Rejecting Canada
"Can't wait for the day IS beheads the first American soldier. Soccer anyone?"Those the words expressing the delightfully newfound ideology of one of Canada's own. An exemplary of the new jihadist generation, confident in the use of the Internet to ensure the message of the Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham reach their intended audience. A bit of ironic gloating helps immeasurably to attract the amused attention of the disaffected like himself.
"I guess it's time to play soccer boys :) [post Foley beheading]."
"You'll never kill the desire, nor the love the believers have for jihad and fighting to raise the word of Allah the highest. And that is why you will fail time and time again."Adept at posting messages for ISIS/ISIL/Islamic State he may be, but hugely deficient he proves himself to be in the use of what, as a Canadian, is his first language. His English expression poor enough to make any academic institution within the country sigh with discouragement at having to try to correct the language usage of a clear ignoramus.
"I traded the snow for the desert sand."
"You'reeducation system is a failure. $50,000 for a four-year course? And then you'll be stuck paying it off and that's if you find a job. Health care? Lol. Nuff said. And Rob Ford? The dude is still alive? I though he wouldhasoverdosed on cocaine."
"I wonder how my homie @StewartBellNP [journalist for National Post] feels after watching the latest IS video?"
Seeing these so calledMuslims'send condolences to James Foley's family is disgusting. No dignity whatsoever."
Abu Turaab Al Kanadi -- 23-year-old Mohammed Ali formerly of Mississauga, Ontario
Abu Turaab/Twitter |
"Absolutely, we're [government and its agencies] all horrified. And you know, when you have a thousand fighters from Europe, potentially a few hundred from North America, obviously we're all horrified by that and we want to do more to tackle it."
Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird, Ottawa
"This belief and rhetoric is quite prevalent amongst most of the Canadian youth who have left to fight in Iraq and Syria -- the idea that living in Canada forces Muslims to sacrifice a part of themselves."
"The vast majority of Muslims don't agree with this of course, but it is a key characteristic of the foreign fighter mindset."
Amaranth Amarasingam, post-doctoral fellow, Dalhousie University Resilience Research Centre
Mr. Amarasingam states he has been following Abu Turaab through his Twitter account, noting his emphasis denouncing "hypocrites", pointing out that his experience informs him that to jihadists hypocrites represent Muslims they identify as having 'sold out' compromising their faith to fit Western society. His tip-of-the-hat-to-political-correctness-statement respecting the mindset of the vast majority of Muslims doesn't appear substantiated by the surprising results of polls.
Abu Turaab (indicating in the Arabic/Muslim tradition that he is father to a son named Turaab) uses his Twitter account to celebrate ISIS atrocities; to the West beheadings are considered horribly gruesome murder, to the traditional Middle Eastern mind they represent a tradition within Islam, the manner in which apostates, heretics and kuffars are disciplined by capital punishment, reflecting a Koranic injunction.
He uses Twitter to entice others like himself to do as he did, travel to Syria and there commit themselves to jihad, a wonderful release from the confining strictures of a Western democracy with its dread of death, rather than celebrating it through martyrdom as jihadis do. The final liberation, and Abu Turaab has achieved it, just short of arriving in Paradise. But that too, may be in his near future and then his jubilation will be complete.
In the meantime, he considers himself a celebrity. Not quite of the calibre of his admired past master terrorist Anwar Al-Awlaki, himself a former North American who saw the shining light of Islamist jihad and raised its banner high, now celebrated for his prophecy and capability as an Internet seducer of recruits to the cause.
AbuTuraab/Mohammed Ali left Canada in April ostensibly to tour Turkey for two weeks, but got delayed in Syria. He represents the first ISIS member to hail from the Toronto area to be identified so far. According to Public Safety minister Steven Blaney: "We are responsible when the Canadian is committing terrorism act[s] abroad. We have to prevent this from happening."
Accordingly, police and judges have the authority to strip passports from anyone planning to leave Canada for the purposes of linking up with terrorist groups; spoilsports that they are.
After leaving Canada the happy new recruit posted his first video on YouTube from the ISIS stronghold in northern Syria, Raqqa. In July he posted videos of Iraqi military vehicles and following that, footage taken from a truck crossing the desert. He justifies ISIS' behaviour with Iraqi Christians ordered to convert. Better, he claimed than "paying taxes to Harper".
His ultimate goal: to impose Islamism on Iraqis and Syrians, and after that "over everybody Inshallah [God Willing]."
Labels: Canada, Immigration, Islam, Jihad
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