Grislier Than Us!
[Al-Qaida] -- "the most dangerous terrorist organization in the world" [is fighting in Syria, with the rebel forces. "The scenes of murder, manslaughter and eating human hearts were shown on TV screens, but did not touch blind consciences.Fighting a viciously terminal war against the dreaded jihadists aligned with al-Qaeda is no picnic in the park for any righteously-defending nation, much less Syria. But there it is; Syria has been afflicted with the presence of bloodthirsty, cannibalistic slaughterers whose predations upon the Syrian people strike terror into the hearts of millions. Causing them to uproot themselves lest they be placed in boiling cauldrons of liquid chemicals.
"There are innocent civilians whose heads are put on the grill just because they violate the extremist ideology and deviant views of al-Qaeda. In Syria ... there are murderers who dismember human bodies into pieces while still alive and send their limbs to their families, just because those citizens are defending a unified and secular Syria."
Syrian Deputy Prime Minister Walid al-Moualem
Oops, wrong story there; it is the Alawite regime of Shia President Bashar al Assad with the chemicals; right. The chemical attack on the outskirts of Damascus that killed over a thousand sleeping men, women and too many children was one delivered courtesy of Mr. Assad's brother under orders from the presidency. Because, well, they defied the regime, right?
But it could have been the rebels who bombed their own rebel-held area with chemicals, because they, according to the regime, control about seven of the chemical arsenals that the UN-dispatched inspectors are on the move toward identifying, cataloguing and destroying. That information, like much else bruited about by the regime, will most certainly come as a surprise to the rebels.
Who, doubtless, had no idea that they controlled those depots and now will have to begin looking for them to really take possession of them. Despite that they have given their solemn pledge to aid and assist the UN chemical inspectors because, they claim, it is in their best interests to do so, to prove that those attacks emanated from the government. Things are so confused and confusing in Syria.
Of course even though U.S. President Barack Obama agreed without reservation that the chemical attacks were the coordinated work of the regime, causing him to issue grave, and imminent threats of military action, he was nonetheless prevailed upon to take
Good point, Putin, it does not; Vladimir has taken the temperature of the American will and found it tepid, thanks in no small part to his chastising personal memorandum of understanding published in the New York Times by his truly. So, no U.S.-sponsored attack, but a move now to take those WMDs off Bashar's hands, because he's fed up with all the unsavoury and unfair accusations levelled against him when he's all for fair play and justice.
Just ask Hezbollah, Iran, the Iranian Revolutionary Guards, al Quds, Iraq. They will be pleased to confirm. And yes, Syria's armed opposition love eating human hearts. And grilling the heads of Syrian military provides an even more delicious snack. Decent folk like those representing the Syrian regime just have no patience for that kind of odious brutality.
They're pleased to stand before world leaders at the United Nations General Assembly and earnestly tell them so lest they doubt the good name and honest word of the Syrian president.
Labels: Al-Qaeda, Chemical Weapons, Conflict, Syria, United Nations
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