Starvation, Joy And Munitions In Iran
There were long, desperate line-ups of malnourished and desperate Iranians, hoping to be able to take advantage of Tehran's food-support program for the poverty-stricken elements of the population. Even there, graft and corruption surfaced, when it was made clear to the recipients by the meagre rations they were supplied with, that it was somewhat of an empty gesture. Little given them to extend their food cupboard beyond a day.
line up to receive food supplies in southern Tehran. Three people
reportedly died while waiting in line in freezing temperatures, and
hard-liners have alleged that the sight of citizens lining up for
handouts is damaging to Iran's image abroad.
And the quantity and quality of the food was well below par, substituted for the higher quality whole foods meant to have been given to the poor. This is a country that has suffered under overwhelming sanctions, resulting from its internationally illegal search for nuclear technology advancement that would lead them to the creation of nuclear explosive devices. During the period of sanctions the government made no move to divert funding from weapons research toward aid for those in need.
And now that an agreement has been signed by a tension-weary West through negotiations concluded for a six-month test period where the Security Council plus Germany with the European Union appearing to be leading the situation to persuade Tehran to sign onto temporary and extremely slight suspensions of uranium enrichment, funding is once again flowing into Iran. Its own treasury is being released from its frozen state abroad, and European investors are eagerly lining up.
Let the good times roll. And they are, evidently. For Iran has just test-fired, successfully, two missiles. One a long-range ballistic weapon. Iran excels at such projects. It produces its own tanks, jet fighters, submarines and warships. Along with weapons to match those systems. Quite an interesting investment for a country staggering under the weight of a sanctions agenda that beggared its resources.
Somewhat reminiscent of the country with which it is closely aligned which also, though it is financially bankrupt, is able to release more than sufficient funding to upgrade its missile technology, and to fine-tune its nuclear weapons agenda, giving inspiration from North Korea to its great good friend, the Islamic Republic of Iran. And, infamously, in North Korea, famine, incarceration, and instant death sentences are also the order of the day.
A woman with an Iranian flag in Tehran on Tuesday during a celebration of the 35th anniversary of the nation’s revolution. Morteza Nikoubazl for The New York Times |
And the Islamic Republic of Iran has much to rejoice over. It is celebrating the 35th anniversary of the great Islamic Revolution that brought the Ayatollahs to power. Crowds have come out in their thousands to shout in unison the usual fond greeting extended to those countries whom the regime holds in contempt: "Death to America!" and "Death to" ... well, the "Zionist entity", for the word Israel comes hard on the tongues of regime supporters.
Labels: Armaments, Capitulation, G5+1, Iran, Nuclear Technology, Poverty, Sanctions
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