Mission of Peace and Brotherhood
Once they produced great poetry. Even their heroic warriors known and feared for their battlefield prowess, wrote poetry of surpassing grace and beauty. Poetry in the souls of mass murderers. But murder for a distinct cause. That cause being the need to impress upon and invite, intimidate, encourage, threaten others be they recalcitrant Arab Bedouin, or Europeans steeped in Christianity, to abandon false faiths for the greater clarity and legitimacy of the One True Faith: Islam.Their art and architecture, their music and their philosophy, their healing arts and their mathematical skills, astronomy and society were foundational to the progress within the greater world. Under the blossoming of medieval-era Islam, scholarly works of huge acclaim and the arts flourished and the world became a more gentle, biddable place. The scimitar temporarily replaced by the pen. The legacy of beautiful words and artistic genius lingers yet in fond memory.
This is the heritage; no interest in any culture outside their own for other cultures have the potential to corrupt the beauty of that which originated and still evolves from Islam. Where surrender is complete and acceptable only when it is all-consuming of every moment of every day of every year of the life of a faithful Muslim. Whose societal mores are circumscribed and needful of practise, whose laws surmount those of any sectarian or other-religious jurisprudence.
There are no half-measures in Islam, there is only and forever complete immersion of body and soul. The spirit that does not kneel five times daily in obedience and loving admiration of Islam with respect to the Prophet Mohammad fails Islam. Leaving, it would seem, little energy or interest of ability in creative thought or activity. Prisoners of the mind, satisfied to live a rehearsed life for the greater privilege of entering death-everlasting with the divine spirit.
Well, then, when legitimate enquiries arise with respect to the failure of Arab and Muslim countries to distinguish themselves as governments prepared to administer to the greater benefit of all their citizens, a rational response should be anticipated. When the rash point out reasonably enough to the devout Muslim that their religion has straitened the imaginative, creatively innovative lives of followers, the response is always the golden past.
Having accomplished much then, there is no longer any need to continue aspiring to anything. No scientific advances, no philosophical or artistic creativity. What need is there? One can simply select from among the inventions and technological advances benefiting civilization what of value can be used to further the Islamic agenda. And the list is long: chemical weapons, biological agents, nuclear technology, Internet communications, and the weapon of 'public relations'.
The old warrior pathology has returned with a vengeance in service to Islam. Jihad and its stern adoption in proof of faith has seen a renaissance, and the world now has turned its blase face of disinterest to one of fascinated and fearful terror. Never knowing when next an Islamist terror-inspired group will next strike. Striking wherever it will. Tribal antipathies of a base nature so deeply engrained that modern civility has passed lightly by.
Sectarian hatred so rooted in the culture of conflict and the commission of atrocities that human imagination is defied to invent bold new adventures in torture and torment. Above all, a patiently determined invasive action of mass migration to steadily infuse that alien culture of divisiveness and vengeance into other cultures more adapted to human freedom, liberty, conscience and tolerance.
So it is indeed a pity that the glory that once existed has turned gold to dross.
Labels: Conflict, Human Relations, Islamism, Religion, Social-Cultural Deviations
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