
This is a blog dedicated to a personal interpretation of political news of the day. I attempt to be as knowledgeable as possible before commenting and committing my thoughts to a day's communication.

Friday, January 04, 2013

Oh, The Pain Of It!

"These are the kinds of numbers that guys who are kind of political rock stars get.  There's clearly something out there that smacks of destiny around this, an expectation in the Canadian public. It makes it almost an unfair fight with his competitors."
Darrel Bricker, Ipsos Reid 

They paid their $75,000 fee  to qualify as legitimate candidates for the leadership of the Liberal Party of Canada.  The purported front-runners as well as those who wouldn't appear to have an outside opportunity to contend, but were obviously willing to gamble on the unexpected, either because they believe so strongly in themselves, or are convinced that a miracle will happen to somehow bring them to victory.

Marc Garneau appears to have come second in popular choice at 19 percent, compared to 69 percent for Justin Trudeau according to the poll results, asking who Canadians feel will win the Liberal leadership contest, in a nationwide survey of attitudes and expectations.  Martha Hall Findlay came in at 6 percent, Vancouver MP Joyce Murray followed along with Deborah Coyne at 4 percent each to the question of who has the best chance of leading the Liberals to victory in the next election.

First place choice was given to Justin Trudeau with a whopping 62%.  Unbelievable.  Voting Canadians invested in celebrity worship is a concept that is difficult to get the mind around.  Too much depends upon the outcome of an election at the highest echelons of public office in the land.  It is almost impossible to perceive how 62% of the national public can believe that somehow as callow and shallow as Justin Trudeau could lead the country.

The other candidates have experience and native intelligence at their disposal; whereas Justin Trudeau has a recognizable name.  And a thespian quality that appeals to people whose values appear as shallow as his own. Does no one pay attention when he makes his fatuous and stupid statements?  His juvenile mannerisms, behaviour and antics?  Inherited from his father, but without his father's intellect to compensate somewhat for the incomprehensible.

As far as pollster Bricker is concerned, with his experience in the field, he cannot contemplate what might conceivably occur to displace Trudeau from his preeminent seat.  Another peccadillo?  It will hardly be noticed.  Marc Garneau brings maturity, intelligence, perseverance, experience to his candidacy and he is so far back in the opinion of the electorate the entire mounting of a leadership convention will become a crowning sham.

Shame on us.  If over half of Canadians believe that the Liberals will make a come-back as the leading Canadian political party and resume its former place as head of government, and they are prepared to see Justin Trudeau sit at its helm, any intelligent observer should feel overwhelmed with despair for the future of the country. 

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