Hezbollah Operatives
"The investigative authorities suspect that the aforementioned individuals have registered themselves at hotels and accommodations, using fake identities under the name of Brian Jeremiah Jameson, Jacque Felipe Martin and Ralph William Rico.
"They are also believed to have rented cars using the mentioned fake identities.
"All citizens having information about the individuals are appealed to contact the nearest structure of the Ministry of Interior. Their anonymity is guaranteed."
The Bulgarian Ministry of Interior
Bulgarian authorities are hoping that someone will turn in to investigators some leads that will take them to the point where they may be able to find the actual whereabouts of a few men wanted for terrorist activities in the country. Israeli tourists discovered to their dismay that the conflict and uncertainties that plague them in Israel can and will follow them elsewhere in the world. Iran has but to flick its beckoning finger and Hezbollah obeys.
Canada has found itself involved beyond the level of finding fault with a country that fosters terrorist activity internationally while systematically diminishing the human needs of its own population. Iran, with whom the Government of Canada has had any number of run-ins at the United Nations, has impacted further on Canada through its relationship with its proxy militia Hezbollah, since Canada has accepted many immigrants from Lebanon.
The Lebanese-born Hassan El Hajj Hassan whom Bulgarian officials have identified as being integrally involved in the Bulgarian bombing, along with two other men, has Canadian citizenship. Although Canada has officially acknowledged his citizenship, it is also known that he moved back to Lebanon with his mother when he was twelve years of age. Which leaves one to puzzle over the fact that he has a son in Canada. Whom he visited shortly before the July 2012 bombing.
And while in Canada, visiting with his son and others it is felt with some degree of confidence that he collected money transfers from Hezbollah, roughly $100,000, the money earmarked for the details surrounding the bombing, and to fund as well missions to other countries. The West calls these well-planned and -executed atrocities terrorist activities, and to the Hezbollah-linked missionaries for jihad they are missions.
Bulgarian authorities are certain in their belief that Mr. Hassan and his companion terrorist, Australian-Lebanese Meliad Farah had the privilege of being schooled in operational and weapons training in Lebanon, with Hezbollah. Mr. Hassan, having left Canada in 2000, likely lived in Lebanon from then on, and it is suspected that this is precisely where he and Mr. Farah can now be found.
"We abhor the violence, the terrorist attack in Bulgaria that left several Israelis dead. Obviously the link to Hezbollah is well known. We are thrilled that the European Union unanimously has agreed to designate Hezbollah as a terrorist organization. We've been pushing for this", said Canada's Minister of Foreign Affairs, John Baird. Not so thrilling, unfortunately.
Consider this: though Canada outlawed Hezbollah as a terrorist group, this Canadian-Lebanese while visiting Canada was still able to receive Hezbollah funding. And the EU brilliantly makes a distinction between "political" and "military" Hezbollah, a concept that has the Hezbollah leadership rolling in the aisles laughing themselves sick over. Representing a situation which will not halt them from hauling in funding from well-wishers living in the EU.
DNA discovered on a forged driver's license, was likely blasted out of the bus during the explosion when the backpack carrying the bomb prematurely went off, killing the Hezbollah operative who was placing it on the bus and who hadn't planned on dying along with five Israelis and the bus driver. The DNA, however, appears to link the dead man with Mr. Hassan, though the family connection isn't yet known.
"Terrorism remains a real threat to Canada and to the world. The government of Canada will provide its full support to any investigation of a terrorist act that does or may include Canadian citizens. Our thoughts and prayers are with families and friends who tragically lost loved ones in the horrific terrorist attack in Bulgaria", stated Alexis Pavlich, press secretary for Citizenship and Immigration Minister Chris Alexander.
Nice to know that Canada is more than eager and willing to do all it can to further the Bulgarian investigation and to help clear up any details respecting a Lebanese-born, Hezbollah operative with Canadian citizenship. But if Bulgaria is even remotely optimistic that anyone in Lebanon would be willing to risk their own lives by revealing the presence of the men they're searching for, it is highly unlikely to happen.
Even if they're very polite about it.
The suspects received money transfers from Hezbollah. The explosives used were precisely those that are known to be used by Hezbollah. The phony U.S. driver's licences used by the two men in the planning stages of their atrocity were the work of a printer in Beirut who has been known to have printed other false I.D. for Hezbollah.
Elemental, my dear Watson.
Labels: Atrocities, Hezbollah, Israel
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