Ghoulishly Evil
There are those whose level of psychopathy is so well engrained thanks to the misfortune of genetic inheritance and an additional combination of exposure to and embrace of sadistic pleasures whose acts of violence against others represent inhumane atrocities of an unspeakable magnitude they defy categorization. The maimed in mind and spirit who find fulfillment and enjoyment in the pain and degradation they visit upon vulnerable victims in whom even the most forgiving philosophy could find no redemption.One of those depraved individuals was clearly enough identified in the persona of a hugely socially disaffected psychopath who murdered a Chinese exchange student attending university in Montreal, but not before torturing him while he was yet alive. Luka Magnotta did all that and more to Lin Jun in May 2012. And then sent dismembered pieces of Lin Jun's body through the mail service to various politicians. As a statement it was one of ultimate nihilistic viciousness.
And perhaps also a death wish. There were perhaps, in the man's disordered mind, no additional human parameters, no more barriers to lunacy than what he had himself taken such huge pleasure in. What more could continued life offer him? In a turmoil of conflicting emotions he fled Canada, surely understanding that an international hunt would discover his whereabouts and he would be returned for justice to have its day. For Lin Jun there would never be justice, nor for his grieving family.
And because Luka Magnotta so adored himself and enjoyed what he had done, he felt it incumbent upon himself to ensure that a wider audience could also take pleasure in his depravity. Evidently he knew full well that a wider audience existed. And he knew also just the very person he could rely upon to make the video he had lovingly filmed of his unspeakable atrocity available to be seen by as many disturbed minds as possible.
Mark Marek, owner of an Edmonton-based "real gore" website is now in police custody. What took so long? He was arrested and charged with corrupting morals, charged with posting a video online showing the murder of Lin Jun. The fiction that this man "corrupted morals" by showing the video on his website is obviously absurd. Those visiting the site know what it is they will discover there, and they have every intention of lavishing their attention on the site.
Mr. Marek not only turned himself in to police, but he was also unexpectedly cooperative, informing his interrogators whatever they wished to know, and far, far more than they wished to know. "I'd love to tell you everything he said. I think it would be, let's just say, shocking. That is all going to come out when it does come to trial", explained Staff Sgt. Bill Clark in Edmonton.
Marek, said Sgt. Clark, may also soon face additional charges for website content, linking him to hate crimes. Hours before his arrest, Marek posted a statement on his website: "I've dedicated my life to fight against Evil and Lies, and I know that God and Truth are on my side. I do not fear the servants of Satan", making additional reference to the ZOG, an anti-Semitic trope on a "Zionist Occupied Government" conspiracy theory.
As Sgt. Clark described the website which confronts the viewer with a photograph of a dead woman on a spit and revolving pornographic scenes: "I would describe the website ... as a racist website inciting hate and violence, above and beyond anything normal, anything that we've seen here", said the veteran homicide detective who has had previous experience on some of the city's most disturbed, high-profile crimes.
Labels: Canada, Crime, Psychopathy
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