costly attack has stumped all those brilliant minds, incapable of dealing with issues that have been long known, but more or less set aside for some future time.
Hello, future time.
Labels: Controversy, Cyber Espionage, Entertainment, North Korea, United States
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