Intrepid Putin, Valiant Russians!
"If for many European countries, sovereignty and national pride are forgotten concepts and a luxury, then for the Russian Federation a true sovereignty is an absolutely necessary condition of its existence."
"I want to stress: either we will be sovereign, or we will dissolve in the world. And, of course, other nations must understand this as well."
"[Foreign enemies of Russia supported separatists] up to their elbows in blood [in the 1900s and early 2000s]. They would have been delighted to let us go the way of Yugoslavia and the dismemberment of the Russian peoples, with all the tragic consequences. But it did not happen. We did not allow it to happen."
"It also didn't work out for Hitler, who with his man-hating ideas wanted to destroy Russia and throw us beyond the Urals. It would be good to remind everyone of how that ended."
"Russia has proved in deed that it is capable of defending its compatriots, of honourably defending truth and fairness."
"[Crimea has] invaluable civilizational and even sacred importance for Russia, like the Temple Mount in Jerusalem for the followers of Islam and Judaism."
"Nobody will be able to achieve military superiority over Russia. Our army is modern and battle-worthy. As they saw now, it is polite but menacing. We have quite enough power, will and courage to defend our freedom."
"We should wipe the critical dependence on foreign technologies and industrial production. The main thing we need to understand is that our development depends on ourselves first and foremost."
Russian President Vladimir Putin
S-400 Triumf surface to air missile. Source: Olga Sokolova |
The United States has transformed itself into an evil empire, plotting to suborn Russian influence in its near neighbourhood. Ukraine has been manipulated by the West, America in particular; with Kyiv, a fascist regime responding to a fascist invitation to be one of 'them'. The purpose clear enough, Washington had designs to make Moscow subordinate to its imperialist power aspirations. Russia resisted, and will always resist.
Russian President Vladimir Putin strides in a Kremlin hall on his way to give his annual state of the nation address Dec. 4.
As long as Vladimir Putin is at the helm, and that will be for the foreseeable future. It is loyal and patriotic Russians themselves who will decide what their future is to be, not some scheming outside militaristic source. And Russians are to be praised for their perseverance, for "going through an ordeal that only a united nation, a truly strong and sovereign state, could shoulder."
As for the sinking ruble, well, Russia will cope, it always has, and so will its people. Best not to dwell on things past, the palatial new presidential palace, the $50-billion pricetag for lifting Russia's pride into place, showing the international community the aspirational challenges that Russians are motivated to mount. And in reclaiming the Crimean Peninsula, prepared to suffer the financial consequences, to maintain Russian pride and honour.
Some things are simply beyond one's control. Such is the state of world affairs, and of the market in natural resources of which Russia has blessedly ample. Middle East Real Politik is responsible for the plight Russian economic futures find themselves in, with the collapse of oil prices reflecting the decision of the Arab-led oil cartel OPEC to lower prices to inflict harm on Aryan Iran. Russia's plight is collateral damage.
One that the courage and bravery and steadfast perseverance of the Russian people will surmount...!
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