
This is a blog dedicated to a personal interpretation of political news of the day. I attempt to be as knowledgeable as possible before commenting and committing my thoughts to a day's communication.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Unfortunate Alliances

Oops, oops and more oops. And a few dammits thrown in for good measure.

There is Senator Mac Harb, that good man, with suspicion looming large against his pledge to honour the heritage and reputation, the duties accorded to the office of the Senate of Canada, being castigated through press accounts of illicitly charging for housing allowances that he is not qualified to make, since his primary home is located directly in Ottawa, despite his claims otherwise.

On top of that per diems, and mileage expensed to the Senate that have the distinct odour of malfeasance. He has been ordered to repay the Senate a truly hefty amount representing expenses he charged that were in fact, (allegedly) fraudulent. Although not yet proven in a court of law. Which may yet well eventuate once the RCMP has completed its investigation.

A reputation that was once the envy of many a politician has now been tarnished beyond recognition. And it's becoming more stained as new revelations are being published by journalists accustomed to pursuing unlit corridors of information to shed new light on the whys and wherefores. An Ottawa lawyer, business owner and philanthropist has now been brought into the story as one whose largesse is notable.

In this unfortunate tale Brian Karam, the Ottawa businessman, lawyer, philanthropist presents as a truly mixed bag of one concerned for the public weal, who is also involved at a municipal political level that has a tad of a seamy side to it. On the balance sheet, he would weigh more heavily for the good than the tawdry, but his relationship with Senator Harb does him no great favours.

Mr. Karam is known for his generosity in loaning out funding at low payback interest rates to members of his Lebanese community in need of such support. Senator Harb, who has launched a legal suit against the Senate to have the money returned to him that he has already laid out in repayment of expenses he should not have gathered in the first place, approached Mr. Karam for a bridging loan.

The investigative prowess of a local journalist also turned up the rather disturbing fact that Mr. Karam's generosity in funding election campaigns for a whole slew of municipal councillors in amounts that can certainly be judged to extend beyond what is permitted for an individual, by the injudicious use of his various holdings, represents yet another instance for raised eyebrows of enquiry.

And then, a dabbling in quid pro quo, when it has been suggested that Senator Harb nominated Brian Karam, as a friend, business colleague, and outstanding member of the local community (all appealingly true to the man's credit) for receipt of a Diamond Jubilee medal awarded by Rideau Hall. "I do not know the individuals who nominated me to the selection committee. Mac Harb was on the podium at the presentation which involved 15 to 20 recipients", explained Mr. Karam.

"I became aware of the recognition only after it had progressed to a stage where it was not possible to decline", wrote the modest Mr. Karam. "Wow, that's the lamest angle I've ever heard. Mr. Karam is one of Ottawa's leading philanthropists and community builders and was fully deserving of the honour", stated Senator Harb's lawyer, with perfect logic.

There would be no enquiry, no fuss, no questions regarding this and other issues were it not for the company that Mr. Karam keeps. The Senate has informed Senator Harb he must repay $231,649 in expenses claimed that go back to 2005. It was the launching of his legal challenge that led him to borrow funding from Mr. Karam.

As for Mr. Karam; most certainly he deserved the Diamond Jubilee medal he received. It was meant to recognize his philanthropy and support for The Ottawa Hospital, the Ottawa Heart Institute, the University of Ottawa Institute, the University of Ottawa. All sterling works of public devotion.

Oh, and his involvement in the Elvis Sighting Society; everyone's only human, after all.

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