Free Pass, Go Directly to the Mayor's Office
"I was born with this disease, I'm going to die with this disease. I know I didn't drink yesterday. I didn't take a drink today. I am taking it one day at a time."
"Regardless of my alcoholism and my substance-abuse problem, this is handled through my lawyer, Dennis Morris. I think anybody in my position would get legal advice and that's exactly what I've done. Obviously, it's before the courts."
"I can't imagine using (that) terminology [Ford's repeated use of racist, homophobic and sexist slurs]. When you have this disease, you do things, say things that just aren't you. I take full responsibility. All I can do is apologize and deal with this disease."
Toronto Mayor Rob Ford, CBC interview
The CBC's Dwight Drummond spoke to Mayor Rob
Ford on Wednesday, asking the city's chief magistrate questions about
the drug and alcohol use that led him to rehab. (Dave Seglins/CBC)
Take full responsibility? If that were the case, he would remove himself voluntarily from public office. Apologize and deal with his "disease"? It's Torontonians who find themselves dealing with this man's spurious disease. Disease? He's a self-indulgent, self-entitled blow-hard who discovered early in life that bellowing threats, exuding nastiness and forging full-steam ahead into criminal connections and behaviour leaves the impression among the gullible that this represents the power of persuasion and intelligent action.
His disease is that of the pathology of self-idolization. And he need explain nothing, since everything is "before the courts". Aided most significantly by his older brother who insists that a runner who just happened to come across then confront the mayor at a Canada Day parade used "racial slurs", in accosting his brother and accusing him of being a lying racist. Joe Killoran, a teacher by profession who happened to be out running on July 1st, when he came across the intellectual behemoth that is Toronto's mayor, couldn't resist expressing his disgust with the man.
And Rob Ford's brother characterizes Mr. Killoran as a "left-wing lunatic", using "racist" slurs against his innocent brother. "You can be racist against people who have a drinking problem", explained Councillor Ford. "You can be racist against people that eat little red apples". This is so, it is a reality because Councillor Ford proclaims it to be so. And why not? After all, the medical community solemnly designates alcoholism and drug addiction as "diseases", arming Ford Nation amply in its compassion for their hero who must fight his "disease" on behalf of Torontonians.
The position of mayor, however, insists Rob Ford, does not trigger his substance abuse. Although self-indulgence does and monumental arrogance in passing it off as a lifetime disease he must bravely struggle with, he will soldier on, and will do so as continuing mayor of the hapless City of Toronto. "This is what I love to do, I had this disease before this office", he declared. Intoxication is wholly responsible for his shameful behaviour. But it's the alcohol that is at fault, not His Honour.
It has become human-rights-fashionable to give a free pass to "celebrities" acting out in poor public displays of dissolute or immoral acts that would shame anyone with a half-wit's worth of brains. Shame? That's for people who take their adult responsibilities seriously and who recognize they act with free will when they make decisions that will come back to haunt them. None of Rob Ford's decisions and acts of shameful behaviour haunt him; they're part and parcel of his celebrity. And his celebrity reflects his personality and character.
All of which presents as a sad commentary on the Toronto electorate.
Labels: Alcohol, Belligerence, Bigotry, Celebrity, Chaos, Controversy, Drugs, Toronto
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